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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Guys i need a bit of help and your insight about this girl I met a week ago . we went on a mini date in different venue , and she told me im the coolest person she met , so i invited her to go out with me for a drink in a local bar during the week. There we made a bit of connection , made out and whatnot , spent entire night together and i really liked her to be honest. So to make this story short , i invited her to my place and she was thrilled about it and came right over.

I kissed her within 10 minutes as Chase recommended , spent about 30 minutes talking after that, i did "Cube" game with her. I must say the Cube is great , she was all shining and smiling "yea that's totally me" .Few times she said "you are the most interesting guy i met" and stuff like that. So i decided its time and i went for it , making out , touching , but every time i went for private parts she removed my hand.

After about 15 minutes of this , i took my shirt off , she said "i will only take off my sweater". Another 10 minutes and i unbuttoned my pants , she said "did you just unbutton your pants ?!" , i said "yea its getting tight in there" .
So after another 20 minutes of grinding , dry humping and me trying to take her shirt off atleast , she refused to remove a single item of her clothing. I lost my hard-on after that and cooled it off .

So can you guys tell me what you think about this. My thoughts are :
1. I am boyfriend material (all the you are cool and interesting stuff)
2. I didnt persist enough (tried about 10-15 times to take her shirt off)
3. ???

How do you recommend i proceed from here, i will most likely see her in few days


the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
I would suggest you look at Anatman's "I love Velvet chocolate" post. It has a very good example of escalation technique. One of the biggest thing I can point out is unbuttoning your own pants is a big no no.

Letting a girl massage with her hand is a good thing to do and then you progress from there :D