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Upon reflecting on many of my successful seductions, I came to realize just how much strong logistics have played a role. Especially in the more adventure-forward stages of my lifestyle. I tend to be a naturally exploratory individual, seeking out every hidden gem nook and cranny of this world. This disposition lends itself to dynamic logistical knowledge. So, logistics have always played a supportive roll in how I have run a great deal of dates.
Before we jump into it I want to make two things clear
-When we are talking about logistics in the post we are talking about physical venues. As opposed to logistics of a more social nature (like, is she here with her friends, what time does she have to get up in the morning, and so on).
-When I mention state in this post I am not using the term how it is traditionally used (referring to state/momentum of a seducers personal psychological and emotional presence/awareness), but instead, I am referring to the overall mood/vibe/sense of connection you sharing with your gal. That is to say, the overall state of the seduction at any given moment
Okay, let’s dive in!
Logistics Support the state of your seduction
The management of logistics does not just happen in a vacuum, it happens in accordance to each beat of where the seduction is at a given moment, and how the two of you are connecting in that moment.
Use your logistics to ground the state of your seduction at any given moment. LOGISTICS SUPPORT STATE, not the other way around. If the tone and mood of your seduction is not flowing, no amount of logistics can change that. However, if your logistics support the tone and mood at any given moment, the seduction will forward at a solid pace, as the environment supports that forward movement.
For example, the two of you met at a bar and have had fire chemistry for the past hour and a half, at this point you two are practically ripping each other's clothes off. The logistical decision to move things to the most convenient place where you know you can escalate is a reasonable decision, based on where the seduction is at. If, on the other hand, the seduction has a way to go before you even consider escalation, the decision to move things to a more intimate seating area is a wiser decision than inviting her to the bathroom for a bit of fun.
Another clear example, just because you have a woman in your bed doesn’t mean she will want to fuck you. If the state is not lined up with the logistics there will be friction in the seduction. Now you are faced with all sorts of asd or lmr. But if a woman wants to fuck you and you happen to be in your bed together, you have some good logistics on your side. You have logistics that support the current state of the seduction.
When you skillfully apply supportive logistics, then you can use your environment to deepen your sense of connection, build comfort, build tension, allow release, stimulate arousal, and so on. This can prove to be a handy skill set to have in your pocket when leading dynamic dates, especially when it comes to pacing.
The environmental conditions of each venue play a huge role in how your logistics will support the seduction as well. Obvious conditions are lighting, level of social activity, level of external stimulation, what activities you two can partake in in the venue, and so on. There are other less obvious tonal considerations as well, like what are the underlying social implications of the venue. All this is important to keep in mind because it is not just about whether the logistic is private or not, but how the tone of the space support the tone of your interaction at that moment.
I have pulled women who seemed to be ready to go at it, to places that had a weird environmental tone to it, and it totally reshaped the vibe of our interaction, killing momentum. Conversely, I have pulled women who seemed somewhat on the fence to places that hit just the right notes and the energy immediately ramped up.
Pay close attention to the environmental tone of each location and consider how it might affect the mood of your seduction at that moment. And remember, logistics play a supportive role in the state of your seduction at any given moment.
Moving logistics leads state
If your current logistics support a certain tone and mood to your seduction, and the state of that tone and mood starts to shift in forward momentum, then it stands to reason that moving your logistics to a different venue will support the direction of where the state is headed (granted you chose the next location wisely).
If you are in a loud, active venue, that has really supported a state where the two of you are generating fun vibes that are gaining momentum, and you don’t move your logistics to support where the state is headed (in this case deeper sense of intimacy), you will most likely lose the momentum you have built and be sent into a state of damage control.
However, if you recognize the direction that the state of your connection/seduction is headed in, and you move the logistics to a venue that supports that direction, then the state has a smooth landing pad that will serve as a place where the mood can anchor itself. Thus solidifying the next progression in the seduction arc, as well as creating grounds for new expressions of your connection to arise. Therefore, moving logistics leads state.
