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FR  Sunny Girl on a Sunny Afternoon


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
Alison: Extremely cute, 5'3", sunshine blonde, cheerful, junior sorority girl, into horses, 2 younger sisters, studying apparel design and business, just got a new puppy, outdoorsy.

Met a girl yesterday at a park when I was down from the mountains visiting my parents playing with her new puppy. I go over and talk with her, get her number, then continue on my way. Text her a few hours later and set up a date for today at a cafe/bar.

Today: Sun is up for whole interaction. Takes place between 6 PM and 7:30 PM. I am at the cafe/bar/bike-shop first, get a drink of water, and chat with some girls nearby who invite me to a dirt bike thing, then she comes in and joins me in this private alcove with a nice leather sofa and some royal chairs. She is even cuter than I remembered. Good. Very sunny. Happy, smiling, sunflower dress (but with a hole for each leg, so maybe not a dress?), big gold plant shaped earrings, open shoes.

We chat and flirt a bit. I do some screening but she isn't investing as much as I'd like, so I turn the conversation to adventures. She claims to be adventurous. Decent screening, but I don't feel like I'm coming off enough like an edgy lover, so I pick up the dominance level a bit -- tell her to show me some pictures on her phone, then say let's go for a walk. She complies. We go for a decently long walk and I incrementally touch her for longer and longer in more and more intimate areas (e.g. inner thighs) but not as much as I would prefer. I also get her talking about her "dark side." She is pretty open but very passive and is just waiting for me to lead her. She asks if I have any roommates. I pick up on this cue and as we are walking back I invite her back to the place I'm staying to check out some pictures of my parents dogs on my computer. She definitely knew what was up (pretty lame excuse, IMO), though she was playing coy and just going with the flow. Anyway, we take separate cars and we meet up over at the house I'm staying at, which is a few minute drive. Get her upstairs, give her a tour, offer her a drink of water (declined), offer her to sit down (declined), show her dog pics (can't find any on my computer but 'just so happen to have some on my phone' lol). Go on the porch and conversation is superficial and tension is clearly building and she says she wants to go on the roof. I say sure, let's do it, then she says: "Maybe another time. I have to go check on my puppy. I talked with my friend on the phone on the way over here, and she says my dog is whining a lot." I say, "Okay, well let's just go on the roof for a few minutes, then you can leave." (thinking I'd make a move up there). She says, "No, but maybe another time." I persist but she is not bending, so it's time to part, but I'm not letting her get away that easy. We hug, she starts walking away, but I grab her hand and say "Hold on a sec," then pull her into me, put my hand on her cheek, grin, then go in for the kiss. She complies but turns her head, saying "Not on the first date." I say, "Ahh, unfortunately I don't play those games." She says "I have to go. Maybe next time." I say, "Hmm, I'm not really a second date kind of guy." She is walking away now. "Sorry, I have to go." "Well hey, it was nice meeting you Ali!" (sub-communication that we won't see each other again) "You too!" She leaves.

Takeaways: At the end there I felt a little annoyed, to be honest, since I thought I had already sufficiently framed ourselves outside of social conventions, but apparently not. But I shouldn't let that stuff bother me. Apparently I didn't successfully frame myself in her mind as a lover, and I could have shown too much value as well. But then again, from the beginning she seemed pretty surefire on looking for a BF/Provider, and was not hugely reactive when I did things outside of that (though neither was she super engaged). I felt my game was decently tight, with only a few holes that need smoothing over, and we clicked well too. I just failed to frame it as sexual enough. However, all in all, I'm pretty pleased with my process, it's just I need to be meeting more girls, as most of my time I'm by myself up in the mountains, and even in my parents' town it's hard to locate girls (though I think I found a place to pick up that might be better than anywhere else. So when I'm around, I'll probably be going there and seeing what's up).

On to the next one :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hey, good job bringing her home though, even though couldn't get her pants off!

I'm no expert here, but maybe she expected you to push her against the wall the moment you entered the house, and you took too much time? Just my 2 cents, but then again, I am no expert!

- Kevin


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
Yeah, that's definitely a solid strategy, though I think the problem emerged earlier on, where I failed to build a solid lover frame for that action to be based on. I was a little off my game; a bit rusty. Also I think she was primarily on the lookout for a bf to impress her sorority sisters with. On top of that, she's probably not used to meeting up with a guy and sleeping with him the same day (especially during the day time), as she's young and beautiful and swimming with male doters. In the end, she saw more value in me in other ways besides a lover. Really though, I just need to have more faith in myself that I know what women want better than they do, and communicate that more thoroughly through my nonverbals.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake