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FR  Target and Friend's Birthday Party


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
For the life of me, I can't relax enough to get a decent interaction going. Either it's just bad luck meeting the wrong girls, or I'm more hesitant of getting kicked out. My friend's birthday party was last night, and my three approaches revolved around that.

Girl #1: I was late to the party and hadn't bought him anything yet, so I went to Target to grab a card. On my way in, I spotted a girl, so I went to approach.
Me: "Hey, I just saw you there, and I had to come tell you that I think you're really fucking cute! I'm AP, who are you?"
Her: "Haha, ummm..." (Begins backing away)
Me: "You don't want to talk? Well alright."

She looked too young anyway. I'm beginning to wonder if younger girls are just naturally less receptive of this due to lack of experience, confidence, or both. Either way, I'm wondering if this might work better on girls that are older than me.


So, I got my card and we all drove to PINZ to go bowling, play lazer tag, and do stuff in the arcade. We all started using my new Trespass Notice that banned me from the mall as good luck, rubbing the cream colored piece of paper as we went to bowl. Since it worked so well for bowling, I think I'll just keep it with me for good luck. Anyway, I didn't find any girls the whole time with the majority of the ones my age being with boyfriends. (I'm beginning to get the feeling single girls in my town never go out much. Unfortunately, until I can be on my own in college, parties are off limits to me.)

The whole establishment was actually crawling with beautiful girls, but they were almost all employee's, and I now have great reservations against hitting on employees anymore.

Girl #2: This one was a beautiful blonde in charge of the lazer tag arena, and I felt bad that I couldn't at least give her a compliment, so I just said what I thought.

Me: "Hey, just to let you know, I think you look absolutely stunning. I'm deathly afraid to ask for your number though, because they kicked me out of a place for doing that once."
Her: "Haha thank you!"

Her and I never talked much the whole night because I didn't want the other employees to see and accuse me of something stupid, but I did ask if it was fun working there and where she went to school. At the end of the night though, I thought I would just try my luck anyway. I was beyond tired, and my thinking wasn't very clear at that moment.

Me: "Okay, so I'm gonna have to go like real soon. Are you single at all?"
Her: "No I am not."
Me: "That's alright." (Should have just asked for the number first and made her a friend if she wasn't single, but like I said, my thinking was fairly sloppy at that point.)

Girl #3: During our time in the arcade, during the middle of the night, I saw a group of girls walk in with one guy and get in line for lazer tag. There was one specific one that looked incredible among the group while the rest didn't look visually appealing to me. So, I just approached, and sort of improvised from there.

Me: "Hey, whose boyfriend is he?"
Her: "Um... her's *pointing at one of her friends*"
Me: "Oh okay, awesome! I just didn't want to be one of those guys who stared at you from a distance and never stopped to tell you that you look amazing! I'm AP! Who are you?"
Her: "Haha.. Um... I'm (name)?"
Me: "There's more to you than just your name you know. Tell me something interesting about yourself!"
Her: "Haha... Um... I don't know..."
Friend: "Maybe you should tell him your age."
Her: "I'm 13."
Me: "What??? Really?" (I wanted to compliment her by saying she looked more my age than everyone else in the group, but I knew that wouldn't be smart. Oh well, props to her for looking that hot at her age.)
Her: "Haha, yeah, I look a lot older than that don't I?"
Me: "Alright, sorry about that then haha." (More apologies.. I need to learn NOT to apologize for being interested in someone else.)

So I went back to my friends as the group began to talk about why she seemed so much older, and they laughed when I gave the girl props for looking that nice at her age. It was then our turn to play lazer tag, and we happened to be facing off against that group of girls I just approached.

Me: "Please don't just chase after just me the whole time in there." I remark to the girl with a grin, but I'm unsure if she heard me.

When we put on the vests, I tried getting conversation going again to see if I could make her a friend by the end of the night.

Me: "So I guessed your age completely wrong back there. How old do you think I am?"
Her: "Haha, um.. I'm not sure!"
Sister: "Hey, don't be a creep and hit on my sister!"

While the girl began to argue on my side, telling the sister I only asked her a question, I put my hands in the air, making an "I'm unarmed" gesture while I walked into the lazer tag arena.

The night ended very fun, but with little success for pick up.

Things I did well:
1) Pickup is just a reaction for me now
2) I stayed fairly nonreactive when shit was thrown at me
3) I was cautious to not get kicked out and am learning to be discreet

Things I could improve:
1) I'm being so cautious that I'm not fun anymore, and I don't persist as much as I should
2) I need to find a way to hook into a conversation
3) I need to get better at telling what a girl's age is

Things I learned:
1) Girls my age my be just less open with pickup due to overall inexperience... but that means things will only get better with time.
2) Once college comes, I'll need to take full advantage of my new access to parties. Single girls don't ever seem to be out and about.
3) My trespass notice from the police is good luck and I should keep it with me at all times.

Things I could improve:
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Nice as usual, AP.

I can't give links off my phone, but Chase definitely has an article on dealing with cock block girls. You could have definitely expanded your social circle from her, and her defense of you was a good sign. In the game you could have teamed up with her which would have been a nice "us vs.them" frame.

Keep it up!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I actually didn't think about that haha, I'll search for Chase's article. I should have at least thanked her for arguing for me, right? It was a team thing, but I could have called like a truce or something and grabbed her number.

This'll be great for future reference. Also, I need to get over my fear of persistence now after getting kicked out. Thanks Jake D.!