Personally it came off try hard and gamey when I tried to fake it.
I think it comes now only because I am not hiding my feelings as much and if she does something that isn't helpful for the courtship or talks about something I don't care about and not curious about I'm ok showing it in our interaction with a pullback.
I'm ok with the vacuum of silence and the tension. Took a lot of rejections and go nowheres, but at this point it's really not going to kill you when there's silence and tension.
Women will make faces at what you are saying all the time and guys jump at that shit. The thing is women will jump at it too.
Nonverbally, unapologetically, and with conviction express when a set is boring you. Just do it.
You won't have immense interest in what every girl is saying or doing in all honesty. Better to be authentic and find something else that'll escalate things rather then to let her bore you or for you to bore her.
It's ok to ask her to calibrate to you and invest in your interest and attention.
In fact ultimately that is what she wants.
All that is required for you to master the bored look is being presently bored.
If you are turned off by something she did it is completely ok. You don't have to hide it, fake it, or smooth it over for her all the time.
You can be bored.
It's a technique in a sense, but it's also just simply giving her room to invest more in you and calibrate for your attention or allow you to steer the convo and interaction somewhere you both get what you want if she lacks calibration.
I've gotten to the stage where a girl will be pouring her heart out and I'm bored and occasionally showing it before changing topics. It seems to make some of them try harder and much more receptive to threads where I'm a bit more engaged and trying to escalate.
Since most guys wouldn't dare show any disinterest especially with women they'd like to fuck or have fucked it makes you standout when paired with intent and high value traits.