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Street Game: I have questions


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
So a couple days ago I tried street game and I found it a lot different than mall game. These are the problems I ran into:

1. I had to tail girls for a long period of time. I felt like a stalker and I suspect this one girl knew I was following her because she kept turning her head. I don’t know if she was looking at me or at the side of the street, but eventually she went into a store and I worry it was because she knew I was following her.

This is bad, I don’t want to be following girls, I don’t want to be a stalker.

I’m wondering if the quick fix to this is to jog up closer to her, maybe 5 feet behind her instead of 15? So the speed walk to beside her is shorter.

A question that I’ve had for a while now is: if a girl makes eye contact with me and then walks past me, can I still turn around and do the side approach? Would it be weird for me to do it after we have made eye contact?

I’ve had it where I saw a girl on the other side of the street and I crossed the street just to approach her. If she saw me cross the street, would she assume I’m trying to greet her?

Basically the conflict that I perceive is whether it matters or not that girl knows or suspects your intentions. Where within the spectrum of discreet to obvious do you have to be? If you do end up making it obvious that your about to approach her, does that ruin your chances?

To sum up, I’m having a hard time subtlety approaching a girl, due to distances and walking speeds and whether they notice me or not.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Generally you shouldn't be approaching like that, crossing street etc. (unless you legitimately need directions which I sometimes ask anyway just to be sure ;). Instead, aim to maneuver with plausible deniability so that you get within a reasonable radius of her (15 feet or so) and only then approach.
Or simply go to a place where a sufficient number of girls pass within that radius, and approach whomever you cross paths with.
I don't know how long your stride is, though. I can walk quicker than most people without seeming to be in a hurry so I try to intercept naturally. If I'm going the same direction as a girl, I just overtake her without hurrying and go situational.
This is what works for me, idk


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Generally you shouldn't be approaching like that, crossing street etc. (unless you legitimately need directions which I sometimes ask anyway just to be sure ;). Instead, aim to maneuver with plausible deniability so that you get within a reasonable radius of her (15 feet or so) and only then approach.
Or simply go to a place where a sufficient number of girls pass within that radius, and approach whomever you cross paths with.
I don't know how long your stride is, though. I can walk quicker than most people without seeming to be in a hurry so I try to intercept naturally. If I'm going the same direction as a girl, I just overtake her without hurrying and go situational.
This is what works for me, idk
With the 15 feet guideline your suggesting, I end up tailing the girl for a while because I struggle to catch up. That’s my dilemma.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
I’m wondering if the quick fix to this is to jog up closer to her, maybe 5 feet behind her instead of 15? So the speed walk to beside her is shorter.

Some girls walk so damn fast. Usually a jog past her (make some distance between you so you don't startle her) and turn around to face her, with a nice amount of room between you. Again don't want to startle her.

A question that I’ve had for a while now is: if a girl makes eye contact with me and then walks past me, can I still turn around and do the side approach? Would it be weird for me to do it after we have made eye contact?

Actually I think it might even be better if she sees you first so waiting until she passes you, and then doing the above. It's like a preopener, and good eye contact with a mutual exchange of smiles is ideal. Should come across as you realizing a few moments later than you just have to meet her. I know chase has an article on this, worth looking for.

I have to admit, I haven't done a street stop like this in a long time. The issue with these stops is that it basically require you to be direct. Indirect/situational approaches tend to be more effective and the preferred way to go.

But I have got dates doing direct street stops.

I think this kind of street stop is best used for situations when she's totally your type and REALLY caught your eye, so you genuinely don't want to pass it up.

I wouldn't go about spam approaching this style and instead try to find yourself in more indirect friendly situations, which admittedly can be tricky.

Some ideas: coffee shops, beach, book store, metro stops, or just try to walk fast and go for a moving indirect approach.

Or do what Surveyor said

I can walk quicker than most people without seeming to be in a hurry so I try to intercept naturally. If I'm going the same direction as a girl, I just overtake her without hurrying and go situational.

I need to get back out there so I can give some updated advice sheesh. Feel like I'm scraping my memories here.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
So a couple days ago I tried street game and I found it a lot different than mall game. These are the problems I ran into:

1. I had to tail girls for a long period of time. I felt like a stalker and I suspect this one girl knew I was following her because she kept turning her head. I don’t know if she was looking at me or at the side of the street, but eventually she went into a store and I worry it was because she knew I was following her.