Logistics Support and Lead State
With this in mind you can begin to set up, and manage your logistics in a manner that helps seductions flow seamlessly from one beat to another. As the seduction moves closer and closer to intimacy, so too do the logistics. With a proper logistics management strategy you are creating the perfect logistics for each beat of the seduction. Setting up these perfect little landing strips for each seductive flight of fancy.
The vibe between you is adventurous at the moment, there just so happens to be an abandoned church you can explore, or a cliff you can stand on the edge of, or a roof you can climb, or even just a nice brisk starlit walk in the night. You two are really connecting about creative things, there just so happens to be a gallery up the street, or a funky old book store, or a great jazz bar. Things are getting more intimate and magically the environment itself just so happens to be shifting in that direction. It is almost as if the whole world is conspiring for you two to get together. "How in the world did we find ourselves in such a beautiful and private hidden corner of the world, right when we can no longer control our passion for one another?"
This is ace-level logistics that are sync with all the other elements at play in seduction. You might find her in wonderment at just how in sync the moment is, saying something like “Did you plan this?” You reply with a sly “If only I were that smooth.” The truth of course is yes and no. You had your hand in managing the logistics behind the scenes, but the magic just sort of happened all on its own. I mean, how could you have known the two of you would have such chemistry? That's just an expression of life you can't control.
I want to again emphasize here that all of this is in service to where your connection is at. You are not using flashy logistical touches as means of impressing her, or pigeonholing the moment into something contrived.
Logistics Have Meaning
When using supportive logistics it is crucial to understand that each logistic comes with various meanings
-The social implication of the venue. Understand that there is an inherent social implication to each venue. Even if there are no people around. For example, inviting a woman home has a very significant cultural meaning attached to it. Proposing a move to your place when the state of your date does not call for it, and you will have logistics that are not supportive to the state.
Making out at a party where her friends can see you, has a very different social implication than making out at a bar in front of a bunch of strangers.
If you are aware of the social implications attached to your venue choices you can use it to your advantage, but maybe this just goes without saying.
Something to note here is that in some situations you can actually use logistics that are counter to social norms/expectations as a means of supporting the seduction. This is really just a matter of calibrating. Sex in public places is a perfect example (hidden away from view, guys. Don't involve innocent bystanders in your private affairs). It is a counter-social move, but calibrated to the right girl, at the right time, and it is an extremely supportive logistic.
Just briefly showing her your bedroom moments before the dam bursts and its time to escalate, but instead moving things towards the kitchen and escalating there. This is a great example of subverting social expectation to build tension and release, and using micro logistics to support that.
-What the logistic means for the mood of the moment. We already covered this a good deal, but just remember to calibrate your logistical moves to the current state of the seduction, at any given moment.
-What the logistic means to her personally. For example, if she is not a very adventurous gal, trying to move the logistics to a rooftop where you know you can escalate is probably not going to work well. You have to calibrate the logistics to her personal sensibilities. If she is adventurous (or in an adventurous mood) low key logistics will probably slow momentum. If she is generally thoughtful (or in a thoughtful mood) you don't want to pull to a bustling dance venue, unless you really sense it will give a needed boost to the energy.
Move her to environments that make sense to her reality to build comfort, but also move her to environments that push up against her every sense of everyday reality and stimulate arousal. Each place in it own right time.
Have a good sense as to how she might respond towards different environments and the activities you two can participate in there. Deep diving is a great tool for gaining this sense. Planting seeds earlier on during the seduction will help you get a sense of how she might respond to different possible environments, as well.
-What the logistic means for the shared connection you two have. Ultimately the seduction is about the sense of connection you two are sharing, so if you propose logistics that are super left field from where your shared sense of connection is it will feel super out of frame. This is where seeding can come in handy. By planting seeds early on in the interaction, based on your shared sense of connection, you can easily move things along later in the interaction. I mean, you are both adventurous people, why wouldn’t you want to go climb a building (where you know you can bang, should the moment call for it)
Make logistical choices that are in line with your shared sense of connection, and you will find yourself in environments that foster that sense of connection.
