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Terrible nightgame session

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
After 3 days of being ghosted by my potential hookup .

I gets this message from a wing of mine , Alex( fake name ) for nightgame while I am attending my classes around 12 pm on Saturday ...

And the way he explained to me about the venue got me excited as I wanted to get over the sadness of my oneitis.

I was like fine .

And I even talked to this another wing of mine , primo ( fake name )to accompany us so that I could get my logistics right as his friend had an empty flat nearby to the nightgame venue.

We did some warmups in the Evening and decided to initially take a metro to that flat ...and from there left for the club.

I and primo reach the area ....and saw that most of the chicks were either with males , outside ... chicks were like really drunk...and wouldn't stop for a convo , we were denied entry in the club ...cuz no stags allowed.

So , we wait for Alex to join ...cuz he was the one who told us that he had previously gotten entries while being stag.

But when I called him ...he behaved in a way that it was actually our fault that we couldn't get in the club . I was like " Man , you were the one who told us that entering here is easy "

Anyways , it turns out that he would come here 1.5 hours late than what was decided. So , I and primo go to other clubs which were free to enter ...but it only had hired prostitues . Fuck .

I was just getting angry as the time was passing .

We ended up going to this cafe ...which terrible crowd for game .

Spent money for food and still waiting for this wing .

He ( Alex) arrives and I thought now he can get us in the venue.

He tells us to wait near the venue while he talks with the bouncer ....and he is given the entry ....so I calls him to get us entered too .....he tells us to tell the bouncers xyz .

We do exactly that ...but still we are denied.

At this point ...I simply tell Alex to come out and be with us as he was the one who invited us in the first place .

Mofo had arrived at the scene just an hour before the closing time .

So , I tell him to game outside but the issue was he had Ton of A A that time so couldn't .

We also had some guys trying to get us into some nightclub for really cheap .....and this Alex guy agrees ....and forces us ( in a passive way ) to enter there .

I just wanted to get it over with so I complied .

He was just dancing on the dance floor with some guys .... As only 3 chicks in the venue .

And told us to make guy friends as they will teach us about pickup.

And then came the closing hours .

I was just so pissed on him by the end of the night .

He told us to come for game but what does he do .

He told us that getting entry is easy but what happened.

Mofo destroyed my night.

I had actually thought that I might get laid that day .

This post really rings true .

There was no strategy and me and primos ability to stay calm went haywire due to antics of Alex .

Some clusterfuck I wrote .

Dont think ...I am ever going to nightgame without a planned strategy and self reliance.

Edit : good thing is I had my salsa classes next day .

Post in thread 'Will learning salsa improve my game ?' https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/will-learning-salsa-improve-my-game.27847/post-164955
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Good report - despite things not working out. I really showcases the importance of STRATEGY as per the latest discussion.

I had actually thought that I might get laid that day .

This post really rings true .

There was no strategy and me and primos ability to stay calm went haywire due to antics of Alex .

Some clusterfuck I wrote .

You cannot predict how a night will go and sometimes I have nights that just turn to shit for some reasons outside of my control like having the electricity go off in the club and being left in the dark (Romania), going out when nobody is out, because I am the only one crazy enough to nightgame in a blizzard (Norway) or going to this crazy event, only to realize it is a pure gay event where gay men suck each other off (Paris).

The unpredictable is prone to happen.

But for some reasons, bad nights like these tend to happen less often with pros - because of planning and strategy.

It is ok to "waste a few nights" scouting for venues. It seems in this case, you did not scout properly prior to going out. Scout for venues, look at their website, their facebook page, their instagram - get an idea of the vibe. Ask people about the venues - it is a good nightlife discussion topic to use on girls in field : "hey girls, what do you think about Club Nexus" (Nexus, is the most generic club name ever).

Then visit the venues, dress appropriatly. The bouncer rejected you DESPITE you knowing someone connected to the club - which is a sign that you came off as low-value to the bouncer. Did you dress to kill? did you dress appropriate? Did you seem chill and high value, or coming off as needy "please can we come in?" low value guy (almost always leads to a NO).

