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FR  The Date


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
Well, I have finally graduated and stepped the text game up to the dating game! I want to thank all of those who made it possible because it wouldn't have happen if it wasn't for the informative articles on this site. So please keep up the good work, and feel free to provide constructive feedback if you have any. So, let's get on to the date:

So I was at the workplace and as I was going to the boss's station to talk about something I did wrong, which happens on a day to day basis, I passed a new young girl who was sitting doing relatively nothing. She was attractive and she looked relatively bored. So I made conversation and asked her what does she do here now, to which she replied , "blah blah blah(little to nothing). So I replied, I'm doing blah, and blah and blahhhh( whole bunch of crap)! She commented, " You should send some over here." I then deep dove and found out she had recently moved to the city and is going through the first stages of a divorce (Are you single question: I hope I'm not using it out). Afterwards I empathized and told her, " You should bring a book to read. It would help pass the time." She then stated that's a good idea. I told her I would get her one of my books.

So I go to the desk, and take out my front, which is a book. The company we are at doesn't allow cell phones so I cut out some pages in a book to put my cell phone in so it looks like I'm reading.lol! Well, I take her the cell phone book. I opened it and said, "now that's a book. Put your number in and we'll go out and do something later." That's when the boss came out the office, " Playa, we got a lot of work to do." To which I left the book to her and she returned. Without the phone number of course (lot of chicks find it hard to operate my phone) so during break the next day I saw her at a lunch table and I told her, " I didn't get your number the other day, what happened?" She then said it was mistake and re-entered it to which I agreed to take her out later. The following text occurred on the weekend. (this is from memory).

Me: Hey would like to go out and check out a flick? I want to get away.

New girl: Yes :) that sounds like fun.

So, later that friday evening she text back while I was at the game trying to sell some tickets and almost got arrested (that's another story) Houston Rockets vs Atlanta

New girl: Hey, I don't want you to be mad but I'm tired. Real tired.

This is where my persistence training kicked in. So instead of texting her after a failed ticket sale with tons of police officers around and no customer, I picked up the phone and called her.

Her: Hello
Me: Wasup?
Her: Nothing. What are you up to?
Me: Trying to sell some tickets for the game. Ain't nobody buying them.
Her: Oh, you got tickets. The game's already started.
Me: I know! So wasup with you.
Her: Yeah Im tired.
Me: Tired, well we can go drink some coffee.
Her: I don't want any coffee this late.
Me; What about tea?
Her: Well, you're trying to get me out aren't you.
Me: Yeah, tell you what, why don't we get some coffee and if you feel like it we can go from there. If not, you can go home and back to bed (which I was hoping to be joining her ;))
Her: I don't know. What about at work.
This I know was my opportunity to disarm the anti slut defense
Me: As long as you don't tell no one at work, I wont either. I mean, we keep it strictly professional at work. No one will know unless you tell them.
Her: How do I know that?
Me: Because I got just as much to lose as you. I don't want people coming up to me telling me stuff.
Her: Telling you what?
Me: Like, your girlfriend in the break room you better get out there.
I then put her on some of the history of the company, the gossipers, rumor spreaders and the sort>
Her: Oh. I noticed they do gossip alot.
I then told her that a lady came up to me after she gave me her number in the breakroom and said I saw you out there talking to your girlfriend. To which she was astonished and amused (true story)
Me: Look. You don't have to work tomorrow! You got all day to sleep tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow and Sunday I have to go to church. So tonight is the best night!
Her: You're right

So it took a little coaxing and I learned the value of persistence. Girls spit some reason or logic at you and you have to throw down there logic or reasoning sometimes with persistence. I remember reading it somewhere. As long as it isn't a clear cut NO! So she meets me at the Starbucks. The one she meets me at was renovating so we took her car to another one. We talked and I tried using Kino to which she was receptive in the car. We finally made it and we had some more small talk and I tried to move her to the attached bookstore as the table was awkward and other people were around. She said, "ok" but wanted to wait until her tea cooled. Before going the staff shut off access to the bookstore so we were stuck in the Starbucks. I then motioned for her to leave, and we left in the car. I tried to escalate in the car with a combo of Kino and innuendos.

Me: So why don't we go back to your place and watch some TV (logistics wasn't right for my place).
Her: I don't know about that!
Me: Why, your roommates or something?
Her: No, it's not that! It's just I don't know you that well!
Me: Well that's what makes it great! We're strangers.
Her: What do you mean that's not right.

To which I apologized. I know, force of habit. I kept trying to go back with her and she kept replying: But I don't know you that well? I tried saying, " well my name is playa, nice to meet you. Now we know each other." However she kept deflecting with the fact she wanted to know me first. She then took me back to my car and even deflected my attempts at a kiss. When I got back to my car I decided to check my phone to see some other broads but.......I dropped my phone in this girls car and she left. I panicked. Then I realize I'll call her to get my phone back at the gas station (club BP). She answered on the 2nd ring and told me she would bring me my phone back to which she did. I then tried to take her to another spot of mine (the hotel) to which she seemed interested but I decided not to push and then she left. She said she had a good time on the text and thanked me for getting her out but the next day I texted her and got no response. I text her again 2 days later....no response. I'm thinking I failed to past her LMR and she has went into some type of Anti-rejection. What do you think? I seen her briefly at work but I stood to my promise and stayed away.....Let you know if something more comes of it.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Seems like you didn't deep dive enough on the date. Remember that women feel closer to a man by how much he knows about HER. That's why she said you were a stranger. You could always lead her to another venue if she doesn't feel comfortable to go home with you yet. Keep the ball rolling, don't let anything stop you.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to do this if I get a 2nd date with her. I like the venue change move. I also remember reading about it somewhere that a girl feels like she knows you more when you constantly change venues with her so this along with deep diving may be the key. I may have a second chance, she finally text me back and spoke with me at work before she left. So we'll see if it's salvageable. Thanks again for the advice.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
The following text have occurred so far with this girl after the date. She hadn't text me for awhile when I asked her how she was and later she responded:

Girl: Hey! Im better now i had a blasting headache yesterday so I fell asleep real early

Me: I'm glad you're better. I missed you ;) R up real late?

I was trying to set up a move to scoop her when I get off of work but she didn't reply.
So after seeing her at work a couple of days, I hit her.

Me: Hey Girl. How ru and ru available for a movie(4real this time) this weekend?

Girl: Yes probably but I think we need a tlk

Me: Uh oh? This sounds interesting :) When ru avail to talk?

So that concludes the interaction. I like her and she's hot to my standards. I'm just worried that she will try to friend zone me or see's me in a long term deal. I got no problem with that however I still want the respect of "a sexual man," I'll let you know what happens but it seems like I need a different approach to getting a LR with her. What do you think? I want to go on another date with this girl. What would you do?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
The weirdest thing. I was just about to type about what has occurred so far on this one, then out of nowhere she text's me.
Anyway I don't know about this and was on the verge of nexting her, when she text me. She gives me a little, holding me on. Anyway this is how the night went.

Me: Hey Girl, wassup lets go movie starts at 9 or 10.
Me: U get lost so i probably should drive.lol!

I then called her and it goes to voice mail. So I give up on the night with her and go to a club instead. I'm meeting some hot and exotic chicks, pulled a number of a french-creole and black girl, another girl was an executive at a company and a postal worker :) however the postal worker didn't give me her number but that's another post. So in the middle of my pursuits, she calls me. I pick up and as I'm in the middle of the club with the DJ music at my favorite hookah spot, I couldn't hear her. So I went outside.

Me; hello
nothing, then I began to hear voices and afterwards a TV in the background playing constantly.

So I began to wonder, wassup with this chick. My mind began to come up with all kind of scenarios. I suspect that she may be with a buddy of mind who called when I dropped my phone in her car. It may just be my imagination but she is getting to me a little. I tried to continue on with the night but after that it kinda messed with my head a little. So I text her.

ME: Hey girl,.ur phone call me. Dont u wanna do more than watch TV?
ME: lol!
no response. reply or anything

It kinda put a damper on the rest of the night so I went home.
#u&*#ng @*##h!
Then I read an article on what you should do when girls flake. Be cool because it's a test.
So about 20 or so hours later on the next day she text me.

Her: Hey Playa sorry about yesterday I received upsetting news yesterday and I wasnt in the mood to speak. I was not trying to be rude purposely. How are you

I Ignored her. She then hit back again a few hours later
Her: Hi
So I decide to hit back and act like nothing has happened
Me: Hey! How are U?
no reply. The next day I hit her back trying to be understanding because I feel that whatever happened that night she wasn't happy with it.
Me: Hey Kayla. I know things can be upsetting or odd, that's why it's good to get away sometimes.
Framing her getting away with me. So I didn't get a response and then I decided to tell you guys about it when she text me in the middle of it
Her: You're right :) How r u.
Me: Fine laying around the house, bored

To which I'm still waiting for a reply. This girl is in my head and messing up my player vibe. I want to take her on a date but she's got me kinda like that jeezy song, "leave you alone." What do you think I should do? I still like her but I think it may not be healthy.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
Well guys, I scored a second date with this one. We had a good time again. I text her and found out she was a contract worker and wasn't hired on permanently at the job:

Me: Hey Kayla, haven't seen u in awhile. Where you been?
Her: My contract ended there
Me: Oh I didn't know. Who is your employer. I'm trying to exit too
Me: I want to go with you babe. We can do great together :)
Her: How
Her: XYZ company.... b happy u hv a job tho
Her: Go w me where...im sad

I then proceeded to encourage her and let her know that there are plenty of jobs out there you just have to look. I then used the situation to attempt to try and get her mind off of it.

