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Strategies for gaming on weeknights


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
It's started getting darker earlier where I live and so daytime daygame is going to become more limited. I've started scouting out some popular areas on weeknights over the last week and have successfully number closed a couple and have had one date from it so far. These approaches went well however they were street approaches with the girls walking solo in well lit popular areas (I also approached a two set today). Which are sort of in my comfort zone.

On weeknights, people aren't generally drinking as much. What I've observed is typically they are in groups going out to eat (there are a lot of hot girl groups going out to eat). At bars it's mainly mixed groups, what I assume to be guys with their girlfriends.

I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone today but failed - there was a super attractive blonde girl at a table with a bunch of her friends and I really should have gone over there to say something - but pussied out. I pussied out of other table sets as well. Felt that on a weeknight I would be bothering them from their dinner.

My question is - guys who go out on weeknights - what is your strategy? Remember reading @Tony D post saying for two years he went out until 11pm on weeknights - what was the plan?

Do you guys just look for solo sets? Do you approach tables of people eating? Or do you mainly stick to bars (but then, on weeknights the bars are generally super quite so how efficient is this). How much time is spent just wandering around because it's not as busy as weeknights? Or is this not a problem?

Tangentially related - it is pretty easy to mix up times and locations during daygame so you don't get recognized or run into the same people, and with nightgame on Friday and Saturday there are so many people that it's easy to stay anonymous.

But if you go out on weeknights - there are limited options for places to go that have a high yield - I was at a popular thursday bar just now and was afraid to approach because I feared that the bartenders would remember me and then I'd get a reputation. They most likely have a schedule and work at these places every week. Not only that, but there are probably regulars at the bars that only come on weeknights increasing the chances of being recognized.

Obvious solution would be to befriend the bartenders which I am planning on trying but would be curious to hear peoples thoughts on this before burning through sets and risking a reputation with some miscalibrated approaches...

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Earlier nights. Most people have to work in the morning. It also is a good time constraint.
More casual locations. more laid back vibe. I find an uncrowded happy hour place is easy to get a convo going.
I have one Hotel bar I stay at when traveling for work has high top seating close to the bar. I was amazed the first time I engaged a woman there and she invited me to join her and even offered me food off her plate...

I'd rolled into the Hotel after watching a semipro baseball game. My conference was in the morning and she was sitting at a High Top just feet from the bar, drinking red wine and reading what looked like meeting notes. I ordered my beer and had a sip or two and glanced around to see none of my usual colleagues had arrived yet. I glances over to her as the waiter brought out her dinner. Filipina, slender, mid 40's with hair down to her shoulders and a ready smile.

I opened with a question "What are you eating there?"
She met my gaze and answered "Crab cakes, but they are huge!"
I introduced myself and we traded names and she immediately offered me one of her Crab cakes. I demurred, but asked if I could sit at the table with her. She invited me to sit down.

We talked about the reasons we were there. Myself for a conference, while she was training Sales team members for the product she represented. We discovered we lived about 2 hours apart. She was a divorcee with kids abput the same age as mine. I commented on her product line and she launched into a whole spiel about the benefits of their technology and the company. We shared commonalities about kids and careers and family and we shared some insights about life and even our religious views. Now I knew that the Filipino culture is deeply rooted in the Catholic religion. When she pressed me about my religious background I mentioned that my grandparents were Catholic, but I felt that influences from multiple religions were my moral compass. i was worried that the conversation was headed for the rocks and that she was about to try to prosthletize me. We each refilled our drinks twice during this conversation.

About then one of my industry colleagues came up to the table and joined the conversation. After we caught up on what each other was up to , he engaged my target. He had invested in the technology but from another company and began to debate the merits of his provider and her company. Their discussion became almost heated about the relative merits of each one, and I saw the rocks off my bow once again. They both realized they were too far apart to convince the other and steered the conversation back to non work topics.

At that point, she showed us a video of her being interviewed live on CNN, and also talked about her previous career in television. (Qualifying herself). At that point my friend then built me up as a poet (Social Proofed the hell out of me), and bid me farewell. But not before he picked up our drink tabs.

At this point she still had a crabcake left and she made the waiter bring me a plate and insisted I eat it. I complied and remarked it was good even if it was this far inland (I live near the coast). At that point We both decided we had an early day in the morning and headed for the elevator together. I asked her for her cell # before we got to the elevator, out of earshot of the others. We rode up together and I bid her good night.

Precisely 3 minutes later she texted me "I'm having a hard time with my room key."
I replied back "do you require my assistance?"
"room XXX"
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers