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The Complete Guide to PYCO (pull your cock out)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This is going to be a very detailed break down on Pyco, why it works, how to do it, when to do it and different ways to do it, also i am going to show members that would have gotten laid with pyco and did not get laid, and a video at the end, If you do what i tell you here those near misses lays will get higher odds.

DISCLAIMER.- This is not a cheat code you still have to do a proper seduction. Also Louis C.K. and all of other dudes getting in trouble are not doing the pyco as I am teaching this post, they are just pulling out dick to coworkers, friends etc... no properly seduced.

The reason for this post is that there were many members in the forum and in my private group that were getting attraction, compliance, investment, isolation, sexualizing, the girls were turn on and isolated and no sex.... One of the guys that was having this issue, I told him to try this, and he got laid right after i advise to do pyco, i myself regret not doing it with my now main on the first night cause i did not meet one of the requirements, more in this later.(so it was a good decision)

Now everyone has pull their dick out, if you ever had sex, even if you are a virgin and a girl jerked you off or got a bj you did pyco. But, this is not what i am talking about we are using pyco as a form of dealing with what the pua community calls lmr, last minute resistance to sex.

Analogy time...Have you ever hear: "she will feel what you feel" "you can transfer your emotions". Have you also heard that "women get aroused by the man wanting her and desiring her".- I believe that is why pyco works.

Most Naturals do pyco, in the 3 different seductions forums i have been part of, there were many members of different backgrounds, style of seduction, race etc... that have done pyco. Even back in the day when this was the original chase pre-taken over by sedfast there were guys such as Franco rip doing pyco.

So for the sake of transparency i have never done pyco and has not work, ever. So my record with pyco is 100% success rate, there is no other tool in seduction were i have 100% success rate using a tool/weapon, no second gen. no mm, no cocky funny, no 60,no grandmaster, no push pull, etc... I was thinking hard when it did not work, but all girls i did pyco with, i slept with, all of them.... I will give you samples of forum lr and field reports were i guarantee if i have to make a bet pyco would have worked and they would have gotten the lay imho, example one @Devilicious here now @DoWhatWorks the first 2 girls on this report pyco would have worked (no the 3rd)I will show you a girl that did not want to sleep with me cause I knew her ex, she thought i had an std, and we got into a huge fight.(piece of that lr report later).

^ now with that being said, pyco is just a tool, like any other million tools to deal with lmr, for me at the right time is the most powerful.

So now lets talk about requirements:

- has to be a hard penis if is not hard it will not work and the reason why i did not do with my now main (it was 5 am in the morning and i was exhausted and I pre-came from so much messing around). Here is by Franco rip: "Where you won't be necessarily fine is if you do it and don't have sex with the girl. It's extremely risky, and it doesn't ALWAYS work.I also know guys that have wanted to do this technique but struggle with E.D. prior to sex. So their cock isn't hard when they pull it out (or they can't get hard until both parties are completely naked).

This can actually backfire because then the girl doesn't understand why you aren't turned on, and she starts to think you're not genuinely attracted to her. A girl always assumes your cock tells the truth, so showing her your limp cock can give her a ton of anxiety. Sometimes it can even lose you the lay."

-do not do if your penis BELOW average.
-clean penis
-optional trimmed or shaved (not a disgusting jungle)

When to use it:

Scenario 1: You have done a proper seduction everything is ready to go and she gives you lmr.

Scenario 2: The girl is more invested in you than you are in her, you guys are making out and messing around, she is digging you and you want a short cut and you don't want to do a complete foreplay. aka You don't care and you just want to do lazy game cause you are higher value than her at that time.... (ex. a club groupie, a clinger etc...)