Me: Anyway. let's go out so you can get ur mind off of it. I got some ideas. Can you ride....

So push to shove, we went on a 2nd date to the movies. I know it goes against the code but I paid, I mean the girl is between jobs. She gave me a little resistance and specific aspects of the date last time she didn't like. The phone conversation went something like this:

Her: Yeah, there was some things we needed to talk about. You never suppose to try and kiss a girl on the first date. I can tell you ARE very experience with women because only those experience with women try and kiss on the first date.
Me: No, it's not that I was just taking pointers from someone
Her: Laugh Pointers? Yeah right. You probably have lots of women.
Me: No, it's not that.
Her: And then you wanted me to pay for the Coffee.
Me: What are you talking about? I paid for the coffee. Remember?
Her: Yeah but you ask me to pay. Then you said next time I would have to pay.
Me: I was joking but seriously it's nothing wrong with you paying.
Her: If a guy ask a girl out he's suppose to pay for the first few dates. Then afterwards, the girl can pay.

We then get into a deep discussion about paying and I told her the history of "dates" that I read from chase's article and that women are always wanting equality however expect to be taken out (in a nice way of course). I then changed the subject and focus on the meet. I wanted to scoop her from her apartment however she wanted to drive. She then seem uncertain about whether she should drive or I should meet her. I told her it would be okay if I drove but she blamed it on social anxiety as she is getting over a divorce. So after going back and forth, i began to get tired of the back and forth and just met her. We saw, "ride along." No Pun intended. We showed up earlier and sat and talked closely on the bench while waiting for our movie to start. It was cold in the movie so I was trying to figure out how to put my arm around her while she was next to me. I then went to the bathroom and upon coming back sat on her other side and placed my arm around her explaining I was cold. She was okay with it so we cuddled somewhat. Afterwards she followed me to a restaurant where we ate. Later, we spoke on the phone while our cars were next to each other and I then decided to get in her car to talk more intimately.

Her: Then on our last date. You went out and didn't call to make sure I made it home safely. You just sent me a cheap text.
Me: Well, I'm still learning all of the rules on this one.

I then spoke honestly to her:
Me: I just wanted to tell you that you drove me crazy when you disappeared and then you wouldn't pick up your phone.

I then found out that her phone has some type of problem with it and her phone doesn't always ring or something.
I asked her does she value commitment all through the night to which she responded yes. I then asked her

Me: Do you wanna be in a commitment with me?
Her: I don't believe you.

She seemed like she didn't believe me when I told her that I was considering it.

Her: I can tell you have a lot of experience with women. Only those guys who have experience with women try to kiss on the first date.

Me: It's not true.

At the end of the night before she and I got in her car, we hugged. My hand went down to her butt and the she pulled back playfully,

Her: "Wait a minute"
Me: Oh boy. I don't want you complaining about this one.

I then said, I would do it right this time and we hugged again. After getting in the car and talking for awhile we hugged again after she told me she was ready to go home to sleep. I kissed her on the cheek. I then joked.

"Just a cheek kiss. that's all. She seemed to want to kiss and play more but I decided to leave as we both were tired and it was late. I called her once I got home and we plan on continuing forward.

The next day she sent me a pic as I requested. I tried to include all of the relevant details. It was a nice night except no LR however it appears that the next one will be a LR if the logistics are handled right. I don't want to take her to my place and she has family at her place, so I was considering a hotel. However I'm afraid the mere mentioned of a hotel will cause her to go into anti-slut defence as she has pegged me "boyfriend" material. With this one I gotta feeling all it takes is a little solitude and isolation in a place alone; a few kisses, talk carresses and "kino" and I'm in. Right now the logistics seem to be a problem but I have wrested my heart back from this one somewhat and got my player vibe back. So what do you guys think?

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I think you're right about the fact that she has you "boyfriend-zoned". Since you didn't get a lay on the first date, you're now playing into her game in which she has all the power. She's telling you what to do and how the frame is supposed to be...and you put up a good fight to out-frame her but I feel like she's still stringing you along.

Unless you want to have a girlfriend, that's fine. But if you don't and you're just trying to do this for experience, well buddy, you are already losing to her. I think some of the tribal elders would suggest that you move on and NEXT her.
Keep heading the route you're going if you want to be her boyfriend or friend zoned.