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- Feb 20, 2014
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- 31
This will be patchy at best due to the copious amounts of alcohol consumed over the weekend and lack of sleep since...
A mate of mine turned 26 this weekend and wanted to party in Newcastle for the weekend, so 7 of us packed up, rented a car and a house for 2 nights and set off from London.
We left far later than we had expected and by 10pm, hadn't even made it half way, so we decided to stop, party in Leeds along the way, then drive to Newcastle from there.
So we pull up in Leeds and Birthday boy spots a blonde, asks for directions and gets her number, pointless IMO, we're there for a few hours at most, but, got his vibe set so off we go to find a bar.
We roll into the town, find a bar and literally take over, everyone is a little stiff and rigid and there's a pretty poor atmosphere, but we roll up and buy a bottle of tequila and start taking over the dance floor..
Instantly we were all turning heads, getting ALL of the female attention and some unwanted male attention ( hoping to steal some of our vibe lol)
Almost right away this sexy brunette slaps my mates arse as he dances, he ignores her and I follow to open her for him. I rest my hand on the shoulder furthest away from me as I approach from the side, essentially putting my arm around her, as she looks up at me, I'm looking at the bar, I turn, make eye contact, smile slightly and say "so, you're going to grab his arse but not introduce yourself?!" "I'm shy!" "Bullshit, need I remind you, you just slapped his arse? come on, I'll introduce you" and start to turn and lead her over to him, at this point she says "don't bother, I've changed my mind now, I'm talking with someone hotter now anyway!" here I smiled slightly, said "yeah, you're really shy, come, I'm going for a cigarette" and lead her out to the beer garden.
Within 2 minutes I've deep dived this girl, got her leaning in really close (I'm not leaning forward at all, I'm leaning back in my chair, she's practically sat on my lap) and she's telling me she's a really good singer, I say I don't believe her so she sits on my lap, wraps both arms around my neck and starts singing in my ear, then kisses my neck gently, I smile and she must have felt me smile because she did it again, then I said "If you do that again, its highly likely I'll drag you somewhere quiet" this time she bites my neck and, as I'm about to stand up says "wait, that was a bite, its not the same!" with a huge grin on her face, now I've been talking to this girl for no more than 5 minutes at this point (the same song was still playing) so I sit back down, thinking "OK, That was fast, but I could probably close her here by leading her somewhere else, but I don't want it to seem like a reaction, I'll bide my time a little, well, almost instantly I could see on this girls face that she was disappointed, but hopeful and she leaned in to kiss me, I let her and instantly think "OK, onto the next one!"
In Leeds 10 minutes and 1 kiss down, better check on the lads...
They're all dancing, drinking, getting approach invites that they're all oblivious to (until this weekend finished I thought these guys had better game than me) I'm still only a drink or two down, still sober and a little bored, I take a while to get on a hype, then, this blonde girl in a floral dress lingers for just a second between me and a friend, I know its an AI but not sure who for, so I just assume me and go in with "I love the dress, its cute, but doesn't your Gran miss her curtains?!" "you cheeky bastard, is this how you approach every girl you see?" "only the cute ones in handmade garments" and wink (what do you guys think about a wink, sometimes it works, sometimes its a repellant) "I'm Dan, by the way" "I'm ....., you're not from round here, are you?"
about 15 minutes later and moving from the table to the dance floor to the beer garden, I have this girl looking at me with an almost expectant, impatient look on her face, as she sits on my lap, her legs crossed with my hand in between them on her thighs (she trapped my hand as I threatened to take it away) with her running her fingers through my hair and whispering in my ear.. this time, I initiate the kiss, she relishes in it and as I pull away just as she was getting into it, she stands up, takes my hand and tells me to follow her, I ask where and she says, somewhere quieter, I pull her back onto my lap and tell her that I'm here with my boys and I shouldn't disappear, she storms off in a bit of a huff but who gives a shit, girls weren't really on the agenda, back to the lads!
