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"The Journal"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 4, 2016
Alright guys, How's it going? TheRuralJuror here!

I know I have a journal on here already (is there a way to delete it?) but I feel that I should make a fresh start! This first entry will be short manly because I just want to get this "off the ground" and stop procrastinating! If I don't do this now, then it will never get done. so this will be a "quick summary"

This year so far has been pretty interesting in terms of "dating". ive been on a total of 9 dates with 6 girls (two of which are from another country so it wasn't a "date" per se, 1 girl with whom ive completely forgotten the name during the date which didn't end well, one girl which things got creepy(partly my fault), and another one who just wanted to be friends (rejection). ill write a report on these girls one day, and im sure after you read them youll probably laugh at the things i did wrong haha. All of these dates have came from online dating, SO YES MY BITCH ASS STILL CANT COLD APPORACH. But for some reason, idk if its just me or not, im much more calm when in conversations with females. Ill explain more as time goes on!

As for fitness, ive been working out using Girlschase writer Ross Leon's article on "how to build a male body"
As for work, ive been working a flexible schedule at my job that i kinda created! so no "9-5" per se
As for goals, i gotta admit i am Really Struggling with this. Needless to say I HAVE NONE. NO SENSE OF DIRECTION.
On a side note, when it comes to music ( something that i enjoy doing in spare time) im in the midst of creating two songs!
And finally, during this "Break" from the girlschase boards ive found some new inspiring people to look up to/take advice from! Aside from girlschase of course ;)

So all in all, in my own, stumbling, lazy, unmotivated, scared bitch way this year, in terms of development/getting better im doing better than ive done probably in the last year! I just feel like im all over the place though, no sense of direction!

Anyway, ill flesh out more during the upcoming posts, i just wanted to get this out there.

Thanks, TheRuralJuror
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
How old are you?

And let's get your bitch ass to say hi to girls in real life. Once you break down the invisible wall between you and girls you like, you'll open up a world of possibilities.

Have you tried before?

Here's what helps me:

Being social with everyone all day (small talk with cashiers, people in line, coworkers. Nothing crazy, but warmed up all day)

Cutting out porn and porn substitutes (like instagram, and tinder swiping hot girls) You become a hungry beast, and basically ignore your excuses.

If you can, going out with a guy who's experienced and good with cold approach and being right there next to him, makes you see how stupidly simple and okay it is.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 4, 2016
J wick,

I am 22 years old.

Have I tried before? As in cold approach? Yes. But it’s like in spurts. One day I can approach a girl that I don’t know (mainly at work) and strike up a conversation, before someone comes in and ruins it lol. But as for cold approach as in strangers on the streets nah I haven’t really. Also I suffer from bad acne, so in my head I automatically shoot myself in the foot before I even start. No excuses though I understand. I figure I went on dates with this acne so that shouldn’t hold me back. But it’s something that I’m working on.

As for “experienced guys”, there are none. At least that I personally know! Haha


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Cool. Keep chipping away at it, especially when you're feeling good.

As for acne, I was called pizza face in high school (still dated cuties though) and had bad anxiety. I cut out breads and grains, and started eating healthy. Guess what? My face cleared up and my anxiety became manageable.

TheRuralJuror said:
stumbling, lazy, unmotivated, scared bitch way this year

This is a symptom of having an unorganized plan (or lack of one), without clear goals, clear standards for your ideal self and life, and clear plan of action.

Check out my journal. I want to see you list out what sums up your ideal life, your goals for the year, for the month, and for the week. Also keep your focus on 1 or 2 things. Just get down the main idea for now, but you should really sit down and think it out, and then revise it as you go along. Of course, you don't have to any of this... This is your journal. But if you want me to kick your ass into gear when I'm bored, sure why not?

Get to work. ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 4, 2016
J Wick/Everyone else,

I have started thinking about some goals. I don’t have anything “concrete” but one thing I have started thinking about a lot is by 25 or earlier having a couple of things accomplished or close to accomplishing.

One thing would be having my own place by then.
Second thing would be having a degree/certification/skill of something I’m interested in. I was reading chases post on here (he posted it a while ago) but he was talking about careers/trades/skills and it got me thinking. Get a job someone would pay you for. Plus it’s always good to have a back up plan unless I work in that field, then I’d need another skill haha.