Also, wing should not be late. But even if he is, why are you dependent on him - someone who turned out to be unreliable? Do you know any venues of your own? If not... that is your priority.
1. You need to know some good venues
2. You need to have back up venues (preferably nearby) if the primary choice isn't good (venues are like us, they have off-nights too).

You went out without a plan, and got screwed over by wildcards.

You will notice how everything becomes much more pleasant, and fun, and easy once you actually take an hour of your life and do some research. A cool strategy is:
1. Use google maps
2. Select a few venues near where you live, or near a public transport station that you can easily access
3. Select 2-3 other venues, preferably of different size, type etc, NEARBY - or near each other.

This way you can head to venue 1 (first choice). If that does not work out, you can walk for a few minutes or commute with public transport quickly, and not lose time and go somewhere else.

Bonus tip: getting to know some of the bouncer in order to skip lines and cover charge will save you money and precious time.

Think about it. I have one popular venue I go to. I skip the line, and don't pay entrance. Venue sucks? I walk 5 minutes, and I find a small, but cool venue with free entrance and no line. No time wasted, and I will not risk a bad night - at worse I will lose 20 minutes of my night.


Next step is to figure in-venue strategies. But that comes later.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Also, I would cut this wing out. Understand these two things:
- Most wings are a liability
- Going out with a wing is harder than you think - it requires trust, respect, and synchronisity.

I'd go for solo. You can never be a good wing if you can't solo. One of the number 1 rules of wingmanning.

Alternatively, go out with a big group but make sure they are all cool people dressed well and that you have approx a 50/50 male to women ratio in it.


Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
But for some reasons, bad nights like these tend to happen less often with pros - because of planning and strategy.
I did night game like twice last year ....but cuz me and my wing ( he used to nightgame in canada ) had a strategy .....so .... I was actually able to insta close a chick with whom I had a date where I kiss closed her .

You are absolutely right .

I went there being dependent on the wing ... And with hopes of winging it .

Anyways , it was a nice learning lesson but the good thing is due to my salsa classes .... I can get entry in this really posh club / cafe ...cuz of the connections between those 2 . I will be on their guest list every Sunday.

I got to know about this .. recently , only . Haha

So , the only thing left for me to do now is have really good logistics ....

And follow the strategy .
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Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Also, I would cut this wing out.
Already have .

Going out with a wing is harder than you think - it requires trust, respect, and synchronisity.
I have winged with a lot of guys in last 1.5 months ... I only vibed with 2 .
I'd go for solo. You can never be a good wing if you can't solo. One of the number 1 rules of wingmanning.
I am going solo , tomorrow.

Could have day gamed last week..but had contracted oneities.
Alternatively, go out with a big group but make sure they are all cool people dressed well and that you have approx a 50/50 male to women ratio in it.
I did this back when I was in Goa .

Currently , making a social circle with good number of females .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
@Teevster I saw that you had written that daygame used to be edgy but it's just about social terrorism and aspies .

I will post about this any other time .


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I did night game like twice last year ....but cuz me and my wing ( he used to nightgame in canada ) had a strategy .....so .... I was actually able to insta close a chick with whom I had a date where I kiss closed her .

You are absolutely right .

I went there being dependent on the wing ... And with hopes of winging it .

Yeah well nights like these happen at your level. Over the time you can smell bullshitters and dodge them. But I have had plenty of "bullshit" night like yours in my past. It is pretty normal. We learn the hard way (not all of us though!).

Those ngiths are the worst because you end up feeling like "you could have given more" - and you could, had the setting been a bit more... ideal?

Anyways , it was a nice learning lesson but the good thing is due to my salsa classes .... I can get entry in this really posh club / cafe ...cuz of the connections between those 2 . I will be on their guest list every Sunday.

I got to know about this .. recently , only . Haha

So , the only thing left for me to do now is have really good logistics ....

And follow the strategy .

This sounds like good stuff! good calls!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Already have .

I have winged with a lot of guys in last 1.5 months ... I only vibed with 2 .

Yeah. I got a series on wingmanning coming out soon (on the GC blog). Hopefully that will be of help to you.

Generally, I think wingmen are a waste of time until you become at least intermediate,

I do believe that for beginners, if you are serious about this, to get used to go solo and practice... solo.

I am going solo , tomorrow.

Could have day gamed last week..but had contracted oneities.

I did this back when I was in Goa .

Currently , making a social circle with good number of females .

Seems like good stuff! Keep it up!

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
a recent issue that has been bugging me is my wingman/s, not being able to adapt/calibrate to the level I want them. I get annoyed with them being a hammerhead idiot, having iron balls but wack game. sometimes become jealous/selfishness of my hooks/closes and comes do some retarded shit when I'm locked in, most likely going to drop them slowly.

"People want you to do well, just not better than them"

when I first started out I was going solo, because of frequent outings I keep seeing the same people, this was night game naturally just started winging each other. day game i'm more likely to solo, wings can help too, when you are out for session/sarging. Is just so satisfying hooking a 2 set and getting that one girl, running solo. I do see an increase in the attractiveness of girls you close when wingmaning because there's social proof, dealing with group dynamics, generally.

unless you are high-level yourself is merely impossible to find a wing who's good, most people are just all talk and at best, garbage pop culture game. I found one good wing throughout my 2 and half years of gaming, due to logistics reasons, is no longer possible gaming together

Can't wait for the Wingman series ;)
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Totally agree with @Teevster here, the guy just trolled you and wasted your time, but shit like that happens. You need to be more independent and have a good solo game plan, then if some dude happens to appear and he can help you, cool (until most likely he's try and swoop or just fuck up your sets out of jealousy like @Swati noted).

Honestly I never found a truly good wing, I used to go out often with friends and I even tried to teach them some game, but they would just pretend to hear and ignore it or straight up reject the advice (then proceed to do dumb shit and get mad).

If you wanna go out with your buddies, it's fine, but don't fool yourself into thinking you're all going to become a snatch slaying super team and tear the club down, many times you will have to leave them (politely, ideally lol, though sometimes you gotta just say fuck it) and go approach and game on your own.
Also be aware that they might still fuck up things later by approaching you when you are with your girl, bursting the bubble and coming up with mundade convo when you are trying to close, because people can be like that (good friends will know when to step aside and let their friends have a good time on their own, though, just don't expect them to keep on going out with you if there's nothing in there for them).

The most helpful "wings" I had though were those twin bros friends of mine. They didn't have much game, but they were decent looking and would just approach, even if they had this very basic "hey how are you wanna makeout" direct caveman style of game (and sometimes it would work out for them). The important thing was that they approached, so I could at least consider them wings. My other friends were so in their heads and shy and washed with femininist dumb agenda they couldn't even go talk to a girl, so they were mostly useless, other than keeping me company while I wait for a good set (honestly, sometimes that is all that you need, it's a big deal to have someone you can easily talk to, but if you're going out to "game hard", you're probably better off solo, without a clutch like that, because they are gonna expect at least some attention from you).

I actually met like 2 or 3 dudes out randomly on the hundred of times I went out that like could keep up with me, but we never ended up becoming wings. I remember this stylish dude that had a bit of a gay vibe, but a even more "I don't give a flying fuck" vibe, he had those two girls in his arms, they weren't exactly beautiful, but they were doable, and they were gigling and kissing him and they were talking about going to a love hotel. I admit I got a bit jelly, but then I was like, wait I should learn from this fucker. We didn't talk much, but I remember this well because it was maybe the only time I felt someone was on my level in game, or even above (ofc right now I'm much better than back then, but those were good times, I feel nostalgic just writing this lol).

I would say if your wings are fucking you up, you're better off alone, and as Teevs wrote, if you can't solo, you can't be a good wing (or game, at all, let's be real). You never know how a random you meet might help you (or screw you, if you let them lol), but going out solo really can teach you a lot.