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Strategic Calibration - The Key to mPUA?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
So if you have had the benefit of talking to a Pro PUA/ladykiller or being a Pro PUA/ladykiller who engages in pro talk

how are pros or you yourself talking strategy?

is strategic discussion and approach the key?

In every field pros talk about and literally talk to each other is different ways

occasionally chat will have a pro come in and recently my head has been wrapped on this

Pro 1: bar in the middle, circularity in venue, more openness, podium to the left, bathroom unisex - hook bathroom, take to bar, spill over to sets, bring to podium, enjoy social proof, at 2, isolate to calm area, pull to x calm bar nearby

Pro 2: though the area behind the bar is calm for verbal, so warm up near circular bar, hit leads, then hook in smoking area, bring to bar, forward mege with past lead ... if fuck up by 1 hour before closing time, fire at will on past leads

That's typical pro discussion

His prior statement

Most guys don't opt for hardcore pua, mostly meeting some chick, texting, going on a date, and try to bang her (or not) - and discussion usually involves a fuck up in that very linear (and honestly, boring) setting compared to pro pua.

the pro was teevster ok I'm done hiding the banana

^ TL;DR - How pros talk

NOTE! I'm not talking the Inner game crowd or basic limiting belief management that is common and sorta rampant (like when a newb derails an interesting convo to discuss their limiting belief or ask a question they could have either made a new thread for or searched for) I'm talking pro talk like the example above

Teevster: i wrote 2 posts on game plans and calibration based on whether venues close early, or late

Teevster: why has nobody discussed that lol

Teevster: also, i am shocked at how few actually care, or know about or read up on frame control

I think approaching more of these talks from a strategic position would shake off a lot of KJ and posturing.

As at the end of the day may the best strategy reap the results

Inner game is a pissing contest
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Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
True ....I am aiming to become mpua and my mindset is more about how do I get results .... And getting into all the technicalities even if I am sitting in a class


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Most of us just aren’t there yet. Whether the bar closes early or late doesn’t really matter if you can’t close consistently in the first place.

Idk how knowing how pros talk is helpful for banging chicks if you haven’t mastered the a,b,c’s yet. (Not saying that’s you, but just a lot of guys don’t know the a,b,c’s of a seduction

My view of it is it’s kind of the thing that you get there when you get there. Gotta pay your dues first before you get the expertise that comes with pro talk

I feel like if I got a chance to watch two pros talk, most of it would go over my head. Even if I had all of the theoretical facts right, I would still need experience to really grasp the gold nuggets they were giving out

I think a lot of coaches gotta dumb it down, simplify things so beginners over time can grasp overarching concepts

I’d imagine when two pros are talking all of the fundamentals are like groundwork that they lay the conversation upon

But I definitely agree with you, one needs a solid strategy to win.

But having a good strategy + shitty fundamentals (inner and outer) = is still gonna end up in losing

Your head’s gotta be on straight and your appearance has to be appealing for any good strategy to be implemented properly

That’s why I disagree about the whole inner game thing

Yeah your right there are a lot of people are out there being psuedo therapists or preaching crap like red pill that doesn’t really fix trauma but rather buries it deeper.

But most guys are carrying some kind of baggage that is affecting there game, and solid inner work, science based, can make all the difference in taking a guy from needy and clingy to self assured when it comes to women

And once they are at that point, the pro talk strategy will work.

Because at that point they are a PUA Cinderella, the shoe (strategy) has fit, and they are ready for the ball (fuck a bunch of hoes in a club bathroom ahaha)

may your shoe it,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Most of us just aren’t there yet. Whether the bar closes early or late doesn’t really matter if you can’t close consistently in the first place.

Idk how knowing how pros talk is helpful for banging chicks if you haven’t mastered the a,b,c’s yet. (Not saying that’s you, but just a lot of guys don’t know the a,b,c’s of a seduction

My view of it is it’s kind of the thing that you get there when you get there. Gotta pay your dues first before you get the expertise that comes with pro talk

I feel like if I got a chance to watch two pros talk, most of it would go over my head. Even if I had all of the theoretical facts right, I would still need experience to really grasp the gold nuggets they were giving out

I think a lot of coaches gotta dumb it down, simplify things so beginners over time can grasp overarching concepts

I’d imagine when two pros are talking all of the fundamentals are like groundwork that they lay the conversation upon

But I definitely agree with you, one needs a solid strategy to win.

But having a good strategy + shitty fundamentals (inner and outer) = is still gonna end up in losing

Your head’s gotta be on straight and your appearance has to be appealing for any good strategy to be implemented properly

That’s why I disagree about the whole inner game thing

Yeah your right there are a lot of people are out there being psuedo therapists or preaching crap like red pill that doesn’t really fix trauma but rather buries it deeper.

But most guys are carrying some kind of baggage that is affecting there game, and solid inner work, science based, can make all the difference in taking a guy from needy and clingy to self assured when it comes to women

And once they are at that point, the pro talk strategy will work.

Because at that point they are a PUA Cinderella, the shoe (strategy) has fit, and they are ready for the ball (fuck a bunch of hoes in a club bathroom ahaha)

may your shoe it,


Excerpt from Real World Seductions Swinggcat

An empowering belief system only makes up half of your inner confidence. The other half comes from expanding your comfort zone: repeatedly performing a behavior until it feels comfortable.

Additionally, working on your belief system without expanding your comfort zone can actually cripple it. Years ago, I met a hapless Joe who toiled away for three years building a powerful belief system but neglected to expand his comfort zone. He kept putting it off, telling me he wanted to work a little longer at perfecting his belief system before testing it in the real world.

Because he spent three years with a belief system incongruous with how he behaved around women, cognitive dissonance kicked in and relayed a nasty message to his unconscious mind: “Your belief system is delusional, loser.”

This plunged him into a deep depression. To get his belief system back and protect it from ever feeling threatened again, he avoided female interactions like the plague. This man’s story is more common than you might think.

On the other hand, if you work on only pushing your comfort zone, you’ll possess only half the inner confidence needed to succeed with women.

There is a very real truth to effective communication for where you believe someone's mind/capabilities are, in the same vein effective communication and progressive overload absolutely do not disagree with my Strategy > State

Strategy is the equalizer. Some are harder to pull off or maybe even impossible, but guess how you can counteract that?

A more informed strategy based off how the previous or current one panned out/research done.

Only can improve strategy by having outcomes and reviewing/revising/refining them.

So actually

Your head’s gotta be on straight and your appearance has to be appealing for any good strategy to be implemented properly

I disagree. You are always capable of making a strategy based off your circumstances and what you can change/develop and implementing then learning from it. If you don't possess the clarity or baseline socially acceptable appearance to make a strategy...you aren't even in this discussion.

Go get help, not even joking. I'm thinking homeless, psych ward people. Go get some help then come back when you are good champ.

Now for copers

Strategy does not = I get the result 100%

You're not a mastermind first time you strategize. But to go "In order to even begin to look at the world as a mastermind you must be this xyz thing"

without any strategy or action plan just nebulous "state inner game, alpha bruh, be attractive"

is bad strategy

failing to plan is planning to fail

Think about what you just told me

"Strategically thinking about your logistics and stages of game is inaccessible to many at this point"

That is not compelling to me. Perhaps that is compelling to @Surveyor , @trashKENNUT , @Lucky

but strategy is not nebulous and if your strategy isn't working there are numerous articles with action plans on different sticking points you can run into and how to navigate that in your development. is the search bar inaccessible?

I'm not saying state is worthless and there is no need for it in fact that's off topic another convo

This thread is for expansion into the world and aim of all of us here into skilled seducers

What are Skilled Seducers talking about and strategically discussing we aren't?

