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FR  Sticking point, Lads weekend and a new nickname


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 20, 2014
This will be patchy at best due to the copious amounts of alcohol consumed over the weekend and lack of sleep since...

A mate of mine turned 26 this weekend and wanted to party in Newcastle for the weekend, so 7 of us packed up, rented a car and a house for 2 nights and set off from London.

We left far later than we had expected and by 10pm, hadn't even made it half way, so we decided to stop, party in Leeds along the way, then drive to Newcastle from there.

So we pull up in Leeds and Birthday boy spots a blonde, asks for directions and gets her number, pointless IMO, we're there for a few hours at most, but, got his vibe set so off we go to find a bar.

We roll into the town, find a bar and literally take over, everyone is a little stiff and rigid and there's a pretty poor atmosphere, but we roll up and buy a bottle of tequila and start taking over the dance floor..

Instantly we were all turning heads, getting ALL of the female attention and some unwanted male attention ( hoping to steal some of our vibe lol)

Almost right away this sexy brunette slaps my mates arse as he dances, he ignores her and I follow to open her for him. I rest my hand on the shoulder furthest away from me as I approach from the side, essentially putting my arm around her, as she looks up at me, I'm looking at the bar, I turn, make eye contact, smile slightly and say "so, you're going to grab his arse but not introduce yourself?!" "I'm shy!" "Bullshit, need I remind you, you just slapped his arse? come on, I'll introduce you" and start to turn and lead her over to him, at this point she says "don't bother, I've changed my mind now, I'm talking with someone hotter now anyway!" here I smiled slightly, said "yeah, you're really shy, come, I'm going for a cigarette" and lead her out to the beer garden.

Within 2 minutes I've deep dived this girl, got her leaning in really close (I'm not leaning forward at all, I'm leaning back in my chair, she's practically sat on my lap) and she's telling me she's a really good singer, I say I don't believe her so she sits on my lap, wraps both arms around my neck and starts singing in my ear, then kisses my neck gently, I smile and she must have felt me smile because she did it again, then I said "If you do that again, its highly likely I'll drag you somewhere quiet" this time she bites my neck and, as I'm about to stand up says "wait, that was a bite, its not the same!" with a huge grin on her face, now I've been talking to this girl for no more than 5 minutes at this point (the same song was still playing) so I sit back down, thinking "OK, That was fast, but I could probably close her here by leading her somewhere else, but I don't want it to seem like a reaction, I'll bide my time a little, well, almost instantly I could see on this girls face that she was disappointed, but hopeful and she leaned in to kiss me, I let her and instantly think "OK, onto the next one!"

In Leeds 10 minutes and 1 kiss down, better check on the lads...

They're all dancing, drinking, getting approach invites that they're all oblivious to (until this weekend finished I thought these guys had better game than me) I'm still only a drink or two down, still sober and a little bored, I take a while to get on a hype, then, this blonde girl in a floral dress lingers for just a second between me and a friend, I know its an AI but not sure who for, so I just assume me and go in with "I love the dress, its cute, but doesn't your Gran miss her curtains?!" "you cheeky bastard, is this how you approach every girl you see?" "only the cute ones in handmade garments" and wink (what do you guys think about a wink, sometimes it works, sometimes its a repellant) "I'm Dan, by the way" "I'm ....., you're not from round here, are you?"

about 15 minutes later and moving from the table to the dance floor to the beer garden, I have this girl looking at me with an almost expectant, impatient look on her face, as she sits on my lap, her legs crossed with my hand in between them on her thighs (she trapped my hand as I threatened to take it away) with her running her fingers through my hair and whispering in my ear.. this time, I initiate the kiss, she relishes in it and as I pull away just as she was getting into it, she stands up, takes my hand and tells me to follow her, I ask where and she says, somewhere quieter, I pull her back onto my lap and tell her that I'm here with my boys and I shouldn't disappear, she storms off in a bit of a huff but who gives a shit, girls weren't really on the agenda, back to the lads!