-What the logistics mean for the sense of intimacy. While this is for the most part self-explanatory because some environments are naturally more intimate feeling than others. However, you can also use logistics in counterintuitive ways. Because intimacy isn't just about physical closeness, or isolation, but also about the sense of connection you share. So while going to boogie on the dance floor together isn't necessarily intimate in the private sense, it is still a logistical move that can help foster a sense of intimacy in the physical and emotional sense.
All this said, as you move the seduction forward your logistics will become increasingly more private.
-What the logistic means for your pacing. Sure strolling in the arts district would be fun for both of you, but if you propose this at a high momentum moment during a later phase of the date, the time it will take to reasonably experience the arts district before moving things to a more intimate area will totally throw your pacing off (unless of course of know a hidden little nook in the arts district where you can comfortably escalate, of course). Conversely, if the seduction needs more time to stew and build a sense of connection a stroll in the arts district might very well get the job done.
Consider the implications each logistical move has on the pacing of your seduction a given moment.
You can use logistics to tease moments and subvert expectations. Fractionate logistics while you fractionate other elements of your seduction (like sex talk), This adds an extra impactful touch and creates more intoxicating peaks and valleys (obviously don't go overboard and move a girl every moment the conversation changes. Pace yourself and shift logistics at key moments).
Always be aware of the meaning behind your logistics, and use logistics that support the meaning of each moment in the seduction.
A Final Note
It is important to mention that this sort of strategic supportive logistical management is not a primary function in seduction. That is to say that it is not necessarily essential. There are ways to slap-dash together logistics out of seemingly nowhere. There are ways to escalate despite poor logistics. If your framing is right, and there is enough attraction, you can make a plethora of otherwise less-than-desirable environments become right for the moment. This is not a magic bullet, and some seducers may not see the use of using such logistics forward seduction pacing.
This said, I do believe that every seducer should at least have a basic sense of how their environment will affect the state of their seduction. And for those of us who truly are adventurous at heart, and love exploring every nook and cranny of this world, this sort of logistical awareness is a no-brainer when it comes to leading dynamic dates.
So there it is, a basic primer on supportive logistics. In a future post we will explore how you can keep these principles in mind when building logistics maps, and have a varied and dynamic logistical pallet that you can pull from.
Until then, use supportive logistics and watch in amazement as your entire environment seems to be shaping itself around the gravitational passion that the two of you share together.
Before we jump into it I want to make two things clear
-When we are talking about logistics in the post we are talking about physical venues. As opposed to logistics of a more social nature (like, is she here with her friends, what time does she have to get up in the morning, and so on).
-When I mention state in this post I am not using the term how it is traditionally used (referring to state/momentum of a seducers personal psychological and emotional presence/awareness), but instead, I am referring to the overall mood/vibe/sense of connection you sharing with your gal. That is to say, the overall state of the seduction at any given moment
Okay, let’s dive in!
Logistics Support the state of your seduction
The management of logistics does not just happen in a vacuum, it happens in accordance to each beat of where the seduction is at a given moment, and how the two of you are connecting in that moment.
Use your logistics to ground the state of your seduction at any given moment. LOGISTICS SUPPORT STATE, not the other way around. If the tone and mood of your seduction is not flowing, no amount of logistics can change that. However, if your logistics support the tone and mood at any given moment, the seduction will forward at a solid pace, as the environment supports that forward movement.
For example, the two of you met at a bar and have had fire chemistry for the past hour and a half, at this point you two are practically ripping each other's clothes off. The logistical decision to move things to the most convenient place where you know you can escalate is a reasonable decision, based on where the seduction is at. If, on the other hand, the seduction has a way to go before you even consider escalation, the decision to move things to a more intimate seating area is a wiser decision than inviting her to the bathroom for a bit of fun.
Another clear example, just because you have a woman in your bed doesn’t mean she will want to fuck you. If the state is not lined up with the logistics there will be friction in the seduction. Now you are faced with all sorts of asd or lmr. But if a woman wants to fuck you and you happen to be in your bed together, you have some good logistics on your side. You have logistics that support the current state of the seduction.
When you skillfully apply supportive logistics, then you can use your environment to deepen your sense of connection, build comfort, build tension, allow release, stimulate arousal, and so on. This can prove to be a handy skill set to have in your pocket when leading dynamic dates, especially when it comes to pacing.