Scenario 3: As a Hail marry move, when you want to go all in and burn the bridges either i am getting laid or i will never see her again, polarization move. (I will put a lr sample of me doing this)

Different ways to do it from different seducers, obviously i recommend my way, but as long as you do pyco is all it matters:

The skills pyco way:

1.- The girl is into you
2.- After going through the seduction stages opening>hook>compliance, investment, micro escalation, arousal you are in isolation MESSING AROUND.
3.- Isolation could mean taking a girl home/closing location or you in isolation in a car/park/beach etc... (for a girl to get to this point she has to be invested and compliant)
4.- you are making out (last time i check for a girl to make out with you and be in isolation she is compliant,likes you and is invested)
5.- As you are making out and things get heavy, you squeeze yourself in your pants while complimenting whatever little exposure she is giving you preferably and easiest the breast or ass (for her to expose any part of the body, she is being compliant, and is invested and likes you in order to do that). this move is to force an approach invite, you are gauging reaction peripherally, i like to focus on body part, this could help you to see if you have it. Now that i remember when i squeezed like that with 2 girls the body language got tense, so i did not do it. But both i slept with, looking back one had period, the other was mrs. skills.
6.- you pull it out look and masturbate looking at her breast or whatever body part exposure, you take her hand and put it on your dick, she will either do 4 things:

- jerk you off
-jerk you off with bj
-jerk you off and you transition to sex (no all women into bjs or do not bj right away)
- pull the hand back (never happen to me but it could be a possibly). If this happens pull your dick back on your pants like nothing happened.

The Franco rip Pyco way:

In my case, I just place her hand on my hard cock through my jeans when we are making out passionately. If that goes well, she'll usually just eventually get so turned on that she pulls it out for me. If she doesn't, I'll continue to distract her by kissing her body while unbuttoning my jeans and pulling my cock out simultaneously.

The @topcat way:

Disclaimer.- this is for guys that have above average dicks only

1.-When he gets lmr, he start talking about haing a very tiny dick and she does not want to see it anyway, she is going to be dissapointed and is embarrassing for him so he is baiting her for her to ask to see the tiny thing (so he is helping her with the lmr, he is helping her and putting even more objections, i call this negative selling, i do this in sales).
2.- after she ask to see the dick he pull it out and say "see i told you is tiny", since is above average she will disagree.
3.- he then puts the dick back in his pants and says "enough of that" so he does a take away.
4.- he goes back into regular convo at this time her mind is stimulated.
5.- he re escalate with 0 resistance.

Puakarma rip form mpuaforum responding to my car bj technique:

"I haven't realized this before, but I seem to do something similar. Not because I was thinking it over, but mainly because I get horny if foreplay starts and I take it out lol. I noticed it gets rid of LMR. The last girl I f-closed, kept stopping me from escalating after our shirts were off and kept saying "We're not having sex" and wouldn't let me do anything. I took my dick out and put her hands on it and everything fell into place haha. Nice routine."

"Sargemaximum, a dude that in nexasf forum everybody had vegas bets he would never get laid.... And it was boarderline asperberg dude mix with autisim.... pull similar stuff off when he finally got laid."

Wolf rip mpua forum:

"Practical tips: Always put more emphasis on a girl's actions, than her words. If she says that you shouldn't sleep together, but she's half-naked and in your bed, then agree with her and continue escalating.

PYCO method: If she puts up heavy resistance, then just pull your cock out and start masturbating. The sight of cock makes most girls really horny so it usually short circuits their LMR.

Just my 2 cents."

Ok guys so make pyco great again, here is some additional stuff i would do or combine with pyco (actually in the lr on that post i did pyco):

This is a lr were the girl thought i had an std, i knew her ex (she was paranoid i would tell ex), and we just had gotten into a huge fight, just going to post the relevant part:

lay report i would not be with a guy like you

"Anyways, i had enough of this girl and i go home... But i say to myself, "dude you just wasted your saturday night, you are skills, she totally says that what i teach does not work and she is right you have not gotten new girls other than your recycle girls in a month)...

Lately one thing missing about my game is my killer instict (credit gll)... and i watched that video combine with the pulling the trigger video of gll... Important to know that a contributing factor of a lot of bit of my recession is not being true to my school of seduction with is agressive style of game instead of the attraction dudes...

Anyways, THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STRATEGIC MOVE... Since i was driving, as i got to my apartment, I TOOK HER CAR KEYS, got off the car real quick and went inside....

so let me repeat this silly move, I took her car keys since i was driving her car, got off the car real quick and went inside (playing stupid) without saying a word...

This force her to have to get off the car and come inside...

oh boy! once inside ( there is not where to sit but my bed)... i lay in my bed and cont. talking to her...