I enter the bar just as my boys were leaving to have a smoke, so I walk back to the table in the corner, take my seat and have a laugh with the boys, then a 3 set walk over and take the table next to ours, without hesitation I lean over and say "hey, have you got a light?" then as she's rummaging around in her purse for the lighter, I light my cigarette with my lighter then offer to light hers, she looks at me a little confused but accepts the light then said "I thought you needed a light" "Nah, I just thought you were cute and wanted to say Hi, I'm Dan"

Now at this point, I'm a fair few shots down now and feeling it, I draw the rest of the set into ours, letting my mates fight over the other 2 and left my girl with my friends and head to the bar for a water, as I move inside, I walk past a 4 set, all of whom stop talking as I get close and I hear one say to the redhead "Here's your chance" just as I'm about to pass her, she steps backwards, into my path and we collide, she turns round, smiling, and apologizes, I say "you know, when people tell stories of how they met and say "we bumped into each other" I'm pretty sure they don't mean literally!" she apologizes again, I introduce myself and ask what the best thing to drink in here is, she mentions a cocktail I've never heard of before, I tell her I've never heard of it, she says "OMG, you have to try it, its delicious, come with me, I'll buy you one" Now I'm having a bit more fun, I'm at the point I love, the point girls open me! we get to the bar, she buys me this drink and we head back outside, flirt a little longer, then her friends turn to her and say "We'll leave you to it, we'll be on the dance floor if you need us" I'm thinking "EPIC, usually the friends try to drag the girl away, these have HELPED her talk to me, then left us to be alone! strange!" we talk for a few more minutes, she's talking in my ear (I used the same trick every time, the "I can't hear you" so they lean in, I say it again, they come in further and I put their arm around my neck and then mine around their waist and pull her hips into me) then I get the "where are you staying tonight?" with the doe eyed look, I smile and tell her "Newcastle" "but that's like 3 hours away!" "yeah, we should be there already but decided to party here en-route" "well, where's your friends car?" here she is, fishing for logistics... I decide to kill the interaction with a kiss, one that leaves her longing for more and say I need to head back to my friends, I get back to my table, the 3 set are still there, the girl I was talking to flirting pretty hard with my friend, he see's me approach and gives me a "I don't know Bruv, you want her?" look on his face, I shake my head, he can take that one, I've been here less than an hour and kissed a brunette a blonde and a redhead!

I stand with my back to the wall, smoking a cigarette and looking around a little bored, slightly nodding my head and tapping one foot to the music, I'm a little drunk and in my own little world for a minute, when a voice saying "hey cutey, do you have a light?" I sort of respond on auto pilot and just pass over my lighter and go back to looking a little bored, then I get tapped on the hip, I look round and she's standing in front of me now, one hand on my hip, the other putting my lighter into my front jeans pocket, she looks at me, say's thanks, and leaves her hand to linger on my thigh above my pocket for a few seconds, I just stare into her eyes, smile slightly and after a few seconds, just inch my head forwards a little, she does the same, we both edge slightly, her far more than me, until we're nose to nose, still looking each other in the eye, I say "Every fibre in your body is begging me you kiss you right now, isn't it?" she doesn't answer, she just kisses me..

4 kisses down, an hour and a half in! I need a break, this is mental, get me a beer!!

I'm shattered typing this up, this is only half the first night, there's Newcastle and day game in Sheffield to get down here yet, I'll add to this tomorrow...

for now, I want to finish with this... Yeah, I was being a fucking tease, yeah, I was loving every second of it, BUT!... I really wanted to close these girls, but had no where to take them... this is a sticking point of mine, logistics.... any advice guys?

Also, I hated night game until VERY recently, I've never been very good at it, now, I love it, my friends were all saying "I don't know how you do it, you make it look effortless, you don't do a FUCKING THING, yet you're surrounded by chicks! it's all because you're a pretty boy!" hence, my new nickname, Pretty Boy!

I did keep saying all I'm doing is getting good reactions from these girls, but without a lay, there's no result, therefore there's no success...

Truth be told, I'm getting less sex now than at any point over the last 4 years, yet having the best interactions with women in my entire life, these girls are giving me signals to move things forward FAR earlier than I EVER encountered before, but I'm still failing to close, partly due to being with my friends and only wanting to party rather than fuck and partly because the logistics are poor (I HATE quickies) but I think its mostly because I have no plan!

anyone able to help me out here?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Re: FR: Sticking point, Lads' weekend and a new nickname

Nice report, Pretty Boy ;)

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
I follow to open her for him. I rest my hand on the shoulder furthest away from me as I approach from the side, essentially putting my arm around her
Very fine read of the situation... sounds as if your buddy is a bit oblivious, which you probably know so long as he's your buddy :) —great call.

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
I said "If you do that again, its highly likely I'll drag you somewhere quiet"
Disappointed you did not deliver on this promise... I think you need to make your threats credible :)

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
I could see on this girl's face that she was disappointed
Damned right she was. Don't do that to girls.

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
this blonde girl in a floral dress lingers for just a second between me and a friend, I know its an AI but not sure who for, so I just assume me and go in with "I love the dress, its cute, but doesn't your Gran miss her curtains?!
Excellent assumption of attraction, plus the opener is priceless!

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
"only the cute ones in handmade garments" and wink (what do you guys think about a wink, sometimes it works, sometimes it's a repellent
Totally appropriate in this circumstance.

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
she stands up, takes my hand and tells me to follow her, I ask where and she says, somewhere quieter, I pull her back onto my lap and tell her that I'm here with my boys and I shouldn't disappear, she storms off in a bit of a huff
Okay, this is disgraceful. The "can't leave my friends" objection is what girls do. She even fixed the logistics for you. Man up.

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
"Nah, I just thought you were cute and wanted to say Hi, I'm Dan"
A bit awkward admittedly, but it did the job, so who cares, I guess?...

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
I say "you know, when people tell stories of how they met and say "we bumped into each other" I'm pretty sure they don't mean literally!"
Very smooth, and nice chase framing.

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
"well, where's your friends car?" here she is, fishing for logistics... I decide to kill the interaction with a kiss, one that leaves her longing for more and say I need to head back to my friends
You know what? I think you have a fear of sex.

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
4 kisses down, an hour and a half in! I need a break, this is mental, get me a beer!!
LOL Brit girls living up to their worldwide reputation :)

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
I'm still failing to close, partly due to being with my friends and only wanting to party rather than fuck and partly because the logistics are poor
Nonsense. I counted at least two of the chicks fixed the logistics for you. You need to get out of the "boy" mentality (playing with buddies) and into the "man" one (lover to women).

In summary you appear to have tremendous potential, Pretty Boy! Don't squander it :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 20, 2014
Re: FR, Sticking point, Lads weekend and a new nickname

Marty, All that coming from you mean's a great deal, I've read a lot of your posts and you're definitely someone who knows what they're talking about!

as for the fear of sex, LMAO! that made me chuckle, I disagree, I just don't really enjoy quickies, I'd rather get a girl home and spend a few hours with her, but you're right, I do need to man up and take action, a lay is a lay, I was thinking about it last night, had I nailed one of these girls I 1) would have been the only guy on tour to get laid, 2) been able to come back to the bar an hour later and try to score a 2nd, 2 girls in one night would definitely be an achievement!

yeah I read your comments and that's a great summary, at points, I can be super smooth, everything just works perfectly and I get escalation windows far earlier than I ever thought possible, but at other points (usually the point after 3 drinks) I become a bit more bull in a china shop, but still do ok..

you're right though, need to aim to close, being a pussy tease is fun, girls really aren't used to it but its also counter-productive..

Thats pretty much everything for Leeds worth mentioning, bar one...

my overly wasted friend was sat with our group in the beer garden, a very sexy brunette in a red dress and heels (I have a thing for red heads in black or brunettes in red lol) comes over to me and asks for a lighter (I saw her friend light up moments earlier so knew she didn't have to ask me for a lighter, she was opening me) and my wasted friend literally grabs her and pulls her onto his lap and proceeds to bear hug her, I apologise for his actions but tell her he's harmless really and he tries (and fails epically due to over-consumption of alcohol) to get a conversation going with her, I throw in a few lines here and there to help her feel a little more comfortable then ask "do you need saving?" she nods, so I put my hand out, she grabs my hand (quite hard, I think she was a little scared) I stand up, tell my mate to back down and pull her off his lap, then continue walking with her to the other side of the beer garden (the side furthest from the door, where it was quieter) I lean back against the barrier and pull her so she's facing me (facing away from everyone in the bar, locking her into "our own little bubble" - her words) I don't let go of her hand, we talk and she said she wanted to tell me a secret, I said ok so she leans into me, pressing her chest against mine and whispers in my ear "I'm glad you brought me over here, I was hoping we'd be alone, it's like we're in our own little bubble, just the two of us, its great!" I said "that's sweet, but is that the secret, I thought you were going to tell me your deepest, darkest, kinkiest sexual fantasy..." "oh, well, do you want to know what my fantasy is?" "depends, how depraved is it?" "It's not too bad, I don't think" "Ok, fire away" whilst smiling slightly "I've never had a one night stand before, I've always wanted to meet someone who has a way with women who will show me what fun a one night stand can be"

This is another point I thought "score, another one practically begging for it, not the aim of the night though, don't want the lads wondering where I am!" so decided to have a few more minutes fun with her and end the interaction..

I said, "that's not a very kinky fantasy, there I was thinking you wanted to be tied down and flogged with a paddle or something, so have you ever come close to finding someone like that?" "well, once, I think" "recently?" "VERY recently" she says as she puts her hand on my chest and the other cupping the back of my head..

she lean's in closer and her eye lids droop, she's going in for the kiss, I turn my head slightly so she catches cheek and whisper in her ear, "not here, If you kiss me, I'll loose the ability to control myself, we'll both get arrested for indecent exposure" she giggles and says "then lets go somewhere quieter" at this point my friend comes over, drunk and shouts across the beer garden "FOXY! that's where you've been, we've 2 rounds of drinks in there, time for another toast to the birthday boy!" surprisingly I wasn't annoyed by the cock block, it saved me having to exit the interaction. I tell her I've been summoned, ,but that I'll catch up with her a little later and she follows me into the bar, where she meets her friends and I get 2 more shots down me, followed by a double jack and coke and start to forget what happens from this point on!

now, after sleeping in the car, we arrive in Newcastle around 6:30am and pull into an asda to get food for breakfast, I'm a little more coherent now and need to stretch my legs, so I go into the store.

as we're walking around I hear a mate say "DAMN!!" this can only mean one thing, he's clocked a fit girl. I say, you going to talk to her? "Nah, I'm only interested in my food right now" so I turn on my heels and head off...

I walk down the same isle as this girl, but from the opposite direction from my mates (don't want to intimidate her) and thankfully she's picking up tea bags, something I needed to get for the weekend. as she's looking at the box, I place my hand on the small of her back whilst reaching up for something from the top shelf, she turns to look at me and as she does, I look down at her slowly at catch her gaze, her eyes dart to the ground and she mutters an apology.. I ask what she's apologising for and she says "for getting in your way" "nonsense, you weren't in my way, you've really blue eyes, like electric blue, they're mesmerizing!" and I continue to look her in the eye, she looks at the floor, crumples a little (shoulders go forward, feet come together and she tries to make herself smaller ) and starts to go red, then she does the "look up from under the eyelids" at me and I knew then she's into me, serious sign of flirtation! "The names Dan, what do people call you?" all this time I'm touching her hip, I never moved my hand, it slid around as she turned to face me, she seemed comfortable with it so I left it there. "I'm Louise" "Hi Louise, its a pleasure to meet you" and I extend my other hand, she takes it and I hold it there for a second or two, then drop my hand slightly and she leaves hers in mine, " she then asks me where I'm from, I tell her to guess and she does, eventually, I then say we're here for a night and that we're hoping to find a decent club, could she recommend any, she did, I asked her what her plans for the day were, then before she answers, tell her I need to grab a few bits, but she should walk with me and talk, she does, still holding my hand.. she said she had a busy day, hence being up that early, I reply "shame, I was going to invite you back for a walk along the beach and a bacon sarnie" she chuckles and said "Damn, I'd love to but I really cant get out of this meeting, but I might be out in town later.." "cool, we could definitely use a tour guide, why don't we swap info and you can hit me up later if you're out?" "Yeah, that sounds cool!" we swap numbers and part, after I join my friends and she gives me a peck on the cheek and heads for the checkout!

In Newcastle 10 minutes and a number close and half a kiss close... I'm on form this weekend!

I'll post about our night out in Newcastle a little later, this is turning out to be one hell of an essay FR!!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 20, 2014
Re: FR, Sticking point, Lads weekend and a new nickname

Ok, so after breakfast, a few hours sleep, a few spliff's as we're all getting ready and a damn good laugh with the lads and a lot of tunes, I was back in the party mood and set to go, we pile in the car and head for Newcastle town centre!

We park up, unsure of where to go and I suggest we follow the crowd, opening another set as we walk down the street..

"you girls look set to party, where are the best places in town?"
"well, the strip is down here"
"The strip? you girls dancers there?" Said with a cheeky smile
"NO! the strip, the road with all the clubs on, you're not from around here, are you?"
"What gave it away?"
"That accent of yours, It's hot!"
"Thanks, so, you said the strip is which way?"
"Follow us, we'll show you"
"I can certainly follow" Look at her arse blatantly "That's a backside I could watch walk all night"
"HAHA! behave, we've not even hit the club yet!" as she slaps my arm playfully!
"I'm Dan, by the way, this is my entourage.." and point to my friends who are a few feet behind me
then one of her friends pipes up "You going to introduce your friends?"
"Nah, they're adults, you're adults, introduce yourselves" again, said with a cheeky smile
I turn to the first girl "So what do they call you?"....

we banter, laugh, she links her arm in mine as we dance down the street, really getting in the mood for the night!

My friends are falling a little way behind now, me and this girl are in front with her friends on our heels and we get stopped by a VERY sexy blonde, who walks right up and talks to me

"do you guys have your crawl set yet?"

the girl I'm with say's "Yeah, he's with me tonight, I'll show him a good time" In quite a bitter tone, I release her arm, tell her I'll catch her up and turn to the blonde and say "Actually, no, we (I look back and point to my friends) have just rolled into town, they were the first people kind enough to show us the right direction, what would you suggest?" we talk a little about the clubs, then I ask what she does day time n build a little rapport, then my friends catch up, we get given a run down of the clubs and my boys head off, I'm still talking with blondie as my friends walk off, then she says "you'd better go, you'll loose your friends" "They'll be fine, I don't need to babysit them" "well, I could always show you where to go" "yeah, why don't you take me there" and offer her my arm, she links hers with mine and we walk of down the street, still talking about her uni course and why she chose it, having banter, her laughing very hard at all my jokes, then as we get to the club she says "well, here you are..." she looks a little uncomfortable, as if she's not really ready for our interaction to end, I say "Thank you, so what time do you finish handing out fliers and flirting with cute out of towners?" "1am, long night!" "well, you should drop me a text when you finish, come grab a drink with me.." "OK, I'd REALLY like that!" with a huge smile on her face. I give her my number, she calls it through so I get hers and I save it, then just as I'm about to say goodbye, she holds my lapels steps closer to me and says "you know, you're by far the cutest in your group, I just LOVE your style!" I put my hands on her hips, pulling her a little closer to me now, she releases my lapels and places both her hands flat on my chest I look her in the eye and say "You're very cute yourself, I say you bin all those fliers and come in with me, you'll have a much better night" "I REALLY wish I could, but I can't, I am going to do this, in case I don't get the chance later" grabs my lapels again and kisses me, just a peck on the lips, as she pulls away, I pull her hips into mine, pressing my groin against hers and say "you're not getting away with only giving me a peck, this time, kiss me like you mean it!" with a sexy smile she does, and really goes for it, then tells me she'll ring me later, she's going to be bored all night now and wishes she didn't have to work, I bid her fairwell and enter the club.

