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Transitions  Take Initiative


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
As the man in the interaction if things go awry it's your fault. Don't make excuses, blame her friends, your friends, or whatever. My roommate once told me "Excuses are like assholes everybody's got one and they all stink." You have to have a plan in your head and get things moving as they should be. "Failing to plan is planning to fail." Don't wait for the girl to take the lead because she won't. Women look at you the man to lead. As my friends in Cleveland would say "Sack up!", get out there and get the girl.

Tell her to move with you, not ask. Don't wait for something to happen make it happen. If a girl doesn't want you, on to the next one simple as that.

Get up and Go!!!

Just Dave
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2013
In a addition. Ideally, you don't want the girl to lead at all unless you give her permission to. 1st it sets bad precedence and 2nd it takes a bit of the magic from the experience. When a girl decides that she needs to help steer this seduction into the conducive happy mutual ending, a bit of her respect for you was chiseled away in the process. This makes it more likely for her to test/challenge you and possibly cheat if a more Byronic man takes to the scene with tighter game.

Lead, lead, lead.

It is not the girls role to lead. She is just there for the experience. It is your job as a sexy man to take the burden of creating the 'magic' for her to bask in and enjoy.

After you are lovers, you can relinquish some leadership power but until then, run your interactions with females like a Nazi camp with you calling all the shots.

If she gives you an alternative, give her an alternative to her alternative.

You call the shots!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Alcaeus said:
If she gives you an alternative, give her an alternative to her alternative.

You call the shots!

Hey Alcaeus,

This was some really great input and it was just your first post! That's awesome mate! Calling shots and taking action is indeed very powerful for things to end up happening between you and a girl. A girl will try and slow things down with you when she feels like she's moving too fast. Girls have the tendency of really not knowing what they want and they tend to drag things out and wonder where the guy has disappeared to. Even if a girl isn't really interested in you and rejects your attempts it's better to waste 15 mins rather than 15 days. Chasing is never a good idea for the man to do, girls love when a strong man knows what he wants and then goes for it.