This is bad, I don’t want to be following girls, I don’t want to be a stalker.

I’m wondering if the quick fix to this is to jog up closer to her, maybe 5 feet behind her instead of 15? So the speed walk to beside her is shorter.

A question that I’ve had for a while now is: if a girl makes eye contact with me and then walks past me, can I still turn around and do the side approach? Would it be weird for me to do it after we have made eye contact?
Be more determined and ready.
If a girl makes eye contact and is moving towards you seemingly to pass - stop her. Open. adapt to the situation.
be ready to seize opportune moments and move in w confidence.

im a bit of a want-be-chasing-anyone type person. I spend my focus on better opportunities and just dont chase. The only thing ill do is if im walking ill position in front of her to open back over the shoulder as a fast move if it fits with MY movement pattern. But here its part of my flow.

I know several people advocate this running up and full stop eg yad from London who i find legit. So its mor about what model you seek to apply. About What you like. About what goals you have. And what weight you have as a seducer.

But starting with a more determined acceleration when you see opportunities is a good muscle to build. And readyness.

I’ve had it where I saw a girl on the other side of the street and I crossed the street just to approach her. If she saw me cross the street, would she assume I’m trying to greet her?
You can do this in so many ways. eg take out your phone and literally almost walk into her coincidentially tackling her while looking at it absentmindedly( a joke- dont, but back in nextasf we payed with "stumble upons" which were creating distuptions one could then apologise for to transition assuming rapport). Or you can peak several times at her if theres momentum to ignite a curiosity. Aka dont be afraid to show interest. then just open her asking a random question to serve as a gateway to get a response from her you can work with. Or whatever to transition reads etc.

Basically the conflict that I perceive is whether it matters or not that girl knows or suspects your intentions. Where within the spectrum of discreet to obvious do you have to be? If you do end up making it obvious that your about to approach her, does that ruin your chances?
Its not about a or b. its about how you display interest in practice. A curiosity with a hint of intimacy to her is different from needy or overt sexual displays. A prolonged connective gaze often more powerful than a soi opening. initially in day game more sensory small risks are the normal way. But more confident type walk overs can easily work.

A bold display to then reduce and be tempting but only showing 10-20 % interest as an undercurrent is how i do it sometimes. other times i walk in and open her as part of the movement(trained via mingling and walk-ups). other times i position while looking on my phone for her to take me in, then look upwards at her (very potent for women) with an oh hey - then opening from something intersting on the phone..

The biggest key to how you choose to approach is her state at the moment. Which you with proper training can sense and read.
And also what vibe you give her which will form feelings in her if theres time for that.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 21, 2021
So a couple days ago I tried street game and I found it a lot different than mall game. These are the problems I ran into:

1. I had to tail girls for a long period of time. I felt like a stalker and I suspect this one girl knew I was following her because she kept turning her head. I don’t know if she was looking at me or at the side of the street, but eventually she went into a store and I worry it was because she knew I was following her.

This is bad, I don’t want to be following girls, I don’t want to be a stalker.

I’m wondering if the quick fix to this is to jog up closer to her, maybe 5 feet behind her instead of 15? So the speed walk to beside her is shorter.

A question that I’ve had for a while now is: if a girl makes eye contact with me and then walks past me, can I still turn around and do the side approach? Would it be weird for me to do it after we have made eye contact?

I’ve had it where I saw a girl on the other side of the street and I crossed the street just to approach her. If she saw me cross the street, would she assume I’m trying to greet her?

Basically the conflict that I perceive is whether it matters or not that girl knows or suspects your intentions. Where within the spectrum of discreet to obvious do you have to be? If you do end up making it obvious that your about to approach her, does that ruin your chances?

