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Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Sup Fellas!

Pow, pow, bam! Back again (high kick!)

Time for an update on the cold approach I did this week on a cute brazilian chick.

So the setting is a bustling shopping district late at night. I had already done three, maybe four approaches. I felt good.

As I waltzed down the street, I scanned for approachable babes while meditating. A short brunette with long flowing hair and twinkling eyes walked by. I continued heading in the opposite direction as my approach weasel activated. “Don’t do it! Don’t do it!”

After a moment of hesitation, I snuffed the thought and ran after her.

The Opener

Me: Hey!

Her: *Turns towards me with wide eyes. I notice that she’s walking a tiny dog. It stares up at me*

Me: Eh, Iwasjustwalking *I pointed in the opposite direction* yeahjustthatwayandIjustsawyouandIwellIwasjustwalkingthere *insert glossolalia*

Breakdown of the Opener

I used no spaces there just to indicate my furious attempt to produce words. I’m still...working on that first three seconds. Straight fight or flight mode, gentlemen. During this momentary, incoherent babble she stares up at me, a blank expression on her face. I throw my hands up as if to say stop (for me, not her), pause my speech, slap on a wry smile and then say:

Me: Wait, you’re not fourteen are you? Just checking.

*Why, hello brain. Long time no see.*

Her: *Strokes her hair and looks away* No, no

Me: Good, cause I stopped you to say that I thought you look cute. *insert puzzled look* Do you not age? What’s your secret?

Her: *Turns her head in the other direction, shakes it as if to say no* There is no secret

Me: That’s too bad. I was hoping there’d be some sort of fountain of youth that you had access too. I want to be young forever *Hands on hips here*

Her: hahaha

Me: ...

Her: How old are you?

Me: You have a very foreign look (*thank you, Tom Torero*). You must be from...Brazil

Her: Yes, I’m from Brazil!

Me: Hm, yeah…*I nod* I've been thinking about going there actually. Is it nice - did you like it there?

Her: Yeah, yeah definitely. *she strokes out her hair. it’s way longer than I first realized*

Me: Oh, then why are you here? *insert shit-eating grin* Can’t have been that good if you escaped, huh *insert extra-shit-eating-grin* Why did you run away! *the delivery on this was key. sounds terrible written, doesn't it?*

Her: hahahaha, noo my parents are here so..

Me: Oh, okay, interesting... You don’t have much of an accent though. I’m surprised

Her: Yeah, no I’ve known english for a long time

Me: Hmm. Don’t you ever miss Brazil though?

Her: Yes, sometimes I do.

Me: Have you been back lately?

Her: No, not in a long time..a few years

Me: Tell you what, we’re going to have to come up with a way to smuggle you back into the country

Her: hahaha okay that sounds great

The Interruption

Her: *Suddenly her phone rings* Hang on, it’s my mom.

Me: *I look down at the dog. It begins sniffing my leg. I reach down to pet it and it rubs its head into my palm while wagging its tail. I pet the dog for a moment, then withdraw before it gets bored. I stare off sexily into the distance as it nuzzles my leg for more. She talks to her mom in portuguese for what feels like about a minute, then hangs up.*

Her: *She hangs up and looks at me*

Me: Wow, you broke out that portuguese like it was nothing

Her: Yeah, I still know it (*or something to that effect*)

Contact info swap

Me: Hey so what are you up to right now, by the way?

Her: I’m just walking the dog

Me: Oh okay and you’re going that way? *I point away with both hands*

Her: Mhm

Me: That’s a shame...I’m going this way *I point away with both hands*…. It’ll never work out between us

Her: hahaha

Me: Tell you what, would you like to have lunch some time?

Her: Sure! *She nods*

Me: Okay

We exchange information and I give her a parting hug. It’s not full on. She decreases the distance with the shoulder while smiling. I shoot her the ice-breaker text 20 minutes later and get an immediate response. I'm shocked. Here’s the entire text exchange so far:






In the midday Nov.18 text I wasn't asking for an immediate date. My mistake for trying to keep it as concise as possible. Also, when she says "I guess I'll let you know or something"....what??? I could think of no logical response to that which wouldn't involve some element of chasing and or supplication ("tell me nowww." or "okay. let me be a little dough boy and hold my schedule hostage for you"). So I improvised.

At this point, I thought it best to give a day of silence and then ask a final time for a Sunday get-together. Otherwise it’s time to move on.

Thoughts/feedback for any of this?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
I bet she was hot bro haha brazilian women I heard are hot.

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Gentle_Phrases said:
Me: That’s too bad. I was hoping there’d be some sort of fountain of youth that you had access too. I want to be young forever *Hands on hips here*

Gentle_Phrases said:
Can’t have been that good if you escaped, huh *insert extra-shit-eating-grin* Why did you run away!

Gentle_Phrases said:
Me: Tell you what, we’re going to have to come up with a way to smuggle you back into the country

Gentle_Phrases said:
Me: That’s a shame...I’m going this way *I point away with both hands*…. It’ll never work out between us

Damn dude, you are WITTY, my friend. Where can I get access to your fountain of wit??

Gentle_Phrases said:
Me: Hey so what are you up to right now, by the way?

Her: I’m just walking the dog

Probably could have done an insta-date here, sounds like she had a block of time.

It's interesting to see that you gave her slotted times when you're available, rather than asking for her schedule and then picking a time from it/holding her accountable.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Also, when she says "I guess I'll let you know or something"....what??? I could think of no logical response to that which wouldn't involve some element of chasing and or supplication ("tell me nowww." or "okay. let me be a little dough boy and hold my schedule hostage for you"). So I improvised.

You did well to ignore her comment. Have you read the GC articles on Brazilian and Latin women?

Thanks for posting this, I definitely feel I learned something.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Damn dude, you are WITTY, my friend. Where can I get access to your fountain of wit??

Thanks Ozzo. Way back in the day I used to get called a flaming asshole/never serious/a clown for my sense of humor. After a while being too harsh, I learned to adopt more moderation (although occassionally I'm still guilty). Also, I like the look on a girl's face when I say something outlandish. So...practice!

It's interesting to see that you gave her slotted times when you're available, rather than asking for her schedule and then picking a time from it/holding her accountable.
