Two instant dates today while I was going about my day pretty naturally. Being in university the lifestyle is pretty conducive to that sort of thing, so I went out to sun tan and saw this 8 putting her phone in the charger and immediately thought this girl is my type. She was visiting her sister and was leaving in the next hour I sat by her stuff and we struck up a conversation and spoke for the next hour. Deep diving, information about where she was and also touching to sexualize but the vibe wasn't overtly sexual. She said that she had to leave to catch a plane in the next 15 minutes, and then she asked what we should do.
I told her we should go downstairs (meaning my room) and just chill out.
She asked me where, like oh to the lounge? and I just folded under pressure and said yeah. Decent enough time then and I walked her to her uber and she hopped in. I have her number so maybe redemption when I'm in new york.
Next girl I ran it okay I guess. Saw her at the grocery store and asked if she was looking for juice, then called that she was high. We went shopping together and then after putting her stuff in her car I told her to come with me to a cafe. She came with me. Was trying a compliance ladder that was working to middling effect, before she had to go so her groceries didn't go bad. Got her number so I could make a play but idk.
Second one felt a lot more like I was following a process. Giving her commands the whole time so that the next one was natural. First one was highly compliant but I wasn't bossing her around enough fast enough so I let it slip through my fingers.
I seriously feel like I'm lacking the killer instinct with these girls and it's difficult for me to sexualize things. I feel like I don't want it bad enough.