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Staying "focused" when trying to become SMOOTH



Becoming SMOOTH from scratch

Chases recent article on "How to be smooth with women" is a brand new weapon you can use in your arsenal and get instant results. The day I read it before school was the day people labeled me as "chill" and "relaxed" on the bus ride over, something I had been called only once or twice before. People noticed this of course, how can someone who is usually in the midst of conversations and the center of attention become "chill" and "relaxed" in one day? Well it had a big side-effect for sure that I realized today, It also got me labeled "distant" and "innocent" on certain subjects as I merely kept my calm in heated subjects. Of course this was in groups and with friends, but as I tested it on possible women, it got me a more intriguing looks.

Things I noticed while trying to become smooth

There are Three things I noticed about myself once I tried implementing being smooth:

1) My voice got much softer/lower

2) I found myself talking less

What I'm trying to get at here is... as you try and become smooth, you will naturally change with it, some of this is good, some of it isn't. You have to learn what part of these changes is going to benefit you and what won't. Each of the above has its own ups and downs. The last one is more personal:

3) I was unable to continue playful banter how I had originally done it

This one goes for how I used to do things and how it doesn't go into the "smooth category"

These are my personal observations. Run down on the Ups and Downs of 1 and 2. Downs on the 3rd.

1. Voice gets softer/lower-
Good- It creates the right type of tension when I'm trying to get a girl
Bad- Its harder to hear and it may come off as weak if not watching closely

2.Talking less-
Good- Your listening more, comprehending more
Bad- Missing opportunities while focusing on being smooth

3. Banter-
Bad- No longer able to pull off a big smile and big gestures to imply I was joking. Talking less is another reason why exaggerated banter doesn't work with being smooth

*Note- This only goes for me and my experiences as a beginner, may not be for everyone*

These are some of the things I first saw while training to become smooth. Staying focused on being smooth and picking apart my interactions is what I'm doing currently. Any tips on how to help the transformation from average joe to smooth criminal? Any help on banter would be a tremendous help. Any ideas, criticisms, and opinions are appreciated. Going through the transformation as well? Share your experiences in the comment section or post an article.

With best intentions,

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Yo Luke,

The same stuff happened to me when I became smoother one of my girls thought I was high or sleepy and I asked is it a problem that I'm acting like this and she said no and was acting a lot more positve to me. What you need to do though is be the same you just tone it down. If you want to laugh, smile or laugh low and cool not all habahabaa just chill. Be chill but don't be some serious guy who never smiles and has no life to him. Just be who you are just more controlled and less animated. Tell me how that works.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Good notes here on getting accustomed to smooth.

A few thoughts:

Luke said:
These are my personal observations. Run down on the Ups and Downs of 1 and 2. Downs on the 3rd.

1. Voice gets softer/lower-
Good- It creates the right type of tension when I'm trying to get a girl
Bad- Its harder to hear and it may come off as weak if not watching closely

You can focus on projection and articulation to get your voice clearer - clarity actually helps a good deal with people hearing you. If you take one guy speaking loudly but unclear, and another guy speaking far more quietly but far clearer, people will generally find the second fellow easier to hear than the first.

On missing opportunities while focusing - don't worry too much about that one, that's natural any time you're focusing on adding any new piece to your game. Once it becomes more natural, you'll get it on autopilot and you'll be back to your old ability to capitalize on opportunities - plus, with revamped appeal, you'll now have more and better new opportunities.

Luke said:
3. Banter-
Bad- No longer able to pull off a big smile and big gestures to imply I was joking. Talking less is another reason why exaggerated banter doesn't work with being smooth

Your banter needs to change when you go into smooth... it has to be smoother banter, as well; that is to say, more subtle, more reliant upon pauses and nonverbals and voice tone. More wit and sexual innuendo and chase frames.

When you go this route, your banter actually becomes stronger and more sexualized - although it's another learning curve to go through, again.

For examples on that, check out the stuff on sexual frames and chase framing.