I enter the bar just as my boys were leaving to have a smoke, so I walk back to the table in the corner, take my seat and have a laugh with the boys, then a 3 set walk over and take the table next to ours, without hesitation I lean over and say "hey, have you got a light?" then as she's rummaging around in her purse for the lighter, I light my cigarette with my lighter then offer to light hers, she looks at me a little confused but accepts the light then said "I thought you needed a light" "Nah, I just thought you were cute and wanted to say Hi, I'm Dan"
Now at this point, I'm a fair few shots down now and feeling it, I draw the rest of the set into ours, letting my mates fight over the other 2 and left my girl with my friends and head to the bar for a water, as I move inside, I walk past a 4 set, all of whom stop talking as I get close and I hear one say to the redhead "Here's your chance" just as I'm about to pass her, she steps backwards, into my path and we collide, she turns round, smiling, and apologizes, I say "you know, when people tell stories of how they met and say "we bumped into each other" I'm pretty sure they don't mean literally!" she apologizes again, I introduce myself and ask what the best thing to drink in here is, she mentions a cocktail I've never heard of before, I tell her I've never heard of it, she says "OMG, you have to try it, its delicious, come with me, I'll buy you one" Now I'm having a bit more fun, I'm at the point I love, the point girls open me! we get to the bar, she buys me this drink and we head back outside, flirt a little longer, then her friends turn to her and say "We'll leave you to it, we'll be on the dance floor if you need us" I'm thinking "EPIC, usually the friends try to drag the girl away, these have HELPED her talk to me, then left us to be alone! strange!" we talk for a few more minutes, she's talking in my ear (I used the same trick every time, the "I can't hear you" so they lean in, I say it again, they come in further and I put their arm around my neck and then mine around their waist and pull her hips into me) then I get the "where are you staying tonight?" with the doe eyed look, I smile and tell her "Newcastle" "but that's like 3 hours away!" "yeah, we should be there already but decided to party here en-route" "well, where's your friends car?" here she is, fishing for logistics... I decide to kill the interaction with a kiss, one that leaves her longing for more and say I need to head back to my friends, I get back to my table, the 3 set are still there, the girl I was talking to flirting pretty hard with my friend, he see's me approach and gives me a "I don't know Bruv, you want her?" look on his face, I shake my head, he can take that one, I've been here less than an hour and kissed a brunette a blonde and a redhead!
I stand with my back to the wall, smoking a cigarette and looking around a little bored, slightly nodding my head and tapping one foot to the music, I'm a little drunk and in my own little world for a minute, when a voice saying "hey cutey, do you have a light?" I sort of respond on auto pilot and just pass over my lighter and go back to looking a little bored, then I get tapped on the hip, I look round and she's standing in front of me now, one hand on my hip, the other putting my lighter into my front jeans pocket, she looks at me, say's thanks, and leaves her hand to linger on my thigh above my pocket for a few seconds, I just stare into her eyes, smile slightly and after a few seconds, just inch my head forwards a little, she does the same, we both edge slightly, her far more than me, until we're nose to nose, still looking each other in the eye, I say "Every fibre in your body is begging me you kiss you right now, isn't it?" she doesn't answer, she just kisses me..
4 kisses down, an hour and a half in! I need a break, this is mental, get me a beer!!
I'm shattered typing this up, this is only half the first night, there's Newcastle and day game in Sheffield to get down here yet, I'll add to this tomorrow...
for now, I want to finish with this... Yeah, I was being a fucking tease, yeah, I was loving every second of it, BUT!... I really wanted to close these girls, but had no where to take them... this is a sticking point of mine, logistics.... any advice guys?
Also, I hated night game until VERY recently, I've never been very good at it, now, I love it, my friends were all saying "I don't know how you do it, you make it look effortless, you don't do a FUCKING THING, yet you're surrounded by chicks! it's all because you're a pretty boy!" hence, my new nickname, Pretty Boy!
I did keep saying all I'm doing is getting good reactions from these girls, but without a lay, there's no result, therefore there's no success...
Truth be told, I'm getting less sex now than at any point over the last 4 years, yet having the best interactions with women in my entire life, these girls are giving me signals to move things forward FAR earlier than I EVER encountered before, but I'm still failing to close, partly due to being with my friends and only wanting to party rather than fuck and partly because the logistics are poor (I HATE quickies) but I think its mostly because I have no plan!
anyone able to help me out here?
A mate of mine turned 26 this weekend and wanted to party in Newcastle for the weekend, so 7 of us packed up, rented a car and a house for 2 nights and set off from London.
We left far later than we had expected and by 10pm, hadn't even made it half way, so we decided to stop, party in Leeds along the way, then drive to Newcastle from there.
So we pull up in Leeds and Birthday boy spots a blonde, asks for directions and gets her number, pointless IMO, we're there for a few hours at most, but, got his vibe set so off we go to find a bar.
We roll into the town, find a bar and literally take over, everyone is a little stiff and rigid and there's a pretty poor atmosphere, but we roll up and buy a bottle of tequila and start taking over the dance floor..
Instantly we were all turning heads, getting ALL of the female attention and some unwanted male attention ( hoping to steal some of our vibe lol)
Almost right away this sexy brunette slaps my mates arse as he dances, he ignores her and I follow to open her for him. I rest my hand on the shoulder furthest away from me as I approach from the side, essentially putting my arm around her, as she looks up at me, I'm looking at the bar, I turn, make eye contact, smile slightly and say "so, you're going to grab his arse but not introduce yourself?!" "I'm shy!" "Bullshit, need I remind you, you just slapped his arse? come on, I'll introduce you" and start to turn and lead her over to him, at this point she says "don't bother, I've changed my mind now, I'm talking with someone hotter now anyway!" here I smiled slightly, said "yeah, you're really shy, come, I'm going for a cigarette" and lead her out to the beer garden.
Within 2 minutes I've deep dived this girl, got her leaning in really close (I'm not leaning forward at all, I'm leaning back in my chair, she's practically sat on my lap) and she's telling me she's a really good singer, I say I don't believe her so she sits on my lap, wraps both arms around my neck and starts singing in my ear, then kisses my neck gently, I smile and she must have felt me smile because she did it again, then I said "If you do that again, its highly likely I'll drag you somewhere quiet" this time she bites my neck and, as I'm about to stand up says "wait, that was a bite, its not the same!" with a huge grin on her face, now I've been talking to this girl for no more than 5 minutes at this point (the same song was still playing) so I sit back down, thinking "OK, That was fast, but I could probably close her here by leading her somewhere else, but I don't want it to seem like a reaction, I'll bide my time a little, well, almost instantly I could see on this girls face that she was disappointed, but hopeful and she leaned in to kiss me, I let her and instantly think "OK, onto the next one!"
In Leeds 10 minutes and 1 kiss down, better check on the lads...
They're all dancing, drinking, getting approach invites that they're all oblivious to (until this weekend finished I thought these guys had better game than me) I'm still only a drink or two down, still sober and a little bored, I take a while to get on a hype, then, this blonde girl in a floral dress lingers for just a second between me and a friend, I know its an AI but not sure who for, so I just assume me and go in with "I love the dress, its cute, but doesn't your Gran miss her curtains?!" "you cheeky bastard, is this how you approach every girl you see?" "only the cute ones in handmade garments" and wink (what do you guys think about a wink, sometimes it works, sometimes its a repellant) "I'm Dan, by the way" "I'm ....., you're not from round here, are you?"
about 15 minutes later and moving from the table to the dance floor to the beer garden, I have this girl looking at me with an almost expectant, impatient look on her face, as she sits on my lap, her legs crossed with my hand in between them on her thighs (she trapped my hand as I threatened to take it away) with her running her fingers through my hair and whispering in my ear.. this time, I initiate the kiss, she relishes in it and as I pull away just as she was getting into it, she stands up, takes my hand and tells me to follow her, I ask where and she says, somewhere quieter, I pull her back onto my lap and tell her that I'm here with my boys and I shouldn't disappear, she storms off in a bit of a huff but who gives a shit, girls weren't really on the agenda, back to the lads!
