Conscientious Big 6 Personality Traits
There are 6 personality traits that all humans have. They are:
- Honesty-Humility
- Emotionality
- eXtraversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Openness To Experience
Hexaco Definitions
Honesty-Humility: Persons with very high scores on the Honesty-Humility scale avoid manipulating others for personal gain, feel little
temptation to break rules, are uninterested in lavish wealth and luxuries, and feel no special entitlement to elevated social status. Conversely,
persons with very low scores on this scale will flatter others to get what they want, are inclined to break rules for personal profit, are motivated
by material gain, and feel a strong sense of self-importance.
Emotionality: Persons with very high scores on the Emotionality scale experience fear of physical dangers, experience anxiety in response to
life's stresses, feel a need for emotional support from others, and feel empathy and sentimental attachments with others. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale are not deterred by the prospect of physical harm, feel little worry even in stressful situations, have little need to share their concerns with others, and feel emotionally detached from others.
eXtraversion: Persons with very high scores on the Extraversion scale feel positively about themselves, feel confident when leading or addressing
groups of people, enjoy social gatherings and interactions, and experience positive feelings of enthusiasm and energy. Conversely, persons with
very low scores on this scale consider themselves unpopular, feel awkward when they are the center of social attention, are indifferent to social
activities, and feel less lively and optimistic than others do.
Agreeableness (versus Anger): Persons with very high scores on the Agreeableness scale forgive the wrongs that they suffered, are lenient in
judging others, are willing to compromise and cooperate with others, and can easily control their temper. Conversely, persons with very low
scores on this scale hold grudges against those who have harmed them, are rather critical of others' shortcomings, are stubborn in defending their point of view, and feel anger readily in response to mistreatment.
Conscientiousness: Persons with very high scores on the Conscientiousness scale organize their time and their physical surroundings, work in a
disciplined way toward their goals, strive for accuracy and perfection in their tasks, and deliberate carefully when making decisions. Conversely,
persons with very low scores on this scale tend to be unconcerned with orderly surroundings or schedules, avoid difficult tasks or challenging goals, are satisfied with work that contains some errors, and make decisions on impulse or with little reflection.
Openness to Experience: Persons with very high scores on the Openness to Experience scale become absorbed in the beauty of art and nature, are inquisitive about various domains of knowledge, use their imagination freely in everyday life, and take an interest in unusual ideas or people. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale are rather unimpressed by most works of art, feel little intellectual curiosity, avoid
creative pursuits, and feel little attraction toward ideas that may seem radical or unconventional.
Today I will be talking about Conscientiousness as that is my strongest personality trait. I will be breaking this into different parts and today I will be discussing mindset. This is key! Without the right mindset, you can forget about ever-improving your level of Conscientiousness. I will be breaking down:
- The way I think.
- The benefits of having high Conscientiousness.
- The disadvantages of high Conscientiousness when mixed with other personality traits.
- Some scientific research along with other credible sources will be shared.
Ground Rules & Guidelines
Before I go any further, there are some ground rules and guidelines I must share so that anyone reading can grasp the info. They are:
- There is no right or wrong personality trait. Just because I score extremely high in Conscientiousness, it does not make me any better of a human being than someone else.
- Likewise, if you score extremely high in let's say eXtraversion (you make friends easily, sleep with lots of women e.t.c.) does not make you any better of a human being. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
- Some of the language used in this thread may offend others. I apologize in advance. When reading, keep an open mind as some of the strategies I share may sound: downright ridiculous, weird, stupid... to someone who scores lower in Conscientiousness.
- Some things I may share may come across as me bragging. It is not as I'm a very humble person. In fact, anything that may come across as me pushing something in another person's face, I low key make an attempt to avoid doing. I don't like making other people uncomfortable. However, in order for me to teach this stuff, this may get uncomfortable for some.
