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Videos  Telling you are a sex coach for getting attraction


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2021
I saw this video on a YouTube dating channel and every video I have seen the guys doing infield mention that they are a "sex coach".This I believe makes the girl curious and is an easy segway to sexual topics and also they say it puts you in a authority position with respect to sex.

Would you say this is a good game strategy or is it something that is usually for dtf girls?
Also if you have any thoughts on the video feel free to express.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Mmmm I haven’t tried but my gut feeling is that it directly sends you to the player category.

I guess it could be cool if you’re looking for a ONS but I would not be surprised if most of the numbers you pick with this technique end in a radio silence.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I've done this a bunch of times and here's what I've found...

It usually polarizes women... some women are immediately turned off by it, they think you're going to play games with them, fuck with their mind, not what they're looking for, think you're constantly analyzing them, etc.

Then there's another group of women that are totally down with it immediately, they're intrigued, they want to get fucked by a professional, etc.

The first type, it becomes a giant barrier to get over... the second type, it's like a massive DHV that gives you a ton of room to fuck things up (and still get laid).
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2021
I've done this a bunch of times and here's what I've found...

It usually polarizes women... some women are immediately turned off by it, they think you're going to play games with them, fuck with their mind, not what they're looking for, think you're constantly analyzing them, etc.

Then there's another group of women that are totally down with it immediately, they're intrigued, they want to get fucked by a professional, etc.

The first type, it becomes a giant barrier to get over... the second type, it's like a massive DHV that gives you a ton of room to fuck things up (and still get laid).
I have seen a guys use that in a group set (which has both men and women) and have seen an attraction spike (none of them were dating coaches and mostly average with frame control but this was some sort of a magic bullet for easy lays).

The whole "teaching men to have better sex and helping in relationships" puts them in the limelight.

Attainability might get hurt a lot but the mistakes they do kind of balances it off.

There are many such techs I have seen them use and it's always overt DHVing and demonstration of pre selection.
Example :-
1) Saying that one's ex was the same nationality as the girl one is talking to.
2) Mentioning that one can give 15-20 oral orgasms if she can handle it.
3) Framing the girl as nervous or shy if she doesn't comply.
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