I enter the bar just as my boys were leaving to have a smoke, so I walk back to the table in the corner, take my seat and have a laugh with the boys, then a 3 set walk over and take the table next to ours, without hesitation I lean over and say "hey, have you got a light?" then as she's rummaging around in her purse for the lighter, I light my cigarette with my lighter then offer to light hers, she looks at me a little confused but accepts the light then said "I thought you needed a light" "Nah, I just thought you were cute and wanted to say Hi, I'm Dan"
Now at this point, I'm a fair few shots down now and feeling it, I draw the rest of the set into ours, letting my mates fight over the other 2 and left my girl with my friends and head to the bar for a water, as I move inside, I walk past a 4 set, all of whom stop talking as I get close and I hear one say to the redhead "Here's your chance" just as I'm about to pass her, she steps backwards, into my path and we collide, she turns round, smiling, and apologizes, I say "you know, when people tell stories of how they met and say "we bumped into each other" I'm pretty sure they don't mean literally!" she apologizes again, I introduce myself and ask what the best thing to drink in here is, she mentions a cocktail I've never heard of before, I tell her I've never heard of it, she says "OMG, you have to try it, its delicious, come with me, I'll buy you one" Now I'm having a bit more fun, I'm at the point I love, the point girls open me! we get to the bar, she buys me this drink and we head back outside, flirt a little longer, then her friends turn to her and say "We'll leave you to it, we'll be on the dance floor if you need us" I'm thinking "EPIC, usually the friends try to drag the girl away, these have HELPED her talk to me, then left us to be alone! strange!" we talk for a few more minutes, she's talking in my ear (I used the same trick every time, the "I can't hear you" so they lean in, I say it again, they come in further and I put their arm around my neck and then mine around their waist and pull her hips into me) then I get the "where are you staying tonight?" with the doe eyed look, I smile and tell her "Newcastle" "but that's like 3 hours away!" "yeah, we should be there already but decided to party here en-route" "well, where's your friends car?" here she is, fishing for logistics... I decide to kill the interaction with a kiss, one that leaves her longing for more and say I need to head back to my friends, I get back to my table, the 3 set are still there, the girl I was talking to flirting pretty hard with my friend, he see's me approach and gives me a "I don't know Bruv, you want her?" look on his face, I shake my head, he can take that one, I've been here less than an hour and kissed a brunette a blonde and a redhead!
I stand with my back to the wall, smoking a cigarette and looking around a little bored, slightly nodding my head and tapping one foot to the music, I'm a little drunk and in my own little world for a minute, when a voice saying "hey cutey, do you have a light?" I sort of respond on auto pilot and just pass over my lighter and go back to looking a little bored, then I get tapped on the hip, I look round and she's standing in front of me now, one hand on my hip, the other putting my lighter into my front jeans pocket, she looks at me, say's thanks, and leaves her hand to linger on my thigh above my pocket for a few seconds, I just stare into her eyes, smile slightly and after a few seconds, just inch my head forwards a little, she does the same, we both edge slightly, her far more than me, until we're nose to nose, still looking each other in the eye, I say "Every fibre in your body is begging me you kiss you right now, isn't it?" she doesn't answer, she just kisses me..
4 kisses down, an hour and a half in! I need a break, this is mental, get me a beer!!
I'm shattered typing this up, this is only half the first night, there's Newcastle and day game in Sheffield to get down here yet, I'll add to this tomorrow...
for now, I want to finish with this... Yeah, I was being a fucking tease, yeah, I was loving every second of it, BUT!... I really wanted to close these girls, but had no where to take them... this is a sticking point of mine, logistics.... any advice guys?
Also, I hated night game until VERY recently, I've never been very good at it, now, I love it, my friends were all saying "I don't know how you do it, you make it look effortless, you don't do a FUCKING THING, yet you're surrounded by chicks! it's all because you're a pretty boy!" hence, my new nickname, Pretty Boy!
I did keep saying all I'm doing is getting good reactions from these girls, but without a lay, there's no result, therefore there's no success...
Truth be told, I'm getting less sex now than at any point over the last 4 years, yet having the best interactions with women in my entire life, these girls are giving me signals to move things forward FAR earlier than I EVER encountered before, but I'm still failing to close, partly due to being with my friends and only wanting to party rather than fuck and partly because the logistics are poor (I HATE quickies) but I think its mostly because I have no plan!
anyone able to help me out here?