The environmental conditions of each venue play a huge role in how your logistics will support the seduction as well. Obvious conditions are lighting, level of social activity, level of external stimulation, what activities you two can partake in in the venue, and so on. There are other less obvious tonal considerations as well, like what are the underlying social implications of the venue. All this is important to keep in mind because it is not just about whether the logistic is private or not, but how the tone of the space support the tone of your interaction at that moment.
I have pulled women who seemed to be ready to go at it, to places that had a weird environmental tone to it, and it totally reshaped the vibe of our interaction, killing momentum. Conversely, I have pulled women who seemed somewhat on the fence to places that hit just the right notes and the energy immediately ramped up.
Pay close attention to the environmental tone of each location and consider how it might affect the mood of your seduction at that moment. And remember, logistics play a supportive role in the state of your seduction at any given moment.
Moving logistics leads state
If your current logistics support a certain tone and mood to your seduction, and the state of that tone and mood starts to shift in forward momentum, then it stands to reason that moving your logistics to a different venue will support the direction of where the state is headed (granted you chose the next location wisely).
If you are in a loud, active venue, that has really supported a state where the two of you are generating fun vibes that are gaining momentum, and you don’t move your logistics to support where the state is headed (in this case deeper sense of intimacy), you will most likely lose the momentum you have built and be sent into a state of damage control.
However, if you recognize the direction that the state of your connection/seduction is headed in, and you move the logistics to a venue that supports that direction, then the state has a smooth landing pad that will serve as a place where the mood can anchor itself. Thus solidifying the next progression in the seduction arc, as well as creating grounds for new expressions of your connection to arise. Therefore, moving logistics leads state.
Logistics Support and Lead State
With this in mind you can begin to set up, and manage your logistics in a manner that helps seductions flow seamlessly from one beat to another. As the seduction moves closer and closer to intimacy, so too do the logistics. With a proper logistics management strategy you are creating the perfect logistics for each beat of the seduction. Setting up these perfect little landing strips for each seductive flight of fancy.
The vibe between you is adventurous at the moment, there just so happens to be an abandoned church you can explore, or a cliff you can stand on the edge of, or a roof you can climb, or even just a nice brisk starlit walk in the night. You two are really connecting about creative things, there just so happens to be a gallery up the street, or a funky old book store, or a great jazz bar. Things are getting more intimate and magically the environment itself just so happens to be shifting in that direction. It is almost as if the whole world is conspiring for you two to get together. "How in the world did we find ourselves in such a beautiful and private hidden corner of the world, right when we can no longer control our passion for one another?"
This is ace-level logistics that are sync with all the other elements at play in seduction. You might find her in wonderment at just how in sync the moment is, saying something like “Did you plan this?” You reply with a sly “If only I were that smooth.” The truth of course is yes and no. You had your hand in managing the logistics behind the scenes, but the magic just sort of happened all on its own. I mean, how could you have known the two of you would have such chemistry? That's just an expression of life you can't control.
I want to again emphasize here that all of this is in service to where your connection is at. You are not using flashy logistical touches as means of impressing her, or pigeonholing the moment into something contrived.
Logistics Have Meaning
When using supportive logistics it is crucial to understand that each logistic comes with various meanings
-The social implication of the venue. Understand that there is an inherent social implication to each venue. Even if there are no people around. For example, inviting a woman home has a very significant cultural meaning attached to it. Proposing a move to your place when the state of your date does not call for it, and you will have logistics that are not supportive to the state.
Making out at a party where her friends can see you, has a very different social implication than making out at a bar in front of a bunch of strangers.
If you are aware of the social implications attached to your venue choices you can use it to your advantage, but maybe this just goes without saying.
Something to note here is that in some situations you can actually use logistics that are counter to social norms/expectations as a means of supporting the seduction. This is really just a matter of calibrating. Sex in public places is a perfect example (hidden away from view, guys. Don't involve innocent bystanders in your private affairs). It is a counter-social move, but calibrated to the right girl, at the right time, and it is an extremely supportive logistic.
