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FR  Supermarket


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Seeing a cute girl shopping for produce, I hem and haw and pretend to do some work. We orbit round each other for a little bit this way until I finally just approach her. The walk up was strong as I was going to tap her elbow but then I think that she sees me and she turns. This causes me to slow down which I think showed a lack of confidence (which is slightly true). Say the usual thing "thought you were cute yadda yadda" she is flattered but not excited. Probably caught off guard being approached in a grocery store. Maybe I should have used the indirect direct approach? Probably also should have used more personalized compliment about her. Should have stood closer as well, too much space between us. When I realized this, I stepped forward. She didn't move back but that maybe that's because I was still too far to be on the threshold of her personal space. Needless to say from the tally of unsexy behaviour above, she decided to excuse herself to go back to her shopping. Not wanting her to cast my pride on the floor so readily, I ask her if she wants to meet up again. She says she's "okay". I hate it when they say that. But I don't quite know how to articulate why. Maybe it's the implication that you had zero impact on their life and could not possibly improve it with your presence. *sigh* Better luck tomorrow.

To improve on: yes ladders (must do), stand close, don't hesitate during approach, more personalized compliment, call her term of endearment (sweetheart is a good one I like to use, acceptable in the south, not sure how it fares up north), rid yourself of expectations
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake