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The Man You Were vs. The Man You Are Today


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
I think it is important to step back and take a retrospective look at ourselves every once in a while for the purposes of introspection. I have made several vast changes in my life that have brought me one (or even several steps closer) to the man I want to be. I guess within this stage of my development, you can call it "growing up" but to simplify it to that alone would be a cardinal sin. Since my introduction to Game about a year and a half ago, I began to set in motion a chain reaction that would lead towards my self-actualization. Without the discovery I made, I doubt that I would be closer to being a more holistic individual. Game has helped improve various other aspects of my life, and I am pretty sure that many others can say the same as well. I look around and I see many other men stuck in the quicksand, going nowhere fast. At the age I am at, that is almost a given, but I can imagine it being a main source of stress for many males. Most of their troubles are related to women. If men had a better grip on what women actually desire in males, their life would be better as result.

Now I would like to ask others on the board, how has game helped change you? What is the difference between the man you once were compared to the man you are today?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Jeeze how has game changed me....So many ways I cannot count. I used to be the kind of guy who never went out or did anything, I would stay inside and play video games, and run or weightlift. That was my daily routine essentially I had so many failures with women I didnt know what to do.. Then I read a book called "how to be an Alpha male" essentially great advice on how to be a man and horrible advice on how to pick up women. Had some success here and there but nothing to great essentially I just got my fundamentles down pat. Then I found a website that I wont name Which gave absolutely HORRIBLE GIRL ADVICE!!!! told me to ask girls out by saying "hey I want you and I to go on a date sometime whats your schedule like" It got me my first date, that night after the date I went home and looked up how to text a girl and found Chases site. It was unbelieveable in the ways it changed me. It gave me all the neccesary tools to become successful. I went from never kissing a girl, to approach, date, bringing them home, making them become my lover in no time flat.

Game has also opened my eyes up to the world and how it works and how people truely are and their mindsets. im often told I have an uncanny skill of being able to relate to people and always being able to say the right things (not in a fake way but genuine). Game is what gave me my nickname "The Tool" by all my friends lol Although in all honesty it wasnt game that changed me, but Girls Chase. SO in essence ive gone from socially awkward to social studmuffin and from stay at home nerd to socially outbursting frat boy or "Bro". There are many more ways it has helped me but im short on time.

Cheers, The Tool


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
The Tool said:
Jeeze how has game changed me....So many ways I cannot count. I used to be the kind of guy who never went out or did anything, I would stay inside and play video games, and run or weightlift. That was my daily routine essentially I had so many failures with women I didnt know what to do.. Then I read a book called "how to be an Alpha male" essentially great advice on how to be a man and horrible advice on how to pick up women. Had some success here and there but nothing to great essentially I just got my fundamentles down pat. Then I found a website that I wont name Which gave absolutely HORRIBLE GIRL ADVICE!!!! told me to ask girls out by saying "hey I want you and I to go on a date sometime whats your schedule like" It got me my first date, that night after the date I went home and looked up how to text a girl and found Chases site. It was unbelieveable in the ways it changed me. It gave me all the neccesary tools to become successful. I went from never kissing a girl, to approach, date, bringing them home, making them become my lover in no time flat.

Game has also opened my eyes up to the world and how it works and how people truely are and their mindsets. im often told I have an uncanny skill of being able to relate to people and always being able to say the right things (not in a fake way but genuine). Game is what gave me my nickname "The Tool" by all my friends lol Although in all honesty it wasnt game that changed me, but Girls Chase. SO in essence ive gone from socially awkward to social studmuffin and from stay at home nerd to socially outbursting frat boy or "Bro". There are many more ways it has helped me but im short on time.

Cheers, The Tool


Ahh, I feel pretty crappy now, because I'm basically doing what you were doing in the past. When you're studying at an Ivy league school for medicine, you barely get time to do stuff, added to the fact that I live in a small town with my parents xD. Can't wait for summer though, hopefully my life will be like your current situation right now ;).

Rationalis, how it has changed my life? Well it has saved me a ton of time, I finally get how to do things and feel confident in what I'm doing, I'm better in social situations, I've gained a lot of power through this knowledge, I've dropped a lot of people from my life who weren't providing enough value to my life, I quit going back to my ex's, I've gotten better results, I'm a bit lonely now but I like to post on this forum and help other people out, and I've got a structured, realistic plan for the future. From who I am now to who I was in the summer, I'm not significantly different, and haven't noticed a huge difference in my life, but that's because I haven't done the Newbie assignment yet or really applied much of this knowledge. I will say though, simply from just reading the blogs and meeting girls here and there, I have gained some solid data points and of what I've mentioned above. Also, those things are going to be HUGE once I start going out and applying what I've learned. To sum things up, I'm basically a ticking time bomb ready to explode once I get the opportunity ;).