Of course getting better with women, better physique, appearance etc is on the list... but to be honest I don’t have a clear vision in mind on those things yet. I just know I wanna get better. But that’s too vague I know! The more I think/ do it I’m sure the more clear the goals are gonna be.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 4, 2016
Hey guys,

I went on a date last week. Met her online. We talked for a couple of days and I found some things about her. She has a kid and turns out she lives like an hour away from me. She was free on the weekend but I wanted to make this “meet” happen early trying to not leave it by chance. Anyway, she gives me the address and I drive there. I get there and she takes me to her apartment. When I get there it was DOOMED FROM THE START. She had her friends over and her friends had their kids over. The kids run up to me and start asking me questions which I play along.

Then after everything dies down, it was me, my “date”, and her friend (female). I’m not a smoker or much of a drinker, so my girl and her friend started smoking.. I was out of my element. But not to bore you with the details I tried to deep dive the friend (who was more attractive btw) and I was successful learning about what she does, places she’s been etc. My date pretty much just sat there and said nothing. Just pretty much smoked. It was brutal!

Anyway, I definitely didn’t help the situation, I wasn’t attractive enough (fundamentals). So when i realized that this shit was a disaster, I pretty much said I should be going and started to leave. I asked my date to walk me down to my car, I figured maybe if we were alone I can salvage something and properly get to know her, but she didn’t want to go. So at that moment I knew.... IT WAS OVER.

But I wasn’t even mad. I basically went for the experience! See what I want/don’t want. Still trying to find my way.

Anyway thanks for reading!

Thanks, TheRuralJuror


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 4, 2016
Hey guys!

Can I get you guys perspective on something?

Lately I’ve run into bad luck with women scheduling wise. When I ask them out it always seems to be that I catch them when they work the whole week, or on vacation, or some other conflict. Ok cool that’s no problem.

If I ask them out on a Monday for example, I always get “oh I’m not off until next Tuesday” or some shit like that. And I know if I wait until next Tuesday I’m gonna get another excuse.

This is what I want to get the perspective from... tell me if I’m doing something wrong or if I’m wrong... here goes.

So recently I’m talking to this girl online (she has a kid). She gives me her number and is practically dtf. Now idc if we fuck or not as I’m just trying to get experience with women. Anyway I ask her out. She says yes. The day comes for the date and everything goes well. As far as I know we’re still on. The time comes for the meetup so I texted/called an hour before we were supposed to meet. NO RESPONSE AT ALL.
Fast forward to the next day, she tells me she got stuck at work, phone died, and had a problem with her kid. I said alright, obviously her kid comes first no biggie. So I ask her out AGAIN. She tells me she’s free that night after her kid goes to sleep. (She invites me to her house). I’m like okay, I’ll come by later tonight. ONCE AGAIN, the time comes to leave to go meet her, so I call her (don’t want to make that trip for nothing) and she basically says “ oh I have so much to do, I’m stressed, I have to do laundry, House is dirty”, and I’m like it’s no biggie if the house is alittle dirty. And she says maybe we should do this another time. At this point I’m like WTF in my head.

Next day she calls me, flirting again, basically wants me to come over. And I’m alittle hesitant cause I’m not trying to waste my time AGAIN. She takes that as a sign that I have an attitude. (I have no attitude whatsoever) so I’m like “hey do you wanna hangout” and now she’s like “nah I’m good”. *FacePalm*

So that’s the THIRD TIME she said “no”, so I told her “listen I’m tired of asking you out and you basically saying “no”. So whenever you’re free you got my number.” She gets mad and says I’ve only known you for a couple of days, I feel like you’re pressuring me to meet up blah blah blah. Guys THERE WAS NO PRESSURE AT ALL. She could’ve literally just said I don’t want to meet you. This girl is flirting with me, invites me over, so where is the pressure? I’m lost.

So my question to you guys is, did I do something wrong? I’m just usuing this girl as an example, but this has happened with many women. I’m just tired of texting/calling someone and not getting a response, so when I say “I’m out”, apparently it’s my fault. Hell no im not gonna chase like that!

So any advice, or suggestions or anything would be helpful to me! Cause this shit is confusing the helllll out of me! Haha.

Thanks, TheRuralJuror