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FR+  The Beach


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 11, 2014
Hey GC community, after reading Anatman's, Casanova's, J's, Marty's, and a few others' recent posts, I decided I'd start putting my FRs up to get some criticism. Not too good in my writing style or memory so I'll try to do this to the best of my ability...

This girl volunteers at the same location that I do and that's how I got to know her at first.

I was doing what I normally do in the center and there are about 4 girls that currently volunteer as well and I'm on playful/sexual terms with all of them I'd say. Like, not very sexual but in a way where they know that they can't friendzone me but I still have work to do to build up attraction. Anyway, I saw this girl from the back and I tapped her stomach with my hand from the back then continued to walk past her as she turned around and smiled(we didn't know each other). I noticed that she was cute after seeing her response and so I decided I would approach later on.

Later on came along and I found myself called for a job so I pretended that I needed help to in order to get her with me and to be her trainer(authoritive positions are the best in my case for all the other 4 girls as well) so that I could show her around and possible deep dive.

(She's 4 years older than me) We started with some light banter then got deeper, or so I thought...

Me: Where are you originally from?
Her: I'm from a small island in Asia, there's only five people: me, my brother, my sister, my mom, and my dad. I'm a refugee.
Me: (I can't believe I was stupid enough to believe this...) Do you still have contact with them?

Then I can't remember as to where it led to but she told me that she was joking and she got a good laugh out of it, but it was pretty early in the convo and I'm surprised she was comfortable enough to throw out a joke like that.

After deep diving for a while we were standing by a wall waiting for something and I put my hand on ers and played around and she reciprocated and smiled. We did this for a while back and forth but keep in mind that it wasn't anything too romantic/sexual so it wasn't too obvious in her or my intentions.

After talking/deep diving/teasing/flirting/touching etc. I was going to head out to the beach which was about 15 min away to do some cold approaching. I figured I'd ask her to come along in that it could possibly turn out better than cold approaching.

I persisted once for her to come along but she make some weak excuse so I knew that she just wanted me to ask again so she could feel comfortable saying "yes" and so she did. We drove to the beach where we parked and walked along the beach...

Me: Hey, I'm horrible at names so you have to remind me again(she'd reminded me about 3 times but it was a difficult name)
Her: I can't believe I'm out with a guy who I just met who can't ever remember my name...
Me: Me either, you should totally leave (;
Her: ....

We then proceeded onto the pier where we stood by edge and looked across the ocean just talking and being siment( on purpose) every now and then.

I was contemplating just spontaneously jumping in in front of everyone(100 or so people) just for the hell of it but I figured it was too much trouble. Lol any thoughts Anatman?

After standing at the pier we went to go grab some dessert and we joked around a bit and then we had this convo although I don't know its origins...

Her: I made my first kiss a really big deal when I was 13, my boyfriend randomly kissed me, I wasn't expecting it and didn't want him to be the first.
Me: How do you feel about that now?
Her: I guess I just wanted my first time to be with someone special, the first of everything is always the important part.
Me: (I agreed with her on her statement and we chatted, ate, got up, and I drove her home)

When we got to her house, she would just stay in her seat and when I asked why she wasn't moving, she said that she wanted a hug. So I gave her a hug even though I wasn't intending to. Then we just talked and then stopped and she was about to leave again and then we started talking again about 2 more times in the cycle(there was surely lots of tension as this was happening) I definitely should've invited myself up or went for a kiss but because we kind of "work" together I figured I'd go for it the next time as to not risk anything. In the end, she gave me another hug and left.

Worth mentioning: she is from a foreign country and she is on her own(came alone at a young age), studying for a nurse.
I'll be seeing her again I think so I'll try to take it all the way next time because I think I've set the frame and if she rejects, I'll just play it off. I still have 4 other girls in the same center who I definetly am at the level where I just need to amp up the attraction more so hopefully there'll be good things to come from the others as well as many outing that I don't write. Feedback is appreciated, I wrote this on my phone so no clue how it came out.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 12, 2014
Good work, Royce.

You definitely missed an escalation window or two when you were dropping her off at her house. She clearly wanted you to kiss her. When I can tell a girl wants a kiss, I use it as leverage to take her where I want her (if we're in public, I'll suggest we go somewhere quieter or without so many people). In this case, you could have asked to have a glass of water or just about any other lame excuse, and you probably would be looking at a lay report right now.

Not really sure why waiting until next time helps the fact that you work together. If anything, it would have made your intentions clear and less awkward. Good luck taking things a step further next time!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 11, 2014

Definitely agree with your advice and should've just went ahead and gone for it but the fact that I didn't want to make it awakward between us because I'm hitting on/working on 4 other girls in the same place is what got into my gead. Made a mistake but will fix it next time I see her knowing her intentions and attraction. Thanks for the feedback!