In that vein I have to say I think inner game just isn't one of them unless they are discussing channeling or dealing with your current state strategically...seems pretty common.

So to me what everyone or the beginner thinks isn't of much use is it?

No it's not

Struggle with the eagles or hang with the turkeys

I'd rather learn to suck at soaring, y'know actually learning, than to "wait" for some approval from my inner world to say


I mean what do you guys think we're doing?

We're doing what the pros, just poorly or amateurly

What "dues"?

Do the work and learn how the best do it better.

I could start after nebulous "dues" or rack up XP and knowledge at the same time and completely shit on the "I'm paying my dues" mofo

Since when did the PUA community become so conformist and hierarchical

Sounds like a fucking office job nowadays lmao

Listen to anyone huffing copium check this


how come

nobody... write about cluster fucks like these

i mean although i solved it, those fucked up chess play situations fileld with wildcards happen to beginners too

with other people, either on forums, or in chats, or face to face

understanding the venue, the set that went well, that did not, solutions to problems, potential tweaks etc

not even writing down everything necessarily

but discuss the night with someone at least. most guys want an easy way out - less effort.

i remember this norwegian guy bitching about how he could not get laid in Oslo and kept arguing then i told him "oh i lived there for 15 years”.

or roosh "don't bang denmark" book


or "in france, people only go out in mixed groups"

i mean if you are looking for excuses, you will find them

start understanding the nightlife venue selection, AND different strategies for nightlife depending on mood, and venue understand in venue dynamics know isolation, basic group theory, and escalation technique master this and frame control



read up on isolation too because the end game of dealing with a group is i mean it doesnt matter whether you are some sex talk hypnotic maestro who knows how to handle resistance or if you are some guy who knows how to handle weird jealousy plots and stuff

if you cant open, hook and isolate cant isolate? cant get laid


i mean unless you get lucky in the chaos

What part of that seems inaccessible?

Know what and through that I think I actually answered my own question so I'm dipping but for the winners still reading I'll just dump the rest of my notes

Strategy > State

Here's the world to a pro who strategized before he was even a pro


i tend to not use bf destroyers, instead just sex talk my way into her panties despite her having a BF very often girls say they have a BF when in fact it is just a fuckbuddy.

the problem with pick up is

it is repetitive

i can almost always predict what comes next in field when talking to girls like... deja vue.

i used to have a one liner "girls want to be someone special one, but are they actually being special? - are they unique?"

good qualifier/challenge there "if you would be someone's special one, what would be special about you?"

and then they usually mention

damn seems my inner gayme has run out before I could paste the rest

guess we'll leave the rest of this strategy above unfinished

gotta treat pua like an office job and go suck my bosses dick for a 1.50 raise while he cucks me financially and literally

Let's all pay our dues fellas
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
But most guys are carrying some kind of baggage that is affecting there game, and solid inner work, science based, can make all the difference in taking a guy from needy and clingy to self assured when it comes to women

And once they are at that point, the pro talk strategy will work.

Do one need to go to therapy to become good in chess? The notion of strategy that I am becoming more and more fan of, is a dimension that does not requires anything related to how you perform: nothing to do with your vibe, outer game, beliefs, etc.

All it requires is theory!

Selecting the right venue isn't hard. Finding a good one is, but just because it takes time, and because you need to learn the criteria. But venue selection is easier than say, push a noob into escalating fast on a random girl on a dancefloor.

Strategy is important and essenial. It will make everything easier. Most guys struggle in nightgame not because their game sucks, not because they have less than pristine outer game, but because they have no strategy.

Some strategies will be fancy, some simple. But you need strategies to get consistent results. Why are you going to X venue, what is your plan?

Fundamentals are important, I won't deny that, but if you believe fundamentals is all you need, then you are only hoping for luck, and using your increased fundamentals to increase your odds of getting slightly lucky. You are still going ut with the minset of hoping for the best.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
But having a good strategy + shitty fundamentals (inner and outer) = is still gonna end up in losing

Rather have a good strategy and poor fundamentals, than the other way around.

Example: you have a crap vibe, but you managed to get to know the city's best party fixer. You have good logistics, and invite him and his friends over to an after party at your place - yu offered the venue, the booze, the cigarettes, and they the people.

You might get laid! while dedicated student is jacking off while reading up on smooth outergame. The field is unfair.

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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Do one need to go to therapy to become good in chess? The notion of strategy that I am becoming more and more fan of, is a dimension that does not requires anything related to how you perform: nothing to do with your vibe, outer game, beliefs, etc.

All it requires is theory!

Selecting the right venue isn't hard. Finding a good one is, but just because it takes time, and because you need to learn the criteria. But venue selection is easier than say, push a noob into escalating fast on a random girl on a dancefloor.

Strategy is important and essenial. It will make everything easier. Most guys struggle in nightgame not because their game sucks, not because they have less than pristine outer game, but because they have no strategy.

Some strategies will be fancy, some simple. But you need strategies to get consistent results. Why are you going to X venue, what is your plan?

Fundamentals are important, I won't deny that, but if you believe fundamentals is what you need, then you are only hoping for luck, and using your increased fundamentals to increase your odds of getting slightly lucky. You are still going ut with the minset of hoping for the best.

I agree with a lot of this

Makes me wonder how strategy plays a role in daygame

I guess same thing applies with picking the right venue, but in day game most of the venues have the same kind of people strip malls shopping malls city streets, all the average populace

Its really easy to pick up in nature parks and college campuses so I guess picking those places would be strategic

When I was thinking of strategy, I was thinking of advanced techniques and gambits that I’ve been told aren’t as effective when someone’s starting out because one’s of poor fundamentals

then you are only hoping for luck, and using your increased fundamentals to increase your odds of getting slightly lucky

Yeah right now I’m just trying to increase my odds, I don’t have the best fundamentals they could improve a lot

But maybe it is time to use more strategy, im just wondering whether focusing on that versus fundamentals is going to give me more bang for my buck.

I don’t think I’d be able to focus on both during a set, but it’s worth a try.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
But most guys are carrying some kind of baggage that is affecting there game, and solid inner work, science based, can make all the difference in taking a guy from needy and clingy to self assured when it comes to women

And once they are at that point, the pro talk strategy will work.

I disagree with this.

I have helped quite a few friends get laid and honestly a guy could have horrible self esteem and trash inner game and get laid like a rockstar.

The real reason why a lot of guys struggle to get laid is not their "truama" it's just that they don't know what to do. They could have a woman in front of them that's dying to get fucked but their lack of experience makes them miss the chance. Then they go back home and blame it on their "inner game" it's a vicious cycle

From my experience guys can get crazy good very fast if they only focus on the following
  • Get a baseline of good fundamentals
  • Have a basic process to go from Hi to Fuck!
  • Learn how to read women's signals for smoother escalations.
It really is that simple

Be Attractive + Run Gameplan + Read Signals + Make A Move = GET LAID

Every good system follows the above and has strategies to help guys in each, and you can make each section as simple or as complicated as you want. The whole inner game thing just comes as a byproduct of a guy getting success with his strategy
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Makes me wonder how strategy plays a role in daygame

Less so than in nightgame, but there are of course strategic dimensions in daygame. The reason is that daygame tend to be much more linear than nightgame.

It is for this reason many "intelligent" men, who usually are more nerdy tend to become nightgamers, because they can use their high IQ to outplay the venue! Daygame is more about your vibe, your delivery, and the impression you make. Nightgame is, to a bigger extent more about strategic calls: how you play your cards, and how you move your pawns.

This does not mean that your vibe, skills, and techniques don't matter in nightgame because they do.

In fact, you have the option to opt for the good old "hardcore" cold approach style at night - I love doing it, but I must admit it is harder, and not all contexts in nightgame allows for it. It is usually the area where you can talk, approach verbally, and allow for a prolonged verbal interaction where you can run a similar strategy to daygame but at night.

However, this is just one of many strategies. Many other strategies rely less on vibe, and verbal prowess. It just relies on you playing your card well. I love the whole dimension of "chess play pick up" where it is all about you being some strategic mastermind, and suceeding.

The problem is that beginners do obsess with cold approach. I think cold approach is great - it can serve as good exposure therapy to some to get rid of social anxietty - which many beginners do struggle with. Mind you that this strategy does not work for everyone.

Now cold approach is total freedom. Cold approach gives you access to many girls. But the problem is, cold approach takes a lot of time to learn, and it takes more time to master to become consistent at it.

But the real problem is, "flash game" - something the industry uses in their videos or at bootcamps to impress beginners - usually going into 3 sets, overstimulate girls, and get a response, which impresses students, but in fact leads the interaction nowhere. The problem here is that this leads to a flawed perception of true cold approach game. True cold approach game is usually very discret, and less flashy, and most successful guys will not spam approach without a deliberate plan. In many cases, the mPUA will use spamming as part of a strategy, such as minimal low effort interactions just to build momentum. Other times he will apply screening techniques, or spillovers or social proof to warm up the approaches. Sometimes the girl the mPUA approaches is a girl he know through his large social circle. Always a strategic dimension to cold approach. Very few mPUAs will go around approach blindly.


Fundamentals are one thing - it is true that you need to work on fundamentals . I will not disagree with this. But what exactly do you consider fundamentals? Do you refer to core fundamentals like going to the gym? fixing posture, tonality, clothes? etc? All these are essensial I agree. But do you think you will master cold approach once these are fixed? things do not work this way. Now aside from mastery, I don't even think most guys will even becomes slightly consistent at cold approaching just with basic fundamentals, because cold approach is, and will always be, a technical skill.

But perhaps you are thinking of a more expanded view on fundamentals - one that involves both the core fundamentals as well as some technical fundamentals - a basic game plan that serves as the foundation for everything else. Now which techniques and tools can be considered fundamentals is up to debate, but usually it involves a few basic opening, techniques, hook techniques, transitions, comfort building strategies and escalation, topped with isolation strategies and logistical knowledge.

So far so good. You now have your core fundamentals in check, and you have looked around for a pretty basic, yet intriguing techniques and you create a game-plan based on both what you need (or think you need), as well as techniques you feel intrigued about and that you feel suits you (personality wise, or game wisde).

Then you head in field... all excited... until you get a reality check. Non of the techniques works - well not really... it is more like... you cannot find the moment, the setting, the context to properly use those techniques there: too noisy for that fancy opener, too much chaos for that hook technique, and because of that lack of hook, you can't isolate nor run your escalation stack.

And at the end of the day, you are back at point zero, more frustrated than ever.

What went wrong? Lack of strategy. You didn't have the right tools for the right setting.

I don't care how good of a carpenter you are, if you don't bring the right tools for the gig. You may improvise, but oftentimes, you will have to leave without finishing the job.

This metaphore is exactly what tends to happen. Only difference between the new PUA and the carpenter is that the carpenter realizes he screwed up by bringing the wrong tools. The newbe PUA don't, and instead will feel frustrated and demoralized.

Compare this to the average joe who needs to fix the house, but brings the right tool. Very likely he will manage beter than the carpenter who did not bring the right tool.

Now, the only weakness with my metaphore is that, any experienced (professional) carpenter will bring the right tools, but disregard that fact for the sake of the example.

Bottom line is, you may disregard thinking about strategy, but you cannot ignore it, because the field is what is it, whether you want to strategically control it, or let is control you.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
But maybe it is time to use more strategy, im just wondering whether focusing on that versus fundamentals is going to give me more bang for my buck.

I think I answered this question....

I don’t think I’d be able to focus on both during a set, but it’s worth a try.

The good news is that a lot of the strategic thinking is done when NOT in set - before you approach, before you head out, as well as a post-field (on forums, with a coach, with a wing, or by yourself) - any moment where you can plan, or do break-downs.

There may be some strategic thinking while in set, sometimes more than others - but it is not purely an "in-set" thing. Also you can't escape it - if you are forced to think strategically, you must do so, or lose the girl/set. Now if you did do some pre-work before entering the set, by understanding the venue, and the overall strategy, then the in-set strategic decision-making becomes easier.

You probably realize now why field experience matters the most. It is implied in my responses.

I am really happy to finally discuss actual practical pick up for once!

@mist great thread!

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I disagree with this.

I have helped quite a few friends get laid and honestly a guy could have horrible self esteem and trash inner game and get laid like a rockstar.

The real reason why a lot of guys struggle to get laid is not their "truama" it's just that they don't know what to do. They could have a woman in front of them that's dying to get fucked but their lack of experience makes them miss the chance. Then they go back home and blame it on their "inner game" it's a vicious cycle

From my experience guys can get crazy good very fast if they only focus on the following
  • Get a baseline of good fundamentals
  • Have a basic process to go from Hi to Fuck!
  • Learn how to read women's signals for smoother escalations.
It really is that simple

Be Attractive + Run Gameplan + Read Signals + Make A Move = GET LAID

Every good system follows the above and has strategies to help guys in each, and you can make each section as simple or as complicated as you want. The whole inner game thing just comes as a byproduct of a guy getting success with his strategy

Sure but in nightgame (but also in daygame, although to a slightly lesser extent), you cannot disregard context, and how that affects the other variables and your overall decision-making. If you leave out context, you end up with a theothical (and reductonist) approach to pick up. It has its uses, but it is limited.

Not saying your model is wrong or harmful. Just pointing out that it is incomplete.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Sure but in nightgame, you cannot disregard context, and how that affects the other variables and your overall decision-making. If you leave out context, you end up with a theothical (and reductonist) approach to pick up. It has its uses, but it is limited.

Not saying your model is wrong or harmful. Just pointing out that it is incomplete.

  • -Teevster

The model is simplified but everything comes from it

For example being Attractive could be…
  • Improving looks
  • Improving style
  • Improving sexual sub-comms
  • Improving Inner Belief of Attractiveness... hence stronger meta frame of being the Prize

Gameplan... to amplify attractiveness and seal the deal
  • Using Deep Dives
  • Raising Invesment by using open loops and intrigue bait
  • Cockblock Management
  • Using Push/Pull
  • Using Chase Frames
  • Sexual Prizing

Reading Signals
  • Picking the right target
  • Being alert for potential cockblocks
  • Reading escalation windows
  • Paying attention to how she responds to escalation
Make A Move
  • Physically Escalate
  • Verbally Escalate
  • Logistically Escalate

You can't deny that if a guy is decent in all 4 categories he will get laid. But the more advanced someone is they have more tools and awareness at their disposal to execute their process and get results.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
When I was thinking of strategy, I was thinking of advanced techniques and gambits that I’ve been told aren’t as effective when someone’s starting out because one’s of poor fundamentals

Strategy is the decision making aspect related to "how do you meet women in this context - which tools and overall strategy should you apply" - it can involve advanced verbal game, but it can also involve very intuitive stuff - like running the numbers game with plenty of low effort approaches, without even attempting to seduce or hook, only to befriend the whole venue and use those "pawns" (as we call them) as tools for social proof later on. Works well in chaotic venues where you cannot win the venue over with full-blown social proof, but are likely to bump into past leads, if not fully re-opening them. When doing so, you can introduce your new girl to your previous leads (forward-merging) and basically get a free hook based on the attraction caused by social proof - and you can keep doing this as you walk around the venue with your target (always good to move around with a girl for many reasons I won't get into here), and introduce her to the 10 girls you had swift interactions with earlier.

I am not saying this is easy to pull off, but surely easier to understand intuively, than sexual reframes, sexual prizing, fractionation, etc... in a good old advanced verbal pure cold approach to lay strategy....

Here is BradP covering how he likes to run clubs, and he really covers a good strategy that I like, which does not rely on the stereotypical "meet attraction close" cold approach strategy that has been over-commercialized.

This is an mPUA basically covering a nightgame strategy. Notice how he discusses very little actual outer game techniques. His strategy is almost exclusively based on... strategic calls. I have ran similar strategies (I agree with everything he says although there are things I tend to emphasize more, and some very minor things I disagree with...). This presented in the Brad P seminar is one of many strategies, and it is a well-functioning one - which is cool, but what this seminar truly showcases, is how one can approach nightgame purely from a strategic point of view.

Now, I have not said that there is no strategy in daygame. But sadly, because "strategy" has been so underdiscussed in this community (oddly enough), and considering I am a nightgamer, then it is normal that I tackle this issue first. I hope some pro daygamers realize this and start thinking "strategically" over daygame. Most likely, as I grow older, I will likely switch (back) to daygame (I haven't daygamed actively since 2012 or so). In which case, I am sure I will probably sovle that puzzle.

Lots of my coming GC posts will cover nightgame strategies everything from strategies on handlings 2-sets, handling big groups and handling closing hours. This will serve as an extension to my many other strategic posts.

Check out these two posts - one being my take on Chase's underdiscussed post in advanced.

Strategic Calibration: Flexibility in Seduction

Strategic Calibration: Using the Right Techniques at the Right Time

And a summary of some of the most common strategic approaches to nightgame:

Picking Up Girls at Night Is Different from Day, Pt. 2: Strategies Unique to Night Game

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
For example being Attractive could be…
  • Improving looks
  • Improving style
  • Improving sexual sub-comms
  • Improving Inner Belief of Attractiveness... hence stronger meta frame of being the Prize

Yeah this is what we referred to as "core fundamentals" which I do believe will benefit anyone no matter the strategy chosen. No disagreements here. That said I did point out that... a guy can actually compensate for lacking all of these with the right strategic call (and luck). Not that I recommend this, it was more to showcase the importance of strategy.

  • Using Deep Dives

What if you are not isolated... then Deep Dives are wortheless... isolation first! What if the venue has no spot to isolate! STRATEGY is key.

  • Raising Invesment by using open loops and intrigue bait

Ok, this one can work, both in chaotic and non-chaotic settings, althouh the impact of such techniques is usually pretty low and only serves as initial hook material. Say you get that initial hook, but then because of the chaos, her friends come in because their other friend is puking. What do you do? This alone doesn't get you far.

  • Cockblock Management

If there is no hook, there is no cockblock.

  • Using Push/Pull

Only works if there is an initial spark. How do you get that initial spark? Screening game? Social proof? Verbal game? Which one you choose depends on strategy.
  • Using Chase Frames

Isn't that push/pull? If not, it still requies an initial spark. When it comes to how to get it you will have to go back to the strategic drawing board. More complexe frames only work in settings allowing for verbals (not too noisy), or in isolation - latter requires pretty high compliance or luck. Nevertheless... STRATEGY is the savior.

  • Sexual Prizing

Sexual prizing? How? Verbal game? Need to have a setting for verbal (strategy - venue selection), or a good isolation (which requires compliance - now how do you get that? if the venue does not allow for verbals?), or good initial hook with a full group as well as pristine calibration (how do you get all that? something is lacking).

One can make hypothetical game-plans with well-proven techniques. Problem is, the field is not hypothethical, it is actual, and oftentimes one will sense a slight mismatch between the hypothetical (and theoretical) game plan, and practical elements that one is facing when actually in field.

I am more than convinced that you know this, or least know how (or someway happen) to manage most of the issues I pointed out - maybe due to field experience and the unconcious skillset that comes from it.

But I think you fail to really point out what you actually do in field and put in on paper.

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Strategy is a catch all term that defines pretty much anything you do for a certain outcome. When you woke up this morning and brushed your teeth after you ate breakfast.

It was a strategy so that you wouldn’t have to brush them twice.

“Strategic Calibration” or, adjusting to the context of a scenario seems like common sense more than anything to me. If its a dark back alley and you run up to a girl and yell out she’s so beautiful—foresight would tell you it’s not a great idea.

As for state well everybody is aware that state actually effects your ability to implement a strategy. If you feel like shit and can barely stand you can strategize till your head hurts, but unless that strategy involves a wheelchair you will have a hard time implementing it.

I don’t see the point in undermining certain aspects to uplift others when it all matters in general.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Strategy is a catch all term that defines pretty much anything you do for a certain outcome. When you woke up this morning and brushed your teeth after you ate breakfast.

The definition of a word is affected by pragmatics (and not just its semantics) - thus the context in which the word is used matters. Linguistics 101.

Just like the word "hook" can mean many things - including hanging a random girl you met on hooks. Not saying one should do that (don't do that!), and it is expected that people understand the word "hook" in the right context, just like "opening" is not about disecting a woman (ref "opening her")

And this kind of relates to the subject at hand; ironically - that people fail to understand the context, the "pragmatism" of pick up more in general.

So in many ways, this is a brilliant comment. - which illustrates everything. Thank you again.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
As for state well everybody is aware that state actually effects your ability to implement a strategy. If you feel like shit and can barely stand you can strategize till your head hurts, but unless that strategy involves a wheelchair you will have a hard time implementing it.

I'd say that, strategy comes first, over state. State is fluctuating at all times and more or less outside of your control. If you are in state, good, if not, too bad - but not much you can do about it (there are SOME thing you can do to increase the odds of better your state - but that's about it).

But strategy? It is more within your real of control - thus takes precedence over state, because:
- If you are in state, you can strategy
- If you are not in state, you can strategy - either your way out of bad state (reopen past leads, drink water, dance a bit, etc), or figure out a way to limit the negative impact of bad state (relocate, venue change), or use a strategy that is less dependent on state (hybrid social circle/cold approach, screening game, etc).

If you fail like shit because of bad state - it means you haven't applied the right strategy because you haven't weighted an important variable into your strategic decision-making - in this case, your mood (state).



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
The definition of a word is affected by pragmatics (and not just its semantics) - thus the context in which the word is used matters. Linguistics 101.
You are correct, but that wasn’t my point, i’m responding to the context in which the word is being used here. As a catch all term.
I'd say that, strategy comes first, over state.
Well thats your opinion, and you are entitled to it, but using the concept and its importance to undermine other aspects, like state, when it all matters, isn’t cool in my book.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
You are correct, but that wasn’t my point, i’m responding to the context in which the word is being used here. As a catch all term.

To me it was pretty clear what the thread was about... Mist made it pretty clear, with two examples.


Also the term "strategy" has also been used for years to refer to... you guessed it different seduction strategies to be used in field, although in this case referring to more "overall" strategies (macro-perspective).
- Social proof game
- Entourage game
- Screening game

And so on.

Well thats your opinion, and you are entitled to it, but using the concept and its importance to undermine other aspects, like state, when it all matters, isn’t cool in my book.

Sure. What ever brings you consistent results.

I did not FYI undermine state's place in seduction - that is a strawman at best. I just mentioned that strategy takes precedence because you can counter-act bad state thanks to it. Never did I undermine the importance of state. Everybody agrees (and I am sure you do too) that being in good state is of great help, and will make pick up and seduction easier. Never said otherwise.

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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
I did not FYI undermine state's place in seduction - that is a strawman at best.
Well maybe I was mistaken, the premise or pragmatics of this thread is strategy being the key to mpua. My post wasn’t specifically aimed at you, but the discussion in general.