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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Disclaimer: I don't know if there's anything I really could have done better here, other than better fundamentals, and I really don't know if there's much to learn here for anyone. It was simply a really easy lay from a girl who showed interest from the start and knew it was my last night and just wanted some dick. So I don't know if this is even worth posting but I really just want to document all my FR's, FU's, And LR's so I can look back in a couple years and see how far I've come. Anyway if you want to read a somewhat decent story give it a go. Here it is:

So last night was my last night in the little party tourist town I was staying at and I figured I would try and go out with a bang.
After my last lay I got lazy and kind of didn't really push any interactions of the women I was meeting sexually. Essentially due to moral licensing that inhibits us all after doing/accomplishing something our ego considers "good". When we do good our brain says okay we've done it so we can relax now and not work on that. When we label our actions as bad or unsuccessful we go into hard work mode.

A really thought provoking article: http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/moral-licensing-how-being-good-can-make-you-bad/

So it was my last day I decided I would try and push my limits and see how far I could take my interactions. Two pretty cute Korean girls arrived at the surf camp yesterday and of course all the guys are all trying to "get to know" the new cute girls. For me I prefer to lay back let everyone else give them attention and mediocre conversation with shitty fundamentals. I totally understand where there coming from but gosh does it feel so good to know I actually have some power, control, and hope in my endeavors of women rather than relying on serendipity.

Anyway I simply introduced myself and said a couple words at dinner. After dinner we usually pre game at someone's apartment and shoot the shit till we go out. I took the opportunity to get acquainted with one of the new Koreans and have some actually stimulating convo with fun banter. We got on the subject of vocabulary and how I'm actively trying to improve on.
Me: "so bear with me when I stop midsentence and rack my mind for the correct vocab word." We then got into a fun mini competition of gaining points for every out of the norm vocab word we use and she kept score pretty well.

I wanted to go out early with a couple of my guy friends here so we left the Korean girls. Though I told the Korean girl I'm in the competition with to come out later, in which she said she was too tired to come. I'm thinking okay no problem not too worried about it I want to do some cold approaching anyway.

On the way out I was joking around with my friends about how I think that the Korean girl will come out specifically too see me even though she said she was going to bed. One of my buds asked what I was going to do if she did come out. (I introduced them to girlschase in which they were amazed that people actually develop "game plans/processes" for seducing women "I usually just hope I luck out" they say... though they also didn't like it because they think it's thinking to deep into seduction, nonetheless I was about to show them how important a process is) I told him and he said I had to make up an acronym for the process. Kind of like when you get hurt in the first aid world you RICE (Rest Ice Compress Elevate). We finally came up with STRIP (Spot, Talk, Reel [intrigue], Isolate, Penetrate).

Sure enough about an hour after we were having pregame drinks out and about the Korean girl comes out (S for Spot!) with some other camp goers (as social proof and preselection, since they were all guys) and was quite dressed up all of a sudden. What was cool was when she came out I was mid-conversation with 4 attractive women sitting in the same bar (the same sweedish girl from my last FR++) so I got lucky with some good pre-selection.

I soon rejoined the group and get engaged with everyone and then proceed to start talking to the Korean girl who was sitting next to me. (T for Talk!) We talk about a couple topics including cooking, facebook, and continue our vocab game. I told her we needed to have a prize for the winner and we agreed that whomever wins will receive a kiss from the other on the cheek with sexual undertone. She said that's a good idea and that we should up the ante and take off an article of clothing instead. It was kind of funny she was so in the moment she forgot she was surrounded by all the rest of the dudes from the camp. She immediately submitted looked down and slightly embarrassed. I saved her face by addressing the group and changing the subject, which she was happy I did. We then decided to hit up a different bar.

Here we separated until we got into the bar to where I pretty much posted up on the bar and looked for girls to open. In the bar I was opening girls and trying to make out with them in under 15 seconds to push my limits. I got shot down a couple times before I could go in for a kiss. I then met one girl who actually said hi back and gave me her attention I went in for the kiss and she turned her cheek. I played off the rejection smoothly and went back to post up on the bar. The Korean girl saw the whole thing (don't know if that's good or bad but I think it's good). She then came over holding her purse that didn't have a strap to put over her shoulder with.

She came up to me, touched my chest, and asked me to hold her purse for her while she goes to dance. I'm thinking "whoa hold up sweetie, you suck my dick in the bathroom and we'll talk about this bag holding offer". I decline her offer (I think it was a shit test) and ask why she wouldn't bring a purse with a strap on it. She doesn't say anything and pulls out a tube of lipgloss/stick. She then pulls the lipstick wand out covered in red goo and proceeds to get close to me and try and put lipstick on my lips (shittest #2). I pull her hand away, take the wand, put her face in my hand and put her lipstick on her. (R for Reel! she's intrigued by how I'm handling her advances smoothly!). After giving her a shitty lipstick job I inquire about who's winning the vocab game since she's keeping score, all with a sexy undertone.

Her: "Well if you don't remember I currently have one more point than you"
Me: "Hmm, I think I'm done coming up with words for the night so I guess that means you win"
Her: Giving me bedroom eyes "Yeah I win"
Me: "I guess I need to give you what you deserve now (referring to the cheek kiss)"
Her: "Yeah you should ;)"
Me: "but not in front of everyone... they might get jealous (referring to the other campers witnessing this). Come lets go."

I then lead her by the small of her back through the crowded club and out the door onto the beach till we get to a shady lightless part of the beach. (I for isolate!) I give her a sexual hug with my hand on her ass and lean up against the wall with her body up on me and kiss her. Then pull away first. She then initiates kissing me in which I pull away first again. I ask her what kind of music she listens to and then tell her to come to my room so she can show me on my computer. We take a motorcycle taxi home and I lead her to my room.

Once in the room she comments on how I'm such a ladies man. I ask her what that means and she keeps initiating kissing in between conversation. She also comments that I'm quite charismatic which was really the best compliment I've received all year. I then pin her down on the sheets and kiss her. Clothes fly off and we get too it. (P for penetrate!)


Over and out,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Very smooth Rob!

Love how you handled those social situations man! Very good job when you saved her face. This is one of those things that IS very smooth and almost not worth mentioning BUT, the way you handled her shit tests was probably a big attraction factor. When she put her hand on your chest and asked you to hold her purse and you denied her, she was probably thinking, "What? My trick didn't work? This usually works on the average guy..." Then, "He must be more than the average guy..."

Your acronym is brilliant as well. Good job Rob, keep it up!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Sweet Rob!

Congrats on another night of fun, you budding playboy. Looks to me like you're getting the method down!

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Awesome Rob!
Love the acronym. I guess you're going to be back in Florida pretty soon?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 7, 2013
This is inspiring, glad you posted it. I think STRIP is just what I need, because it's so simple and at my level anything more complicated would distract and overwhelm.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Great job, Rob. Keep it up :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Swell lay! Cool acronym too :) An oversimplification of course but a useful one, analogous to Chase's 10-step method. It seems like the "Reel" (essentially, hook point) determines whether you have the potential to push further, and then closing out is a matter of process and hitting escalation windows.

Mr.Rob said:
It was simply a really easy lay from a girl who showed interest from the start and knew it was my last night and just wanted some dick.
Interesting to know how you screened her and discovered that she "wanted some dick"—a useful ability to say the least ;)

Mr.Rob said:
Of course all the guys are all trying to "get to know" the new cute girls. For me I prefer to lay back let everyone else give them attention and mediocre conversation with shitty fundamentals. I totally understand where there coming from but gosh does it feel so good to know I actually have some power, control, and hope in my endeavors of women rather than relying on serendipity.
So true. This "backseat" method has become my go-to in social circle. I don't have the track record (yet) in terms of results but I have proof positive that it creates attraction :)

Mr.Rob said:
they were amazed that people actually develop "game plans/processes" for seducing women "I usually just hope I luck out" they say...
Oh boy... (head in hands) No matter, less competition for the rest of us!

Mr.Rob said:
In the bar I was opening girls and trying to make out with them in under 15 seconds to push my limits.
Yeah, okay, thanks Rob, that kinda puts into perspective where I need to get to!

Mr.Rob said:
The Korean girl saw the whole thing (don't know if that's good or bad but I think it's good).
Great preselection, surely.

