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FR  Street Approach: Mathabo


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2012
Note: I've been a beginner of this site dating back two years ago when I found it. Maybe it's because I've been actively meeting new women while sitting on my cellphone enjoying Chase's and other writers' articles on my bed, or watching the latest series on Netflix - can't say for sure, well, this is my first field report since it has stricken me that my comfortable bed, or Netflix, or that thought that always lingered in my of "I know that I can get her," but not actually "getting" her won't do me much good.

Report: She is cute. Very cute. Beautiful, even. She has thighs sent from heaven and a voice that sounds like the imaginary angles from above. She is nothing more than just a brief memory that kept me smiling for at least until when I got back home 30 minutes or so later. Her warm personality immediately makes you feel at home, like you've know eachother since the playwrights' of Shake Spear and the romantics of Romeo and Juliet.
She was wearing a summer-short. A yellow t-shirt that matches with her skin, a pair of white boring long socks and black running shoes - she's from practice. I noticed her a distance away, hurrying like there's a stalker on her back. There were not any women that I could approach, so I figured that she was worth the energy of just walking a bit faster to catch up with her.
Following her from behind, quietly registering the attention she got from the cars that passed her by on the drive way. I have to admit though, my anxiety rose as I got closer to her.
Me: /raises umbrella under her head/ *smile* wanna join the fight against the sun?
Her: *laughs* no thank you
I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach, I didn't know how to respond on that so I just smiled, ready to let her go, but remembered Colt's words there: "Most of your interactions with women aren’t going to go anywhere." On the article How Important Is It to Have Fun When Meeting Women? I felt motivated to at least try something so from a distance away I shouted
"Hey, are you gonna run off just like that without giving me your name?"
She looked back at me while walking and let out a deep smile "You didn't ask for my name"
Me: I just did *smile*
Her: *smiles* I'm Mathabo.
She's now a small distance away, there are people moving in between us, after a few moments of distractions, she gazed up at me
Her: You?
Me: Oh I'm Allan
Her: Allan? Oh cool
She stopped at a small garage that sells vegies. I waited patiently for her while I listened to my feel-good-song on my headphones, I had one on. She kept her attention on the shop keeper the entire time. But managed to eye me. Well, anyway after she bought her vegetables, I thought of changing directions and walk back with her to a point of getting her numbers, but I thought that that'd seem like chasing so
Me: Hey, you seem like you're in a hurry
She interrupts
Her: Yes actually I am.
Continues walking
Me: Look, you really seem like an interesting person and I'd really love to get to know you so look...
Okay, that was said slower than my actual pace of talking
Her: Hey, who knows *laughs* maybe you and I will meet eachother again
She interrupted again - guess she was really in a hurry, or maybe that was a polite rejection. Whatever it is, I loved the smile it put on me afterwards, because to date, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever approached, hell she is a cold approach in a really long time. Anyway
I stopped and looked at her, smiled and said "yea MAYBE." and let her go.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake