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Suggestion for tomorrow home date


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 29, 2021
Met this girl over Bumble some 2 weeks ago.

We had a first date - met up for a coffee after work. Vibe was good, except she talked about work a bit too much, but there was some chemistry for sure.
We had a second date some 5 days ago, evening workday meetup, vibe was good again, even better then first date and we spoke very little about work. I walked her to her car in the rain at the end and we made out for a bit in front of the car before she left.

So, for third date I proposed that she come over to my place and we can cook dinner and "afterwords we can take a walk to town for drink or somethig".

To this I get her reply:

"Well... I know what this alludes to, but it's too early for me for that kind of intimacy. I don't want you to have expectations that something more happens so quickly.

Now, if you really want me to come over, we can have some deeper conversations, no problem... but if that would be weird for you, we can have a date somewhere public."

I write back:

"Ok, first thing: the only thing I have expectations of is that you act in accordance with what you find comfortable and ok.
I can promise you now I don't want to do anything that we're both not 100% for
So I'd like you to come, we'll do some cooking and talking and we can take a walk to town after, you do owe me a coctail as I recall :)"

She agrees to come, says she'll bring a bottle of wine etc etc, all good.

My question:

Do I try to escalate to sex on this date? If so, do I it at my place, or, we inded have dinner, go to town for a drink, come back ie. her car will be parked next to my apartment so I'm walking her back to the car, but then I see if I can get her back to the apartment again and escalate then?
Or some third option? Any advice is appreciated
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
"afterwords we can take a walk to town for drink or somethig".
This looks super shady!
You both know sex is gonna happen when you are in isolation, women are not stupid...so don't try to make it look normal or sugar coat it for her
She knows whats up

Have dinner, seat her on the sofa with wine in hand and escalate till sex happens.
She clearly wants to be lead to bed, or else she would not have agreed to come over, but is sensing your shadyness/indecision.
"Well... I know what this alludes to, but it's too early for me for that kind of intimacy. I don't want you to have expectations that something more happens so quickly."
I would've said, "don't worry, we won't have sex..not there yet with you"
(See how the word "yet" is casually thrown in the middle?)
Then when she is with you, it will be "oops, it just happened"

Side note: aren't you missing sex talk (and probably kino) on your dates?
Could be wrong, but also sensing some BF vibes....this is probably why she is making you wait that long and trying to look like a lady.
If on a first date I don't have her naturally talking about sex, even if marginally, It's probably a pass for me.