To sum up, I’m having a hard time subtlety approaching a girl, due to distances and walking speeds and whether they notice me or not.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
There are already detailed answers here but one thing that I'd like to add that helped me with Street approaches which I struggled for a really long time and had some harsh rejections came down to "voice". Your voice is the single most important factor when doing street approach. Street approach is very hard and the girl knows it but when you approach her with a soft voice, it comes as incongruent and creepy (sorry for using this word which I hate to use but i mean in the literal sense). You have to be loud and clear regardless of who's around.
About following her, just my 2 cents: Call out the awkwardness when you approach her. This is my go-to whenever I have to follow for sometime. I say "wow! I thought I was fast but you're super-fast, like a road-runner... Pippeeep peep peep". It dissolves the awkwardness being lighthearted and sometimes if you want to be doubly sure or she doesn't laugh at your joke, say "You must've thought who's this, who seems to be following? Come on, you have to walk slowly, otherwise you'll miss out in life"... Displays social-intelligence and sets chase frame.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
I want to emphasize the power if the slow walk for doing street stops (and really in general). the slow walk (with a sexy strut, at a snails pace) puts you square in your environment. not only does it allow you to assess the nuances of the scene it also makes you stand out a bit. it makes it easier to position your self in advantages positions. you can see approach opportunities from many yards away.
Occupy a mindset where you are just enjoying yourself, totally at ease, present, and not caught up in the hustle and bustle.
Think about How many people you see out in the world just rushing around. So detached from their environment. Missing so many opportunities.
I am always amazed at how many approach opportunities just naturally arise when I am walking sloooooow.
When you are walking fast it is easy to walk right past a cute girl before you have the chance to approach. Then you have to turn around and try to make a good angle happen. Also women often pop up around street corners or out of shops and you are walking too fast to make anything happen.
You don't want to appear like you are just straight up cruising for girls. and you don't want the trajectory of your approach to seem like you have been planning it for the last 50 yards. so be casual about your stroll and strategic with your path of movement. Activate all your senses and your primal instincts and just take in the ambiance and nuance of the day.

Also, these guys have already laid out some solid opening strategies I just want to add that a simple "Hey I want to meet you real quick" or "what do you think would happen if we took a moment to meet real quick?" can go a long way when your fundamentals are sharp.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
just highlighting a point here about approach invitations and the slow walk.

Because the slow walk makes you stand out a bit from the bustling crowd to any one paying attention, you will notice more approach invitations in advance. Women who are open and available (even if they are rushing around) will become more apparent.
-Eye contact as you walk past her
-Her being sure to walk in your vicinity (sometimes even going out of her way) as you slowly mosey with ease and magnetism
-Her slowing down or even stopping to "check her phone" as you stand admiring a shop window or casually making your way down the street

and so on

Basically flips this idea that for street stops you have to chase some woman down to get her attention. You already have her attention it is just a matter of taking action. Yes, in some scenarios you may have to jump into her flow/pace to get her to slow down and engage a bit, but the whole situation is already primed for the best approach. Like sometimes you will be walking toward each other from opposite directions and you can literally just walk straight up to her. She was basically hoping that would happen anyway, and now here you two are!
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
just highlighting a point here about approach invitations and the slow walk.

Because the slow walk makes you stand out a bit from the bustling crowd to any one paying attention, you will notice more approach invitations in advance. Women who are open and available (even if they are rushing around) will become more apparent.
-Eye contact as you walk past her
-Her being sure to walk in your vicinity (sometimes even going out of her way) as you slowly mosey with ease and magnetism
-Her slowing down or even stopping to "check her phone" as you stand admiring a shop window or casually making your way down the street

and so on

Basically flips this idea that for street stops you have to chase some woman down to get her attention. You already have her attention it is just a matter of taking action. Yes, in some scenarios you may have to jump into her flow/pace to get her to slow down and engage a bit, but the whole situation is already primed for the best approach. Like sometimes you will be walking toward each other from opposite directions and you can literally just walk straight up to her. She was basically hoping that would happen anyway, and now here you two are!
That happened to me last week. I was on my lunch break and I stop this beautiful half Cuban women. We chatted for a bit then went for a coffee. I could have did what I wanted with her but I was pressed for time and got her number. Number went dead a few days later.


Mar 8, 2025
There is a ton of material on street game, from posts to whole books.

If you find the need to tail due to not finding an adequate spot to make the stop, consider the fact that the street may be too crowded for you to approach. If she has given IOIs then it will be easier to get her to stop but not if the whole crowd is in a fast pace.