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- Nov 20, 2012
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Whilst on a walk through the now barren college campus, I started to ponder upon what made an approach excellent. What made some of my approaches awkward, whereas others were warm, smooth, and effortless?
I recalled an article about elite eye contact and how it was ideal that a woman look at you before you meet her gaze. But that rarely happened on the streets for me, and whenever I tried it things would often devolve into her feeling some form of awkwardness. She would appear closed off to approach, shutting her eyes to the side almost like she was embarrassed for having looked at me. Any form of approach would be met with a shy awkwardness on her part, almost like an instant auto-rejection.
After realizing that, I started thinking about relationships of mine that were extremely smooth at the beginning. And they all had a common theme - the women had seen me before I had seen them. these girls wanted to meet me before I uttered a single word.
And because of this, my interactions garnered instant warmth. She wanted to meet me, and I wanted to meet her, and I encountered almost no resistance in moving things forward.
What exactly was at play here? These women were chasing me from the very beginning, putting me very firmly in power of deciding whether or not to move forward the interaction. From then on, I tried my best to make sure that women had seen me first before putting any foresight into approaching them, and my interactions have become a lot smoother as a result.
Getting girls to take note of you is not a difficult feat, and will certainly enhance your abilities if you have above-average fundamentals. Chase wrote an excellent article back in 2011 about this very thing.
But getting her to take notice of you isn't the full depth of the approaching power dynamic. Situations frequently pop up where I'll see a captivating women walking down the street, and my ruse will be blown because I took notice of her first. What do you do in such a scenario?
Put the law of least effort into effect. You still want her to take notice of you before you blast out a compliment, as it can be met with a certain measure of attention-seeking, which is something that will place a lot of guys firmly into "chasing" territory. In order to get her to take notice, throw out a low-risk, indirect-direct style of opener. This isn't guaranteed to work every time, and quite often it won't. But when it does, it brings the same exact warmth.
I used the low-risk opener just as I was exiting the gym on Friday night. I saw a stunning girl in a red top and black shorts that hugged her ass ever so nicely walking out the exit gate as I walked up from behind to leave. 10 yards or so back, I said quite loudly, "Hey! Red top, wait up!"
She turned around and looked at me from the other side of the gate. However, I was not looking at her when she turned around; I was turning in the towel I had used to work out. Just as I finished turning in my towel, she had begun to turn back and walk away. I then said, "Whoa, wait for me." as I walked out the gate, meeting her gaze and smile once it was placed intently on me.
The key to such an approach is to not seek a reaction. It's to get her attention, and get her looking at me before a form of conversation establishes itself. This not only benefits you by making you a powerful man, but it allows her to take a look and assess you before being locked into a conversation. Assessment is a powerful part of the opener, and makes for an effortless approach.
I recalled an article about elite eye contact and how it was ideal that a woman look at you before you meet her gaze. But that rarely happened on the streets for me, and whenever I tried it things would often devolve into her feeling some form of awkwardness. She would appear closed off to approach, shutting her eyes to the side almost like she was embarrassed for having looked at me. Any form of approach would be met with a shy awkwardness on her part, almost like an instant auto-rejection.
After realizing that, I started thinking about relationships of mine that were extremely smooth at the beginning. And they all had a common theme - the women had seen me before I had seen them. these girls wanted to meet me before I uttered a single word.
And because of this, my interactions garnered instant warmth. She wanted to meet me, and I wanted to meet her, and I encountered almost no resistance in moving things forward.
What exactly was at play here? These women were chasing me from the very beginning, putting me very firmly in power of deciding whether or not to move forward the interaction. From then on, I tried my best to make sure that women had seen me first before putting any foresight into approaching them, and my interactions have become a lot smoother as a result.
Getting girls to take note of you is not a difficult feat, and will certainly enhance your abilities if you have above-average fundamentals. Chase wrote an excellent article back in 2011 about this very thing.
But getting her to take notice of you isn't the full depth of the approaching power dynamic. Situations frequently pop up where I'll see a captivating women walking down the street, and my ruse will be blown because I took notice of her first. What do you do in such a scenario?
Put the law of least effort into effect. You still want her to take notice of you before you blast out a compliment, as it can be met with a certain measure of attention-seeking, which is something that will place a lot of guys firmly into "chasing" territory. In order to get her to take notice, throw out a low-risk, indirect-direct style of opener. This isn't guaranteed to work every time, and quite often it won't. But when it does, it brings the same exact warmth.
I used the low-risk opener just as I was exiting the gym on Friday night. I saw a stunning girl in a red top and black shorts that hugged her ass ever so nicely walking out the exit gate as I walked up from behind to leave. 10 yards or so back, I said quite loudly, "Hey! Red top, wait up!"
She turned around and looked at me from the other side of the gate. However, I was not looking at her when she turned around; I was turning in the towel I had used to work out. Just as I finished turning in my towel, she had begun to turn back and walk away. I then said, "Whoa, wait for me." as I walked out the gate, meeting her gaze and smile once it was placed intently on me.
The key to such an approach is to not seek a reaction. It's to get her attention, and get her looking at me before a form of conversation establishes itself. This not only benefits you by making you a powerful man, but it allows her to take a look and assess you before being locked into a conversation. Assessment is a powerful part of the opener, and makes for an effortless approach.