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Tabula Rasa



First things first, how GREATLY appreciated it is to be here, Thanks Chase!

Now on to the subject relavent content.

The past few weeks I've been wondering to myself, "Why is there such an abundance of dating advices and tips in the wide interwebs?", especially targeted to those men that are just hopeless, loathing and full of self pity. To make MONEY of course! ahaha just kidding. I really believe it's to make them be a better person and realizing the potential they have. People love to be motivated, meaning, they do better when there are others behind them, pushing and just all out cheering for them.

This brings me to the point that I am trying to make. That is Tabula Rasa. For those that don't know the meaning, its a fancy philosophical term for "Blank slate".

With all the tips and advices, ones mind becomes convoluted, and then game becomes convoluted, then life becomes convoluted.

So what I am suggesting here, is with all the knowledge you know or think you know, now you have to start with a new page, then almost relearn in a sense. Now I am not saying to chuck everything out the window, just simply saying reorganize your tactics and have an almost systematic approach with the things you feel works best for you. Like going through an old collection of movies or anything you have a lot of the same of (eg. clothes). You discard the ones that you don't feel are relavant to this day and age, and keep the ones that you feel can work for a long time. I am sure there are some timeless pieces of advices out there, and Chase has contributed some of those.

For one, I have felt the Tabula Rasa works because I have read a lot of content from the guys that started the Gaming culture, mainly Mystery and the others he quarrels with, and I choose what I wanted to use instead of just putting to practice everything they say.

Anyway, I'm gonna leave you guys with that for now, but know this, I did not claim that this will work for everyone, but it certainly worked for me.


Can the moderator move this to the Tactics board please, I didn't realize it was in the wrong board until I posted it.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
EDIT: This post has been moved from "General" to "Tactics & Techniques."


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Duke,

Absolutely, there is a veritable SEA of dating advice out there for men coming at you from all directions. You're liable to drown if you don't get a handle on it.

For me when I was new and swimming in that same sea (I think it was arguably more crowded and contested back then, actually... back then you had all the routine guys, the guys insisting that going direct doesn't work, the guys insisting that it does, the guys saying you need 7 hours to bed a girl, no you need to be on the dance floor, no you need this, you need that, big groups, AMOGging, etc.), the best thing I found to do was this:

Pick 2 to 3 things, and set those out as your objectives to work on for any one outing.

Could be a specific line you want to use, a technique you want to try, a behavior you want to work on; could be something like getting a certain form of compliance, or a phone number, or a kiss, or to pull a girl out of one place and to another, or to invite a girl home, or to take a girl home. Could be to try to get a girl in the bathroom, or away from her friends somewhere. Could be anything - but you've got to list it out. I used to take a small piece of paper out with me that had my 2 or 3 things written down on it, stick it in my wallet, and periodically during the night when I'd hit a lull, I'd take it out and read it over again to remind me what my mission was.

When you do it like this, you erase everything else, and get yourself totally focused on learning something. And then you just keep using that same objective, outing after outing, until you've got something down pat - then you switch to new objectives.

Makes learning far easier and a lot less complicated and confusing.



I also like to use the analogy of "Packing your own lunch".

As a kid, having my mother pack my lunch, she would put things I didn't like to eat, or were too embarrassed to eat around the other kids.

As I learned to pack what I like to eat, lunch time became a little less overwhelming because I was comfortable with what I ate and that it did not seem out of the ordinary. Sometimes you like to eat different things everyday or even try new things, just be careful not to pack your 'lunchbag' with too many things, as you will end up consuming the less important items as opposed to the more important ones.
