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Suspicious after urine test request from company OH unit

Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
So basically this is about when I came back to work after a taking 2½ days sick time due to back pain immediately after a disagreement with a supervisor.

Upon showing up to work I discovered that I'd to remain certified until I'd visited their chief medical officer (CMO). This in theory meant that I'd be getting paid for 40 days to stay at home, but I knew that was too good to be true. So I told a member of management that I'd be okay to go back to work, saying there was no need for the CMO visit. I ended up going back to work the next day, but they still insisted on the CMO visit. I was never actually told the reason why I was being sent there, and I forgot to asked due to all the distraction from defending myself over initial incident with supervisor. It might have made some bit of sense to send me initially, as they were saying that they couldn't let me work. In that case I'd be being sent in to be certified well enough to come back. But now that I was back working, the only reason for me to be sent, would be to make me fear (if I were lying) that their doctor might be able to prove that there was nothing wrong with my back. I figured it was just a scare tactic, that would cost them another day of me being off work.

Five weeks later at the CMO's, I explained how I'd pain in my back and that I took two days off as a result of it, and I talked through the symptoms I had. She acted surprised that I was even sent, and after 5-10 minutes she said "that's all fine, I'll just get a urine sample before you go". I told her that I'd rather not. I had done one before upon first getting employed by the company, but there wasn't anything personal to it that time. She basically said that "no result" is viewed as a positive result. Now I don't think she was saying this to manipulate me but I think maybe that I didn't like the idea of someone acting as if I'm a potential junkie just because I find it intrusive. She asked sympatethically if I thought something might show up. I said that that's not why. She tried to reassure me by saying that the nurse will talk you through the procedure, and that "everyone who comes here gives one". She again asked if I suspected that something might show up. I revealed that there was "an emotional sting" in this for me considering the circumstances. She showed that she understood what I meant. As I still acted hesitant, she began to realise that it was never explained to me by management why I was sent. I was hoping that this error on their part might be a way out for me, but it wasn't. She did say that management won't see the details of the medical report, and that they'll just see whether it was successfully completed or not. Interestingly, I think all this talk gave me the impression that it was between me and her! She said that no one was forcing me to do anything and said she'd give me some time to think about it.

I decided to go ahead with it. This OH unit is 3 hours away from where I'm based so it might have seemed like a trip in vain otherwise. This doctor then went to speak to the nurse beforehand, and I was then brought by the nurse to another area for the urine test. Before giving it I was asked to empty my pockets which I wasn't expecting... that certainly didn't happen during my employment screening visit. I did not like being asked to empty my pockets. I asked why and she said "you're giving a urine sample". As I was about to put the phone and wallet down on the table she said no one's going to take them, which I found very offensive. Obviously I didn't expect anyone to take the items. I wish I'd said no at that point. So the nurse didn't talk me through the procedure! If she had, she'd have explained about the emptying of my pockets when we sat down beforehand. What really hurts me is the thought of the doctor telling the nurse to "make sure this guy" empties (as an exception) his pockets because of my expressed hesitancy. God I nearly always regret opening up to people!

I have been questioning whether this was meant as a message to me from management, vicariously through the CMO office. Also, the fact that my pay was withheld without a valid reason until after the CMO visit, made this hurt all the more. Was it their way of saying "we're not really sure if you were really sick that time, but you're also going to wonder why you were really made give a urine sample that time". It is illegal in my country to withhold pay, so I'm wondering if the the pay wasn't withheld, then maybe I wouldn't have felt coerced. It would mean so much more to me to have declined the test and have that victory even if it meant being fired. But if it were malicious I'm sure it was only a bluff. I have requested a copy of the report from management to the CMO, and have also considering ringing their office in order to get that doctor on the phone, to give my feedback on the day. If it affected me that much then maybe I should stop carrying it.

Please share your thoughts?

More details about the initial incident and the job I work:

I work as a city bus driver in a fairly toxic semi-state company. One day when I'd taken over a bus with a bad seat. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the fact that I'd a long first half before the break... 5½ hours. But add to that the lay-over periods (at the termini) were taken away due to running late in traffic. My back began to get very stiff.

After driving for 4 hours without standing up, I requested to turn around before getting to the terminus in order to put the bus back on time, and to get a chance to stand up. They're supposed to allow a driver a chance to stand up in such situations, which he did, but he got narky about it. It's a fairly common thing to do if the bus is empty at that point. But there was a misunderstanding in doing so and the inspector (in the control centre) thought I was taking the break at the terminus. A few minutes later he radioed into the bus in a panic that I hadn't made the end point, and said that he was going to report me. I was about to defend myself but he ended the call on my first few words. This seemed really uncalled for and after previous abuse from supervisors all year, it seemed like the final straw for me.

By the time I got in for my break, after handing over the bus, I realised my back was still in pain and decided to go home. There have been other times when I worked headaches and pain on the job, but this time I decided not to. I called the control centre on my phone and told that same fella that the conditions weren't good enough and that I was going home and hung up before he could say anything! I didn't care about how it looked.

I'd heard a few other drivers bragging about how they go sick when either bullied or when the company breeches its own rules. And having faced abusive behaviour from supervisors before and having had it get ignored upon being reported, I began to let this go to my head. I went sick for two days; the first I needed, and the second I'd to take as I couldn't get a doctor's visit the first day. Technically, it's easy for anyone to fake being sick and get a doctor's note, and there's a culture of doing this in my company, but the way I did it wasn't smart. I should have been polite on the phone when I was saying that I was leaving work that day. I did feel throughout this, that they might have some sort of other trick up their sleeve.
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Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
if one of my employees threw such a fit about taking a urine test I’d let them go.

Piss in a cup and go about your day.
You're calling it a fit? Aren't men allowed to have emotions too?

Do you think that my hesitancy had anything to do with me being asked to empty my pockets?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Dash of english, this is the only thing i am going to tell you to do from now say all the time when you get into situations:

"everything that happens on my life IS MY FAULT" Done.... You seem to be whinner in your posts feminine behavior, you have 3 legs... Again everything in my life is MY FAULT...

Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
Dash of english, this is the only thing i am going to tell you to do from now say all the time when you get into situations:

"everything that happens on my life IS MY FAULT" Done.... You seem to be whinner in your posts feminine behavior, you have 3 legs... Again everything in my life is MY FAULT...
That's a gross over-simplification, and disgusting advice. It's always easier to blame yourself.

Your advice could lead to someone rationalising being bullied as being deserved. And that's the same reason wives stay with abusive husbands for years.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
That's a gross over-simplification, and disgusting advice. It's always easier to blame yourself.

Your advice could lead to someone rationalising being bullied as being deserved. And that's the same reason wives stay with abusive husbands for years.
I am to blame for my rationalising bulling as being deserved and why wives stay with abusive husband due to my post entry...

Totally agree IS MY FAULT, due to my entry....

^ field test taking blame on you just like i did....

Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
I am to blame for my rationalising bulling as being deserved and why wives stay with abusive husband due to my post entry...

Totally agree IS MY FAULT, due to my entry....

^ field test taking blame on you just like i did....

So one moment your advice (of taking blame) will have someone telling themselves that it's their fault that someone is bullying them, and then once they discover that the bullying wasn't their fault, you can still use that same advice to say that they are to blame for letting themselves believe your advice in the first place!

Just because one has blame on their part does not automatically mean that the other party isn't to blame. So with my example, the wife beater is indeed to blame... a lot more than the wife is.

What's the point in saying this to me anyway if you're not going to point out where you think I am to blame? You're approach of taking blame on yourself is healthy in the context day game, etc, but not with other serious life matters, I don't think it is
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Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
if one of my employees threw such a fit about taking a urine test I’d let them go.

Piss in a cup and go about your day.
Whether you'd be less likely to hire me after hearing this is irrelevant. I should have done what's best for me. I shouldn't have pissed in the cup... because I would have gotten away with if I hadn't. You can learn a lot from seeing how much you are able to get away with. And a drug/alcohol test wasn't part of the reason I was being sent there. My fault of course was more so in the hesitation more so than my decision. I was tricked into thinking there would be a consequence when there actually wouldn't have been. As one other employee once told me about the company, "they'll only have the upper hand over you if you give it to them"! That same employee went sick one time, but his interaction with the CMO only involved a phone call.

Anyway for it was an interesting lesson in psychology, in how it's sometimes possible to trick someone into doing something they don't want to do, using the threat of a consequence that would only serve to be a tenth as severe as the actual request itself. That combined with the fact that the trip would have seemed like it was all for nothing, plus the fact that they were withholding the pay, as well as other factors, all caused to me to be coerced.

Now if someone from management were to walk in and say it directly to me... like "if you don't pee into this cup like a good boy, we're going to say that you failed to complete the medical, and there's going to be all sorts of trouble for you". In that case I certainly would not have.

Just last week I heard two drivers talking and one was saying about how the company took away his safe driving award (€250) and he wasn't happy. The other guy said "I'd go sick for 6 months if they did that to me". The initial guy said "they could send me to the CMO though" and the other guy replied "so? let them". Now I do half to wonder is it that these guys don't mind being forced to pee into cups, or is it that they don't think they'll have to??!! It's obviously something that I can't ask unfortunately. I have heard one or two other employees brag about how they were sent to the CMO when they went sick, and that they told the CMO that their sickness was as a result of bullying and intimidation by management. Now whether those employees were asked to give urine samples, I don't know.
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Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
You seem to be whinner in your posts feminine behavior...
I think it's that I'm just willing to share my weakest side on here. I suspect others aren't introspective enough, or they're not willing to... perhaps because it's a pissing contest here.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 28, 2022
That's a shitty job for sure. I don't even know where to start with all those blatant workers right violations. One thing's for sure, they are treating you like a slave. You messed up your reputation if even the nurse is disrespecting you to this extent, blatantly lying to your face (ofc the management will have access to the data... That's the point)

Skills is right, complaining on the Internet will do nothing. Not to excuse bullying or workplace abuse, but both are usually preventable with a bit of reputation management. Salvage your reputation if you can, or change jobs if you can't. You said it's a private company, they must have competitors


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Hi @Dash of Englishness, I am not going to make assumptions or judgments about you personally or how this attitudes affect the rest of your life.

But, I am gonna tell you straight, this post is 100% employer repellent.

I’ll let you decide what is best for you and whether you should have pissed in that cup or not.
But if you refuse to piss in the cup, your employer has all the reasons to believe you are a junkie and needs to let you go.

It is not fair, it is not right. .. It is just reality.

If you behave like a loose end, do you get treated like a loose end.

perhaps you should question yourself if you need to switch your job and if there is something you can do to come off as a more reliable worker.

Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
That's a shitty job for sure. I don't even know where to start with all those blatant workers right violations. One thing's for sure, they are treating you like a slave. You messed up your reputation if even the nurse is disrespecting you to this extent, blatantly lying to your face (ofc the management will have access to the data... That's the point)

Skills is right, complaining on the Internet will do nothing. Not to excuse bullying or workplace abuse, but both are usually preventable with a bit of reputation management. Salvage your reputation if you can, or change jobs if you can't. You said it's a private company, they must have competitors
It would be one thing if other posters beat on me for being 'feminine', as well as pointing out how I was disrespected. But they want to act as if it's all in my head.

Which rights violation are you referring to. Well I was told by the doc that management won't see the details of the report, and that they'll just see whether or not I passed. The nurse didn't technically lie, and I would have thought she knew nothing about my reputation before she met me.
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Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
Hi @Dash of Englishness, I am not going to make assumptions or judgments about you personally or how this attitudes affect the rest of your life.

But, I am gonna tell you straight, this post is 100% employer repellent.

I’ll let you decide what is best for you and whether you should have pissed in that cup or not.
But if you refuse to piss in the cup, your employer has all the reasons to believe you are a junkie and needs to let you go.

perhaps you should question yourself if you need to switch your job and if there is something you can do to come off as a more reliable worker.
Of course it is employer repellent. But I've since made the switch... starting in three weeks. I was actually one of this company's best employees on my own bus route... my percentages were in the top 10%.
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Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
lol no. you’re just a pussy.

one thing i can say is you’re mentality is pure chick repellent 🪳

continue though..
Dude, do you think I'm going to try talking to chicks about this or something? It's the off topic section... not everything has to be about what chicks think!

And what is it that I pussied out of?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
Dude, do you think I'm going to try talking to chicks about this or something? It's the off topic section... not everything has to be about what chicks think!

And what is it that I pussied out of?
Your entire mentality wreaks of “i need to get back at the employer, the world is out to get me, why me, why must the world be like this” - i can only imagine how you’d respond to the perceived stumbling blocks women put in your way.

Lack of outcome independence.
Lack of emotional control.
Lack of initiative and problem solving ability.
Lack of resolve.

Chick repellent 🪳

Taking time to whine on the internet.
I must ask what you expect to gain from whining to men on a self improvement pickup forum?

what value are you adding? what advice are you seeking? what problem are you trying to solve?

Pussies whine to other men on the internet in hopes of sympathy…


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
As this guy once said: "Welcome to the real world"

@Dash of Englishness your very reaction to what the other guys are saying here tells us a lot about your current mindset and world perception.
I'll tell you a quick personal story, maybe this will make sense to you.

In my early 20s I was heavily depressed, lost, and had the exact mindset you are displaying right now.
- why is everybody is after me?
- why my superiors suck?
- nothing seems fair
- women are strange and confusing
etc, etc

My therapist at the time was a 5'0" lady in her early 60s.
Think about a sweet lady who had a garden of flowers on her porch and indian memorabilia all over her place.
Looked like that nice semi-hippie auntie everybody wished to have in their families.

But everytime I walked in there with a complaint, she just casually droped the truth hammer on my head.
(With a giant smile and speaking in her sweet gentle voice lol)
Once I came to her complaining about my job and boss at the time.
He was a dickhead for sure, but she said some stuff that stuck in my head till this day.
Simple questions she made me ask myself:
- "Why am I in this situation?"
- "Have I ever put myself in his shoes and acklowdged his responsabilities?"
- "Have I ever thought about my own flaws and asked him how I can improve?"
- "Do I ever take blame when something does not go well?"
- "With all that information in place, what do I want to do right now?"

Mind you it took me 2 years and a lot of sessions to fully comprehend how to properly answer those questions.
It was painfull, but really eye opening for sure.

That said, I propose you do this same exercise.
Write those questions in a piece of paper, save a quiet time and try to anwer them in the best way you can.
Pretty sure it will help you realize how you can improve your current situation.
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Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
So I've received the initial correspondents (from management to the CMO) under freedom of information or something like that.

It lists one of the reasons for referral as drug screening! When I was there the doctor specifically mentioned that they were meant to explain exactly why I was being sent.

There's also a letter from the HR lady to the medical department requesting an appointment for me with the CMO. But in her letter to me it says that the CMO has requested to see me.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
So I've received the correspondents from management to the CMO under freedom of information or something like that.

It lists one of the reasons for referral as drug screening! When I was there the doctor specifically mentioned that they were meant to explain exactly why I was being sent.

There's also a letter from the HR lady to the medical department requesting an appointment for me with the CMO. But in her letter to me it says that the CMO has requested to see me.
why are you telling us this?