But she was activating insane, moving around, all nervous, saying crazy shit:

"i do not want to ruin our friendship" "I am not that type of girl"

"i do not sleep around" "I need a cigarette" "i have to go home"

"i do not feel fresh" " i need to take a shower" "the only way i stay over is if you promise not to try anything" "i am putting you in the friendzone i have a hot guy friend that wanted to fuck me but it would ruin the friendship i introduce him to his now gf, but he is friendzone, i want you to be like him"

^ I told her we are both adults and you are my friend whether we have sex, or we do not have sex, she goes home or whatever, but stop acting like a "middle school virgin" you are stressing me out with all the pacing back and forth...

Please relax.... Forget about sex, we are not having sex, i will go jerk off in the bathroom...

"i do not feel fresh" go take a shower, here is a shirt and strategically i gave her a shirt that says "lucky" lol

She goes take a shower and says "i am going to sleep"

i say cool, then i leave her, and go take a shower... I did strategically so she can be alone and relax, i was beting on 2 outcomes (she leaves or she goes to sleep)... Now she ain't gonna be rude and leave while i am in the shower so it was a calculated risk...

I come out of the shower and she is laying in my king size bed sleeping in a way that is taking the whole bed, so instead of straight, across i took this as an indication of interest and pausible deniability she was supposedly sleeping.

I go cuddle from behind and she says "no sex go to sleep"...I said cool, Omg do you sleep with your bra on wtf! aren't you uncomfortable?

anyways before all this, (i took a viagra and place a condom under a pillow) and i was hard as a rock, and i knew again, i have to pull the trigger and do something...

i cuddle from behind, and told her, "fuck if you got lemons make lemonade you don't mind if i hump you a bit do you?" she said "i am going to sleep do not get to exited no sex"

yeah i got that! fuck "you also sleep with your panties off wtf?

At this point she shows me her "booty short panties as a tease", i proceed to right away without blinking pull my dick out and started jerking off...

"omg what are you doing" again "since we aren't having sex i am going to jerk off, do you mind if i keep looking at your booty shorts thanks!

and i keep jerking off, she start getting turn on and looking at my dick i start jerking off with my tip on her butt cheek...

She start making movements of arching the butt, i start "omg what a nice ass keep doing that i am almost there"

Soon i take off her panties, eat her out, put on a condom and bang her...."

and finally the video I made:

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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I remember reading that book on fast escalations by Liam McRae and he would be telling that he would take a girl's hand and put on his hard on, and this really sexualized things and showed her how attracted and turned on by her you were. I've done it many times (almost every girl I fucked, I think) and it always helps. I myself mostly do it with my clothes on still, girls will mostly start undressing themselves and taking my cock out, many times, but I assume taking it out yourself can be really powerful too.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I remember reading that book on fast escalations by Liam McRae and he would be telling that he would take a girl's hand and put on his hard on, and this really sexualized things and showed her how attracted and turned on by her you were. I've done it many times (almost every girl I fucked, I think) and it always helps. I myself mostly do it with my clothes on still, girls will mostly start undressing themselves and taking my cock out, many times, but I assume taking it out yourself can be really powerful too.
Yeah, that is franco style i mentioned in the post a lot of guys do it like this...to pasive for my taste, but works...

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
“Make Pyco Great Again” hahaha

This is a really highly under-rated technique, that I honestly sometimes forget about, in the heat of the moment. I came across this tech via 60 years of Challenge’s - Game Revision system.

I’ve recommended this so many times (to my non-pua friends) and it always worked for them, independant of any of other techniques, as long as:

1. the girl was at least somewhat interested in them and
2. they were in an isolated location, away from judging eyes and ears (so some compliance)

There’s a few girls I have dated and girls I didn’t sleep with where I could have sped up the process either way by using PYCO.

Carry on with the pyco kings.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
We should make T-shirts that say "make Pyco great again" in white milk font lol.

Two things I remembered that may be able to help a sucessfull pyco:
1) when doing the sex talk (prior to isolation), use dick stories to seed her curiosity about your john. I always have 2-3 quick ones that are really really funny, and bring up the size topic in an easy, relaxed and natural way.
2) After you tell the story and she giggled, ask about her cock experiences. Women LOVE to talk about men's cocks when given the chance. They do that all the time among themselves. If you are non-judgemental, she will probably open up and talk about it with you too.