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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
So today, I've been noticing a lot of girls acting differently around me, most noticeably when I'll pass them on the way to class. Normally I'll say hi to most of the people I see and they may say hi back, but today I noticed a bunch of them were making eye contact then immediately looking down for a split second with a smile. I was on the way to class, so I didn't have the time to stop and talk, but two separate girls stopped and walked with me across campus to my class (no prompting on my part besides the initial greeting). I hadn't met either of them before. One was a Psychology major (these girls tend to be rather interesting at this school), and the other was nursing. I didn't get either of their numbers (it just didn't occur to me at the time), but I'm eating lunch with the Psyc major next week.

At work, I sold an iPad to a cute African-American girl, and started chatting her up. It started well, but I was called away before I could get her number (I really need to work on this. I nearly always get them when I ask for them, but I always forget to ask). After work, I grabbed a sandwich at Chick-fil-a, and met this moderately attractive girl (Objective: 5, Subjective: 6) who was working the register. They were nearing closing time, so I was the only one in the store. We talked for a few minutes, and I found out that she is a freshman at my school. When I mentioned that I went to the same school as her, she asked if I was a Senior (not sure if that's good or bad). I told her that I was a sophomore and she was mildly surprised. She then began to ask me if I knew a few people around campus. Through this, I found out that her Dad is the dean of the Biology Department and that her brother is one of the higher up guys in one of the fraternities. At this point, I actually had remembered to ask for her number and was about to do so, but when I figured out who her brother was, I decided to not take the chance. I wasn't completely sure that she would comply, and her brother has a reputation for being rather volatile, so I decided it wasn't worth the risk, especially considering that she wasn't anything special and he could easily get 4-5 big guys to come after me if the whim struck him (I do train in 4 different martial arts, but I would rather just avoid the situation in the first place). I don't think she would have responded badly, but I didn't want him hearing that I was hitting on his sister.

So, lessons learned today: Ask for number quickly, and then continue the conversations. I plan to ask for compliance next time I see a girl break eye contact downwards and see if I can stop and talk to her, or even get her to walk with me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Thinkingenigma said:
two separate girls stopped and walked with me across campus to my class (no prompting on my part besides the initial greeting)

You must be doing something right.

Thinkingenigma said:
I'm eating lunch with the Psyc major next week.

I'm interested to see how this turns out, I'll be looking forward to it. It's also interesting to see the additional logistics you have to consider in the relatively small, closed environment of your school. Good reading.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
AFCnoob said:
You must be doing something right.
Thank you. I suspect it's the way I carry myself. I've worked for quite a while on my walk and my dress so I will come across as very put together.