Mr.Rob said:
She came up to me, touched my chest, and asked me to hold her purse for her while she goes to dance. I'm thinking "whoa hold up sweetie, you suck my dick in the bathroom and we'll talk about this bag holding offer".
LOL :)) Reminds me of the bit in Chase's recent article where the girl thinks: "I can't get you to do anything I want—and I am so turned on right now".

Mr.Rob said:
I pull her hand away, take the wand, put her face in my hand and put her lipstick on her. (R for Reel! she's intrigued by how I'm handling her advances smoothly!).
Very nicely handled indeed.

Mr.Rob said:
Me: "but not in front of everyone... they might get jealous (referring to the other campers witnessing this). Come lets go."
This is straight out of Chase's playbook: "Not here"—two words that communicate very good things (I think that's from the eBook). I love it!

Great report, Rob—a lot to learn from!!



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Wow guys I didn't honestly think this stuff was that good, just smooth. Thanks for enjoying my story!

I honestly wouldn't have had either of the LR's I posted about in the past month if I didn't travel over seas (yes Wes I'm back in Florida where it's cold :'( ) and live at a place that commends a natural social circle (high turnover of travelers age 20-40 that all want to socialize and have a good time). So in that retrospect it was a lot easier to seduce women in because there was no real approach, they were all there for a "good time", almost no one at the camp had worked hard to become a sexual target (I was at the top of the chain here), and logistics were almost perfect.

It was good learning and I'm sure I quickened my learning pace rapidly through social circle but nonetheless the real skill lies in cold approaching. This is my next goal and I am confident I can achieve it.

Marty, thanks for the kind words. Kind of like your paprikababe in reverse on this one. I didn't honestly think this would be worth the read and it turned out it was. Glad somebody learned something!

Thanks for the support guys.

Over and out,


Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Dude, Mr. Rob, this was beautiful. What an awesome read.

Mr.Rob said:
Though I told the Korean girl I'm in the competition with to come out later, in which she said she was too tired to come. I'm thinking okay no problem not too worried about it I want to do some cold approaching anyway.

On the way out I was joking around with my friends about how I think that the Korean girl will come out specifically too see me even though she said she was going to bed.

Feel like there's some sub-context here that could be helpful to understand. The law of least effort at play?

Mr.Rob said:
I told her we needed to have a prize for the winner and we agreed that whomever wins will receive a kiss from the other on the cheek with sexual undertone. She said that's a good idea and that we should up the ante and take off an article of clothing instead.

Very subtle signs of interest.

Mr.Rob said:
She came up to me, touched my chest, and asked me to hold her purse for her while she goes to dance. I'm thinking "whoa hold up sweetie, you suck my dick in the bathroom and we'll talk about this bag holding offer". I decline her offer (I think it was a shit test) and ask why she wouldn't bring a purse with a strap on it. She doesn't say anything and pulls out a tube of lipgloss/stick. She then pulls the lipstick wand out covered in red goo and proceeds to get close to me and try and put lipstick on my lips (shittest #2). I pull her hand away, take the wand, put her face in my hand and put her lipstick on her. (R for Reel! she's intrigued by how I'm handling her advances smoothly!).

My God man...this is amazing. Great that you spotted what she was trying to do, it obviously worked, and yes you did handle her tests very smoothly, led flawlessly and threw it back at her. Also, red lipstick...making herself look better for you. There was probably a lot of sexual tension between you two at this point, which means it's time to pull. And you realized that:

Mr.Rob said:
After giving her a shitty lipstick job I inquire about who's winning the vocab game since she's keeping score, all with a sexy undertone.

Her: "Well if you don't remember I currently have one more point than you"
Me: "Hmm, I think I'm done coming up with words for the night so I guess that means you win"
Her: Giving me bedroom eyes "Yeah I win"
Me: "I guess I need to give you what you deserve now (referring to the cheek kiss)"
Her: "Yeah you should ;)"
Me: "but not in front of everyone... they might get jealous (referring to the other campers witnessing this). Come lets go."

Just beautiful, Rob. You set this up and handled the pull perfectly.

Hope to see many more like this, good job man!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take