- Questions and comments are 100% welcome. Drop a like if you enjoyed this post, agree with even one thing I said or learned something new. That way, I know this post was impactful in some way. This is part 1 and I will expound into parts 2 and 3 later down.
The Mindset Of A Conscientious Person
People who score high in Conscientious are extremely driven individuals. We strive to make things of high quality. Just take a look at this post for example. If anyone attempts to inspect this post and finds even one punctuation mark missing or misspelled words, they are up for a huge disappointment. Conscientious people pay keen attention to detail and while we are not perfect at it, there is rarely an opportunity for someone to critique the presentation.
Conscientious people are relentless at follow-up. I will share my story. When I was working at a call center (for one of the largest E-commerce companies worldwide), one of my duties was to call back customers to provide a resolution to their problems. Let's give this eCommerce company the nickname "Zebra".
When I worked at Zebra, there were customers whose packages never showed up at their door. And one thing that I did better than anyone in the office was to track down the parcels. I guarantee you, no customer ever had a complaint that "Troy did not call me back at XYZ time on XYZ date". Meanwhile, many of my other coworkers were getting documented, suspended, and even terminated for this very offense. Why was that? Attention to detail and a sharp memory. And a lot of personal care.
Bear in mind, this job was paying me minimum wage, and even though I hated the job, my mind was wired to perform to the best of my ability. People high in Conscientious will tend to be loyal even when they hate what they are doing. Why? Anything less than the best is
My boss never had to be over my back for anything relating to the customers. I was over my own back because if I never got this done, I would give myself a "virtual" whooping. There is more I could keep talking about, but you get the point.
Benefits Of High Conscientious In Seduction & Life
Conscientious Seducer
Men who are organized will sleep with more women. Period. In a future post, I will go more in-depth and share why even a Conscientious person, does not need to experience something in order to be already aware of what to do. I have never had a threesome, but best, believe me, I will be more prepared for one if it does come my way compared to a man with lower Conscientiousness. I will not debate which man will get to sleep with the women. The point I am making is men like myself are more prepared than anyone else. For instance, I am going on a date, I bring my:
- Condoms
- Wallet
- Mints to freshen my breath
- Dress nice
- Smell nice
- Good facial hair
- White pretty teeth
- Transport is figured out. I don't have a car but I would definitely have at least 3 taxis services available
- Phone credit (a lot)
- Wifi on my phone e.t.c.
You get the point. Compared to some sloppy dude who shows up on a date unprepared. Imagine a girl who wants to go home with you. You go to call a taxi. Then realize there is no credit on your phone. Crap. Now you gotta go to a shop, waste time trying to keep this girl hot. Next thing you know, she loses some attraction. Bummers she goes home, and the guy goes home to masturbate, feeling sorry for himself for a missed lay. It was
his fault!
Conscientious Wealth Creation
By now, everyone on here knows, I got my money problems. But here is a caveat. I'm only 25 years old and I grew up in poverty. While I have had my first business fail, here is where I give myself credit. I've put so many systems in place (on the backend). There are things that no one can see that I got set up. I guarantee, anyone who has other parts of their life figured out, if you have access to some of the assets I have created, you can immediately skyrocket your success. Being poor and Conscientious has allowed me the opportunity to design things that may be unavailable to others. It has forced me to learn skills on a budget. It has forced me to be creative despite having a bad start early in life.
For example, right now I have a private system I designed on Microsoft Excel. When I had business partners, they got a sneak peek of it. There were things that my 8 figure business coach was teaching me how to do manually. I took all those things and I invested time and resources to build a system inside Microsoft Excel that would shorten the curve. My business coach would take 4 hours to do a specific task. And because of my Conscientious level, I was able to bring that down to less than 30 minutes. And the day I am in a financial position to use that system, I can turn it on with a click of a button and produce wonders.
Statistic: Sloppy people create wealth once in a while. But not that often. I am quoting this word for word from this video below.
If wealth creation is of any interest to anyone on GirlsChase boards, watch this video. Otherwise, you can skip this section. I will also say this, the term "wealth" or "rich" is subjective. Each person needs to set their own goals and make them make sense. So wanting to live a regular life or get wealthy, does not make someone nobler than the other. And here is the honest truth, you don't need to be wealthy to live a great life. So don't feel bad if this section does not apply to you, let's move on.
Statistic: Most people who create massive wealth have high levels of Conscientious.
Conscientious Health
For anyone on here who wants to get in shape, but struggles to remain consistent in the gym (or another workout, this section is for you.) Chase, William Gupta, Ross Leon among other writers have already discussed fitness in depth. See these articles:
When I was seventeen I overdosed on cocaine. I weighed 107 pounds and was 5'9" - needless to say, I was skinny. It's been eight years since that event and I now weigh 165 pounds and am around 7-8% body fat. I have been asked to be a fitness model and to competitively powerlift. My journey from...
Many guys think giant muscles are the key to getting laid. But are they? Do hulking muscles turn you into a babe magnet… or are their effects subtler and more nuanced than this? We had a commentator asking me the other day why I don't talk about physique more. He thought it was because maybe if...
Note from Chase: Ross is one of the members of the new Girls Chase forums. He's one of the posters who emerged early on as a guy with clearly a good handle on dating and seduction, meting out solid advice to posters in need. He expressed interest in writing a piece for the site on weight-lifting...
I will speak for myself only. I want a 6 pack abs for life. I want to look good and feel good with and without clothes. Disclaimer: I currently do not have a 6 pack, however, I keep myself in good shape. Right now the goal is money and socializing skills improvement. While I have my main goals, I have a strict exercise schedule. And I adhere to it. If you struggle with being consistent in the gym, work on Conscientiousness.
Conscientious Happiness
I've struggled with depression for many years. That said, I am not always depressed. In fact, most of the time, I am super productive, optimistic, and positive. One of the hacks as to why I am even alive today is my level of Conscientious. Structure and discipline keep me alive. Period! Anyone who does not suffer from depression or other mental issues, if you apply Conscientious to your life, you will soar even higher.
Strategies To Develop A Conscientious Mind
Think In Numbers & The Calculator
Yep! I was at best a C level at Math in High School. But you know what I understand? Numbers. I don't know if Chase was aware that he was low key teaching Conscientious when he wrote the article:
If you’ve ever looked at a pretty girl and suddenly felt a surge of nervousness at the idea of going to say hi to her, you’ll get something out of this article. Because what you were doing when you felt that nervousness was you weren’t thinking in numbers. Most men who are successful with women...
The first time I even saw the title I knew exactly what it was. Everyone who is super successful thinks in numbers. One of my favorite apps on my smartphone is my Calculator. Yep as nerdy as it may sound to some people. Almost every day I put numbers on my calculator. If you want to start developing Conscientious, start by using your calculator more often. Add up random stuff.
Grocery shopping: At the end of each shopping trip, log all receipts into Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Keep track of every dollar you spend. Conscientious people know how much money goes towards food. The other benefit of doing this is I get to see over time the inflation scale. And I can change my income goals on the fly.
Dates: Document how much money you spend on dates. Ice cream date? Document it. Dinner with your long-term girlfriend? Document it.
Gym: Did 59 benchpresses on Monday? Document it. Ran 2 miles on Long Mountain on Friday, March 25th? Document the number of miles.
Business: What is the expense? What is the income? Net income? Tax returns? Investments? This needs to be documented in detail. Leave nothing to chance. Use automation software if you need to, in fact, I recommend it. That's a Conscientious habit. What I am doing here is teaching how to build systems and processes to rewire your brain.
Play With The Calculator
Similar to the point above. Sit down with your calculator from time to time and visualize your goals. Do things like...
"Mhmm, if I sleep with 2 girls per week for 50 weeks out of the year, with a 2-week dick vacation, how many is that in one year?"
2 X 50 = 100
(Even if you are good at mental math, use the calculator still. See the numbers on your phone). Let's continue...
"Mhmm, so if I do this for a decade...Ah, 1,000 girls on my bedpost. Nice!"
100 X 10 = 1,000
Or business (my favorite)
"Mhmm so how long do I want to work before retirement or I have enough money to never work again in my life? Mhmm, so I want to work for 30 years. But my goal is to live till 100 years old. Mhmm, I'm currently 30 years old. So I need to make enough money in 30 years to last me for 70 years. I want a brand new Mercedes Benz every 10 years and a 1 million dollar home. Mhmm, what's the interest rate per month? (check the bank website rates). I also want to fly first class with my wife/girlfriend/go to different countries to sleep with different women Mhmm ok cool. So I need $10,000USD per month. Mhmm
(calculator time)
$10,000 / 20 days month = $500 per day
$500 / 8 hours = $62.50 per hour
("Ah" in your mind)
$10,000 X 12 months = $120,000 per year
("Mhmm almost there)
$120,000 X 70 years = $8,400,000
(Nice one more...)
$8,400,000 / 30 years = $280,000 per year
(Ok so reverse that now)
$280,000 / 12 months = $23,333.33 per month
(Getting close)
23,333.33 per month / 20 days = $1,166.66 per day
(One more)
$1,166.66 / 8 hours = $145.83 per hour
BINGO! Look at how interesting that was. Now you are clear on the goal, that's Conscientious at its finest detail and now you can make strategic plans to earn $145.83 USD per hour. (This is just an example and does not reflect my exact goals.)
Create 2 Vision Boards
I have my vision board on my wall. The first vision board must have things that are within reach in the next 12 months. The other vision board must have things reachable in the next 1 to 10 years. You need to keep yourself inspired. There is no such thing as a Conscientious unmotivated person.
I will not get deep into religion here, however, I must share some info from other sources. In the Bible, there is a verse:
Habakkuk 2:2-3
And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.
Watch this video for motivation. I know some men in the seduction have mixed thoughts about Steve Harvey. However, personally, I like his comedy and his motivation. This video is on point 100%. If you want to achieve something, it must be front and center of your existence. When you put the vision in front of you, it will rewire your brain to be more Conscientious.
This video is also on point. It wakes me up every time. Your imagination needs to be ACTIVE in order to be Conscientious. Imagination is EVERYTHING.
Want to sleep with more women? You need to see yourself doing it. Meditate on it.
Wealth Triggers
At all times when I am at home, I have $10,000 USD in front of me. It keeps my mind on the goal. If you want to get rid of negative association with money and rewire yourself for more success, keep a ton of money around you at all times.
Secret: It ain't a real $10K stack I got. I purchased some play money online. Google "Play Money" and see what comes up. Buy yourself as much as you want. When I move into my own apartment, I'm going to get even more and fill my work office with stacks of it. One rule though, review your local laws before doing so.
Other wealth triggers are:
- Quotes for inspiration
- Wall art that inspires your goals
- Any object that reminds yourself of why you want to create more wealth
Get them around you at all times.
Seduction Triggers
Keep things in your environment that remind you "I'm the best man any woman could ever get" Some of them are:
- Jewelry (I recently started buying silver and diamond pieces. I did so for a photoshoot I had and let me tell you, this motivates me)
- Quotes that remind you, you are the best man any woman could have
- A clean and seductive room at all times
- Pictures of beautiful women (no infatuation or simping now. And certainly don't let other women who come oversee it). I would recommend a model, a woman you would more likely never meet. I think that will prevent Oneitis while still getting the benefits of the seduction trigger.
- Dressing nice (remind yourself you are the man every woman wants. "Look how much swag I got".
Alright, so I have come to the end of part 1. Leave a like if you enjoyed this post or agree with even one thing here. Let me know you found this valuable. That way I know how to better write part 2. I've never done a post like this before so all feedback and questions are welcome.