Not even reached the bar yet and 1 kiss and a number down! NEXT!

at this point, we bounce from club to club after one drink in each, we're there for 5 minutes at a time, then onto the next, yet I still got a kiss in around 60% of these..

Then we find somewhere playing all the old school garage, trance, techno and house beats, here, we can really get our dance on, we stay for a lot longer now.. I head to the garden for a smoke (I've no idea why, but outside the venues are definitely my thing, inside I'm ok, beer gardens, street and smoking area, I'm good, to the point all my friends were saying "HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO IT! YOU MAKE IT LOOK SO EASY!"

I get into the garden in this place, spot a group of 3 girls all very cute (I hadn't actually decided which one I liked, I liked them all, thought I'd open them all and vibe with the most receptive) I walk over to them and say "you girls look like the friendly type, all my mates are dancing, I'm going to chill with you until I finish my smoke, If that's cool?" one just shrugs, another nods, but the brunette smiles and says "Yeah, that's cool, here, take a seat" and moves up... target acquired!

I introduce myself, ask her a little about her, within 2 minutes I've initiated a lot of touch, a lot of strong eye contact and frames and she's now turned to face away from her friends, focusing intently on me, both her hands on my thighs, her nose only inches away from my face (Here we have yet ANOTHER girl just begging for me to kiss her! why can't I create the same results during the day?!)

at this point, 2 of my friends come out to the smoking area, see me with this girl, roll their eyes as if to say "Fucking hell, here's foxy at it again!" and sit at the table behind me, I lean into this girl as if I'm about to kiss her then turn my head and whisper in her ear "what's the most sensual thing you've ever experienced?" now I'm stroking on of her bare thighs with one fingertip on one hand, trailing another finger up and down her spine at the same time and she whispers in my ear "well, this has to be the most excited I've been all week!" I chuckle, gently bite her next, she inhales sharply, her head goes back and her hand clenches on my thigh then as she relaxes, she runs her hand further up my thigh, she's almost touching my dick now.. I'm just about to suggest me move when one of my friends asks me for a lighter.. CUNT! I try to ignore him but at this point, the moments gone, she's trying to get up to find her friends who left us within a few moments of our conversation I tell her to stay for another minute, she says she can't but would love to dance with me inside, I shrug, let her go and give my friend the verbal bitch slapping of a lifetime!

Here I was, just about to aim for the close and he INTENTIONALLY cock blocks me, he told me later it was because the birthday boy was getting annoyed I was pulling and he wasn't and that it was his weekend... dick! I head inside, go to the bar, walk across the dance floor to find my friends and the brunette grabs my hand as I pass, I hadn't actually seen her.

we dance for a while, her grinding up against me, rubbing her arse over my groin etc, I whisper in her ear "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to seduce me" she turns around, puts her arms around my neck rests her forehead on mine and says "I am" I take her hand, thinking "OK, might have overcome the cockblock here, move her, mover her now!" and say to her "we should head somewhere a little quieter..." "OK, I know a place" "Show me..." she leads me to the door, where I'm grabbed by my crowd, come, leave her with her friends, we're heading to **** bar now!" FFS same mate, same girl, cock blocked twice!!

at this point I gave up trying to get a girl alone, my mates were clearly getting pissed off with me for getting much better results than themselves (The guy who's birthday it is had been a self confessed "Player" all his life, Ive asked his advice a lot recently, he likes the fact I looked up to him, then saw me putting him to shame and got a little ego bruised!) So decided to just party, drink and dance with the lads, repaying the favour whenever they got close to getting a girl!

that's about all worth talking about on that weekend...

key points to take away from the experience:

1) I'm clearly a good looking, well dressed, sexy guy that women love
2) I'm now converted to loving night game, everything is so quick and so easy!
3) I need to go out alone
4) aim to close instantly! It can be done, evidently I'm doing well, just gotta push to finish the last 10 yards!
5) somehow I need to have the same confidence in my approaches when sober and during the day (day gamed a little earlier and failed hard!)
6) Logistics, Logistics, logistics!