Just briefly showing her your bedroom moments before the dam bursts and its time to escalate, but instead moving things towards the kitchen and escalating there. This is a great example of subverting social expectation to build tension and release, and using micro logistics to support that.
-What the logistic means for the mood of the moment. We already covered this a good deal, but just remember to calibrate your logistical moves to the current state of the seduction, at any given moment.
-What the logistic means to her personally. For example, if she is not a very adventurous gal, trying to move the logistics to a rooftop where you know you can escalate is probably not going to work well. You have to calibrate the logistics to her personal sensibilities. If she is adventurous (or in an adventurous mood) low key logistics will probably slow momentum. If she is generally thoughtful (or in a thoughtful mood) you don't want to pull to a bustling dance venue, unless you really sense it will give a needed boost to the energy.
Move her to environments that make sense to her reality to build comfort, but also move her to environments that push up against her every sense of everyday reality and stimulate arousal. Each place in it own right time.
Have a good sense as to how she might respond towards different environments and the activities you two can participate in there. Deep diving is a great tool for gaining this sense. Planting seeds earlier on during the seduction will help you get a sense of how she might respond to different possible environments, as well.
-What the logistic means for the shared connection you two have. Ultimately the seduction is about the sense of connection you two are sharing, so if you propose logistics that are super left field from where your shared sense of connection is it will feel super out of frame. This is where seeding can come in handy. By planting seeds early on in the interaction, based on your shared sense of connection, you can easily move things along later in the interaction. I mean, you are both adventurous people, why wouldn’t you want to go climb a building (where you know you can bang, should the moment call for it)
Make logistical choices that are in line with your shared sense of connection, and you will find yourself in environments that foster that sense of connection.
-What the logistics mean for the sense of intimacy. While this is for the most part self-explanatory because some environments are naturally more intimate feeling than others. However, you can also use logistics in counterintuitive ways. Because intimacy isn't just about physical closeness, or isolation, but also about the sense of connection you share. So while going to boogie on the dance floor together isn't necessarily intimate in the private sense, it is still a logistical move that can help foster a sense of intimacy in the physical and emotional sense.
All this said, as you move the seduction forward your logistics will become increasingly more private.
-What the logistic means for your pacing. Sure strolling in the arts district would be fun for both of you, but if you propose this at a high momentum moment during a later phase of the date, the time it will take to reasonably experience the arts district before moving things to a more intimate area will totally throw your pacing off (unless of course of know a hidden little nook in the arts district where you can comfortably escalate, of course). Conversely, if the seduction needs more time to stew and build a sense of connection a stroll in the arts district might very well get the job done.
Consider the implications each logistical move has on the pacing of your seduction a given moment.
You can use logistics to tease moments and subvert expectations. Fractionate logistics while you fractionate other elements of your seduction (like sex talk), This adds an extra impactful touch and creates more intoxicating peaks and valleys (obviously don't go overboard and move a girl every moment the conversation changes. Pace yourself and shift logistics at key moments).
Always be aware of the meaning behind your logistics, and use logistics that support the meaning of each moment in the seduction.
A Final Note
It is important to mention that this sort of strategic supportive logistical management is not a primary function in seduction. That is to say that it is not necessarily essential. There are ways to slap-dash together logistics out of seemingly nowhere. There are ways to escalate despite poor logistics. If your framing is right, and there is enough attraction, you can make a plethora of otherwise less-than-desirable environments become right for the moment. This is not a magic bullet, and some seducers may not see the use of using such logistics forward seduction pacing.
This said, I do believe that every seducer should at least have a basic sense of how their environment will affect the state of their seduction. And for those of us who truly are adventurous at heart, and love exploring every nook and cranny of this world, this sort of logistical awareness is a no-brainer when it comes to leading dynamic dates.
So there it is, a basic primer on supportive logistics. In a future post we will explore how you can keep these principles in mind when building logistics maps, and have a varied and dynamic logistical pallet that you can pull from.
Until then, use supportive logistics and watch in amazement as your entire environment seems to be shaping itself around the gravitational passion that the two of you share together.
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