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Texting A Lot Of Caspers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Women turn to Danny Phantom on my phone. Let’s talk about it

1. If they do not respond to the icebreaker or follow up is there any point in continuing with that set? (Talking cold approach, but social circle guys are welcome to weigh in. Also feel free to weigh in with NG and DG insights.)

2. Did your contact grab conversion ever improve?

3. If your contact grab conversion is laughably low to the point your icebreakers and follow up texts are low percentage, what does that mean? What are the biggest culprits to that outcome? (Btw these are real numbers.)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
1) Most likely not.
If she doesn’t respond to three pings with some time between them, it’s 99% dead.

2) Can’t talk from experience here. My contact grab conversion has never been a concern in my game.

3) Most likely you’re not connecting with these girls. Perhaps your interactions feel shallow or inauthentic. Or you eject too soon.

In general you want to achieve all the following in your first interaction:

- Reach a hook point
- Qualify her on something you like about her
- Raise some attraction
- Discover some similarities (she goes to the same college, she likes the same things as you, etc..)
- Seed a date she is excited for

Then you ask for her number and she is more likely to comply.
Compliance here being not only giving you her number but also replying to your texts.

If you rush through your interactions and fail on one of the above points, the reply rate drops significantly.

Just a Man

Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 12, 2021
Women turn to Danny Phantom on my phone. Let’s talk about it

1. If they do not respond to the icebreaker or follow up is there any point in continuing with that set? (Talking cold approach, but social circle guys are welcome to weigh in. Also feel free to weigh in with NG and DG insights.)
I would say not. You want her to welcome the icebreaker as a prelude to what comes next. The follow-up should be straightforward date-setting. I like Chase's pared-back date scheduling approach on the GC site. It's been solid in my recent experience.
2. Did your contact grab conversion ever improve?
When I was single in my 20s, I wasn't really a "seducer" and my hit rate was all over the shop. Going back to it lately, my conversion rate has been solid with very little curve to get there. That part has been satisfying. I believe the main difference has been my inner state and the coherence it now gives me. Essentially, in my 20s, I didn't have inner calm and a lot of girls knew my confidence was skin-deep. In my 40s, I'm very centred and relaxed in myself, and girls can tell that I'm very grounded.
3. If your contact grab conversion is laughably low to the point your icebreakers and follow up texts are low percentage, what does that mean? What are the biggest culprits to that outcome? (Btw these are real numbers.)
1. Your screening of the girl at initial meeting could be inefficient. These days, I do not play for numbers as I'm married. I play for quality. So I exclude most girls and only proceed with ones that I'm 98% sure are into me at least a bit. Obviously, your own situation might be different. But I would still say that it doesn't really pay to be indiscriminate. I would think about that screening stage. How sure are you that she's into you?

2. Are you managing to combine a strong possibility that your intentions are sexual (rather than platonic) with allowing her to retain plausible deniability about why she's meeting you for Date 1? Girls want to know that Date 1 escalation is likely but they also don't want to feel like they're already a surefire belt-notch for you. There's a balance to this.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Thanks @uriel

I'll add that to my infield criteria to make sure numbers are more solid,

but imo most of my approaches seem to follow these. maybe seem isn't good enough in fact probably isn't, but here's a pretty accurate sample of what I run into and my current level.

HBHorsehips is a pretty good example of my sets then the "texts" after. Real number too haven't talked to her further nor tried to bump into her. No response or sign of a heartbeat. (Also will add most my numbers are daygame.)

This has been enlightening, but I'm still sort of thrown for a loop tbh...
@Just a Man dope shiz. Great posts as well.

I admit my sexualization, escalation, and screening isn't tight.

I'm still trying to understand a bit. Also as a beginner I worry screening might just be rejection aversion...which I'm just not so sure is the best move. I never quite got it right with screening Skills, good-looking loser, and scotty flamingo have good info on it... Something for me to look into.

I feel VERY confident in the closes, high points, and numbers when I go for them nowadays. I'm at the point where if I ask for contact info I'm sure I'm getting it.

would you do me a favor and check out that sniper approaches and see for yourself.

My brain is a bit fried tbf though so coming back to this with more application, time, processing might just be the answer, but I swear...

It really doesn't feel spammy, impersonal, platonic, anxious.

I will say it is rarely sexual though, I do add future projection, annnd I'm blank...

Thrown for a loop tbh, but definitely have more clarity.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Thanks @uriel

I'll add that to my infield criteria to make sure numbers are more solid,

but imo most of my approaches seem to follow these. maybe seem isn't good enough in fact probably isn't, but here's a pretty accurate sample of what I run into and my current level.

HBHorsehips is a pretty good example of my sets then the "texts" after. Real number too haven't talked to her further nor tried to bump into her. No response or sign of a heartbeat. (Also will add most my numbers are daygame.)

This has been enlightening, but I'm still sort of thrown for a loop tbh...

Well, I’ve gotta say @Mist22, you are certainly doing pretty good.

I like your overall vibe, the fact that you are just out getting some fun and how it is easy for you to open girls. You’re on the right track.

You’re doing a lot of good things, the only bad one that is painfully obvious to me is that YOU ARE NOT SEEDING THE DATE PROPERLY.

Most of your interactions run perfectly until you have to leave, in that moment you ask the girl for her number which she often gives.
Then, once you have her number you go for a “coffee date” ask that feels out of the blue and hurried to the girl.

This is bad form on four levels:
- First, you are pushing for a date form that she may not like.
- Second, because you’re leaving, it feels hurried.
- Third, you go for a double compliance request in succession (“Number it’s cool, then he asks for a date too?! It’s too fast!!”)
- Fourth, you kill your intrigue. (When she gives her number, she doesn’t know what’s going to happen and it excites her… 5 seconds later, she knows it’s a coffee date… there goes the mistery).

You have three options here:

1) Seed the idea of the date during your conversation way before it ends.

For example, you can mention how you love coffee or how it brings all the craziness in you, then ask if she is into coffee. If she says yes, you can say “I know the best coffee place, it’s a super fun place, you wouldn’t believe the coffee is so good. I have to take you there” or something like that.

If she doesn’t show interest on coffee or in that kind of date, you seed something different.
“You really haven’t watched Titanic?? OMG, I can’t let this pass, I have to get you to watch it. It’s for your own good.”

Once you hit something she is excited for, then when you leave, you can ask for the number and it will be a much smaller and reasonable request…. because she already bought in the date.

Also, this could uncover if she has a bf
She may offer this information when you suggest a date and now you have time to probe if the bf thing is really a dealbreaker instead of waiting for the end of the interaction.

read this:

2) Option 2 is to propose an instadate instead of asking her number.
You would still need to seed the date and have the logistics in order.

3) The last option is just get the number but don’t ask for a date yet.
Leave some mystery open and invite over message or a call.
At the very least you should see your girls being warmer than before because you’re not leaving them in a confused hurried state.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake