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FR  Supermarket 7/13


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Girl 1: slim but fashionably dressed thing walking with her sister. She is on the phone but I approach (or maybe I thought she was not on the phone?) Anyway, she's on the phone. She is very flattered (that's always nice). I ask her if the call is important and can she hang up? She says it is, she also says that she is married and holds up her ring. I make a tiny bit more conversation before exiting the encounter.

to improve on: feeling too friendly, SLEGIM

Girl 2: I walk right past her with thoughts of having to go back to work in mind, but then I think "I am losing an opportunity here that I will never get back to understand people better". So I head back. Not so smooth or sexy here either but we make amiable conversation. I ask her what she likes to do: "Watch netflix" What's your favorite show? "Spartacus" Oh, you like the naked, muscular men? "No, I like the boobies" I fumble a GOLDEN chase frame opportunity here. I should have said "You have good taste" or "My kind of woman". Anyway, she said she was engaged while we were talking and she agrees to meet up later. But she won't give out her number but and asks for mine. I know that this is a lost cause so I say "Sure" and don't persist.

To improve on: SLEGIM, less friendly (imagine I have Barry White's voice!)

Girl 3: off work, walk right past again because she didn't look that cute close up. But then she asks me a question about the Hawaiiann rolls (no, they're not soggy, just really soft) and I see that she IS quite the cutie. So I ask her for her name and she is confused (because I didn't state my interest) and try to rectify that by calling her cute. She is not piqued but I persist. She says that her name is America and I say "My favorite country" That was kind of gamey. Anyway, she just wants to shop so I don't bother and bid her farewell.

To improve on: SLEGIM, Barry White voice, consonant enunciation
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers