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The "Let's See What Happens if I do ...?" Attitude


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
I've picked up on something a little interesting over the past couple of weeks where I had a lot of success after a string of numbers came my way and awesome approaches which faded to me getting a bit frustrated with my progress. The gist of it is here at the bottom. If it's too long and you didn't read it here's a briefing of it. I started out doing well about 2 weeks ago where most girls seemed to be having a lot of fun with me. It ended up with me nearly getting a pull after some night game and some pretty solid numbers. Then last week my gf stayed round for roughly a week as she leaves to study in Canada for a year quite soon. After a week of not many approaches I had my old head back on and any progress I had made seemed to have evaporated into a cartoon storm cloud above my head... Okay, a little exaggeration, but it wasn't good nonetheless.

This got me thinking about what I said in my last post in my Journal (above). After a little more thought (I was quite sold on the idea) I reckon that outcome dependence is tied to seeing how the girl will react to your approach and wanting a good reaction, whereas outcome independence is about seeing how the interaction goes regardless of if the girl likes/dislikes what you're doing. The first situation is what I usually do and it ends up with boring, tame, deadend conversations that lack any excitement. Compared to the second, my interactions sky-rocketed in success where I could even say I was tired and have the girl end up attracted to me (though I wouldn't recommend relying on it).

I want to challenge anyone, especially begginners, to try the "Let's see what happens if I do ..." approach and focus on enjoying yourself. If you fuck up and look like you're flailing around like a magikarp, it's cool, try again with another girl and remember that what you did may not be the way to seduce a girl (but get a few more reference points first before discounting it completely). I know that the advice "Have fun" is thrown around a lot, but if you haven't tried this approach you're missing out on the biggest pussy mine. Give it a whirl for a week or two, I did (unknowingly) and it worked wonders.

If you do give it a shot let me know you're results. Til' then ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
I think I've done this before without fulling realizing or embracing the "lets see" attitude. And I've had similar good experiences with it. Pretty sure I've heard about it from a GC article too, but it just clicked for me now.

Going to have to embrace this more and test it out.

On the flip side, an approach I attempted the other day resulted in me pussing out. I was really focused on the outcome and I left shaking. I was putting a ton of pressure on myself.

maybe the curiosity of what will happen, is intriguing for both parties and perhaps that lends itself to a light heartedness.

Great stuff!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take