If anyone else can see any points where I can improve or need a little work, please, please point them out to me, I'm not going to be happy until I'm perfect and have MASTERED THIS!

Chase, you've created a monster.... ;) One day soon I want to be in the position where I can work with you, helping other guys the way you've helped me!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Pretty Boy,

You're not hearing me. Ditch your buddies.

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
I chuckle, gently bite her next, she inhales sharply, her head goes back and her hand clenches on my thigh then as she relaxes, she runs her hand further up my thigh, she's almost touching my dick now.. I'm just about to suggest me move when one of my friends asks me for a lighter.. CUNT! I try to ignore him but at this point, the moment's gone
You call that a "friend"?? I'd hate to think what your enemies are like, Pretty Boy ;)

And this:
Fan7as7icMrFox said:
This is another point I thought "score, another one practically begging for it, not the aim of the night though, don't want the lads wondering where I am!" so decided to have a few more minutes fun with her and end the interaction..
Bullshit. If you're serious that these guys would resent you leaving them at any time in order to get laid, they're not friends either. They're just hangers-on, leeching off of your social value.

You have no need of half-assed buddies. You're a big boy now :) Read this. And this.

And you don't realize what damage you're doing to your own image in the minds of the girls you're talking to, only to pull out the rug from under them like that. Have you read this? Most important of all, what about this??

Look, you're a Brit, you know James Bond. At the end of every single 007 movie, what happens? That's right. Bond sails off into the sunset (on someone else's yacht), or equivalent, and there's a chick with him. When they're just about to make love, his boss calls.

What does Bond do? Would you have any respect for him if he said "Yes, M, right away sir"? Neither would the girl. Of course not—he throws the phone into the ocean, or sends off a decoy flare to avoid being rescued by the Marine search party, or puts a parrot on the line to talk with the Prime Minister.

If the PM can wait for 007 to screw a dame, your pals can spend an hour or two wondering where you've gotten off to. At worst, you can shoot them a text not to wait.

If that doesn't placate them, you're done with them. Drop your fan-club and become a man—and a lover. The girls'll appreciate it. So will you, actually :)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 20, 2014
Marty, once again you raise very valid points! I had read one or two of those links, but not all and not for a while, thanks for the reminder :p

Going out alone requires a set of ball's I've not got yet, I can't summon the courage to just do it and get on with it, besides which, if I did, I'd feel so damn awkward it'd only blow up in my face! Yeah, I'm being a pussy, I know!

What I want to be able to do is have the same kind of interactions with women I do in nightclubs on the street during day game, only thing is I'm normally a little drunk (Maybe that's why it works, but I need to get over relying on the "Dutch Courage!") so I can't quite figure out what it is I'm doing right during night game in order to implement that in my day game.

I dunno man, maybe my mates wouldn't be as pissed as I think they would, maybe its my bitch self making excuses, kind of like I do during the day ("I can't talk to her, I'm working" "she looks a little young, better not approach in case she's too young" "she's with her friend(s)/Mum/some other randomer" "I've just come from work and I'm covered head to toe in mud and grass stains, she'll only laugh at me!" "The bike lid has fucked my hair up, I don't stand a chance!")

I'm off out for a drink with my cousin tomorrow, he's just turned 18, so I'm going to go out with him, limit myself to 2 drinks MAX and try my luck, see if I can do the same thing as the last few weekends I've gone out only with less booze, so I can figure out what I'm doing right and try and use that during the day.

As crazy as this might sound, and you'll probably just scream "WHY MAKE THINGS HARD FOR YOURELF?! THAT'S LIKE TRYING TO WRITE WITH YOUR LEFT HAND WHEN YOU'RE RIGHT HANDED!" I want to focus on day game, that's what I want to get good at, if I can do that successfully, the rest will be easy! plus its easier to go out alone lol!

all in all, time to man up, stop being a little bitch and just approaching 24/7!