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- Sep 27, 2013
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- 292

*me, yesterday
Cold approaching is life changing. I feel like I've stepped out of a box that I just can't step back into. Yet, I imagine quitting all the time. Thing is, the pain of persisting is nothing compared to the torture of "what if." It's like being in abject poverty and knowing there's a tremendous pot of gold buried somewhere in your back yard but where? Dig until you're tired, curse the earth, throw down your shovel. Regardless, you'll start dreaming once more, then pick it back up and try again.
Lunchroom by the salad bar. I spot an Asian girl about three inches taller than me, dressed ultra-chic. Her friend, an even taller brunette (maybe 6 ft.) splits away for a moment. I go for the lettuce next to her
Me: "Where's the party?" [I stare at the peas]
Her: "What?"
Me: "You're looking very snazzy today! I'm guessing your hitting the town tonight" [I look at her]
Her: "What, really" *smile*
Me: "Yeah, I like the way you've put everything together. Very classy"
Her: "Aw, well than you!"
Me: "There's only one problem though.."
Her: "What?"
Me: "You look very sneaky."
Her: "Hahaha! What! Why?"
Me: "I dunno..something just tells me you're up to no good. What have you got in there? Probably something suspicious.." [I point at her sealed container of what is most likely some peas]
Her: "Hahaha"
Me: "That's alright though...I might still invite you to my shingdig."
Her: "What shindig?"
Me: "The rager back at my place, should be fun" [said with obvious sarcasm and a hearty chuckle]
Her: "Oh yeah" *smile*
Me: "Can you tell that I'm bantering with you right now. You know what bantering is right?"
Her: "Yes!" *nod and smile
Me: "Okay well, how are we going to get people to this gig. Any ideas? Right now it's only me and you..."
Her: "I dunno..." *smile, shoulder shrug* [here she was looking behind and past me multiple times at what must have been her friend]
Brief Rapport + Friend Interruption
Me: "What's your name by the way?" [we exchange names and shake hands]
[the friend saunters over. I can tell she's coming by looking into the Asian girl's eyes. The Asian girl strokes her hair and moves it behind her ear. I wonder if that's for me, or her friend. Am I about to be cockblocked?]
Her: "This is my friend XYZ."
Me: "Hi XYZ. Nice to meet you" *hand shake* [the friend is equally attractive, about 3 inches taller. She gives me a wry smile upon contact. It doesn't seem like she's there to play interference. The Asian girl is still squarely facing me with open body language]
Friend: "Nice to meet you too!" [I turn my attention back to original girl]
Me: "Well, look, I have to go but let's stay in contact"
Her: "Okay sure" *head nod* [here her friend does the "oops" eye roll like she walked in on a private moment, then walks off without a word. In hindsight, maybe I should have addressed her more. She looked like she was surprised I didn't care to exchange pleasantries. Whoopsies! Man on a mission here]
Her: [while I'm pulling out my phone] "Where do you live?" [so I'm back at university. this question probably doesn't mean much then, does it?]
We share our locales. She lives 2 minutes away.
Her: "We're transfers, so we just got here and don't know where anything is."
Me: "Oh wow, where are you from"
We chat a bit more for a second.
Me: "Okay, well, I gotta go. It was nice talking to you!"
Follow Up
It's about 7pm. I follow up at 9:49 with a text:
"Hey, happy to run into you today, [her name]
24 hours later
No response.
Of the past 5 numbers I got this week, 3 responded to the initial text around four hours later. No responses to a subsequent message by me. We here know that girls are subtle. Maybe her friend had come to save her. Or maybe she just wanted to see what I look like. Or maybe the set was too short and there was a need for more comfort.
I'm considering sending a text tomorrow: "Sup, [her name]. Just bought myself a dozen delicious smelling candles
This is typical of my approaches now. Any thoughts on flaws in this approach you guys/things to tweak? I'm hesitant to conclude that she just "wasn't interested."