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The neighbor


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 17, 2019
Hello guys!

It's been one year since the story in this FR happened, so I may be missing out some details.
I've been procrastinating to write this FR because English is not my first language so it requires some effort from me to write it.

So this hot brunette was just coming to town. She lives just around 50 meter from us, I met her from time to time but we just exchanged some small talk.


My first major interaction with her was when she and her brother were stuck at their gates with a big closet. Apparently, their parents were not home and the delivery man just put it at their gates and left.

I came to her rescue, which was natural since I knew her brother.

I think I manage to make a nice first impression because I command her to let me and her brother handle the closet while she holds the doors.
After that little episode, she messages me on social media, saying that she appreciated my help. I told her that it was my pleasure and that since I was a gentleman I cannot let a woman carry such an heavy furniture ;)

Later, I saw a selfie of her, taken from the same closet so I teased her a little bit about that. Nothing extraordinary, but I though it was enough to remind her of me.

I finally got my time with her during a small party, which we hosted for the new year.


She came with a friend. They were late and we were all waiting for them to arrive so when they finally came, everyone was looking at them.

I prepare for this event. I didn't pump myself or something like that. I just made sure that I was in the right mood and had fresh clothes.
In hindsight, I realize that after many failure, my goal was not to meet women anymore. It was "having fun".
And unexpectedly, I was the most charming when I didn't try. But I was effortlessly charming this time only because I forced myself to fake it before; the canned line and fake persona was not fake anymore.

Pre-opening phase was correct; she was talking to her friend, slightly bored. Occasionally I saw her looking at my direction.
I casually walked to the food, which was near her so I open her. It was natural and smooth since I pretend to grab something to eat.
I asked her how she liked her new closet. She told me that it was for her parents, not hers.
We talked a little bit, nothing special. The majority of the night were spent on boring topics.

But as the night goes on, the vibe began to shift. I ran out of conversation.
The music shifted and everyone was rushing to the dance floor, including her and her friend.
I realized that she was a very talented dancer, moving her hips like a professional dancer. (Later I knew that she's a tiktok amateur)

My social momentum also never really lifted up, so I decided that I will join them.

On the floor, I thought that move was a little needy since she left me and I literally followed her but turned out it was not that big of a deal. I asked her:
- You seems to be a good dancer.
- I'm just following the music
- Teach me how to dance and I will teach you something else
- Haha... Like what ?
- Some stuff ;)

She didn't reply but I though that was a nice way to make the conversation a little bit playful.

I was a very poor dancer, I thought that the game was over but she unexpectedly reinite the converstation (still while dancing):
- You are not that bad! (Clearly not the truth)
- ...
- You're too stiff. Move your feet like this (showing me)

The night ended without much happening between us. I felt that I had very little chance with this girl since I failed to make every move.
But after my birthday, she send me a note, wishing me a happy birthday. I ask
her what type of gift does she plans to give me. This amuses her a little bit. She told me she didn't knew what I want.

I told her that since I didn't give her something for her birthday either, we can make something special for each other.

- Like what ?
- Restaurant
- Sounds nice
- Have you ever eaten Korean food
- No but I'd like to
- There's this new restaurant at XXX. When will you be free ?
- ...


She came on the date wearing a sneaker, black jeans, and black high neck tank top. Very long hair dark hair, big golden earrings.

My plan is to touch her and set up a playful frame very early while we walked to the place, deep dive her when we eat, extract her ,go for the kiss and maybe bed her the same day. It was a little ambitious but I thought it was possible if everything went well.

While we walked I tease her about her soft skin, how it's feels like a baby's skin, how she seems to be an innocent girl. I took the occasion to touch her arm in order to feel her skin.

While we sit, we talked about the usual stuff on informal dates: our family, education, traveling.

I made sure to not get too deep, to keep it fun.
When we are finished, I proposed her to grab something to drink and to sit on our courtyard to talk.

So we did just that. After we sat, I touched her a lot, finding every excuse to touch her: necklace, tickling, etc.
Unfortunately for me, there was people in my house so I cannot pull her the same day. So I decided to go for the kiss.
When we separated I just told her that a kiss would be nice.
- I don't know how to kiss (blushing)
- No one knows how to kiss. It just comes naturally
- Nooo :LOL:
- Yes. Come closer and I'll show you
- ...


I didn't sleep with her until months later due to poor logistics. In the meantime, I managed to tease her more and more so she's beginning to play the game too.

When I was finally alone with her in my room, I proposed to play a truth or dare game that I just downloaded on Play Store (specially for the occassion ;)).
It was a NSFW app. We both knew it.

We came to a point where I should suck her titties. She refused to undress so I told her I can suck her tits on the outside of her shirt and we can move on with the game. She accepted but I undress her slowly until her top was naked. Then I go downward, undressing her little by little.

She resisted again when I'm pulling her panties. I followed the same process, making up more lame excuse just to get some pussy.

It worked. And just like that, I was not a virgin anymore :)


- I almost messed it up during our first interaction. I thought that good vibe and confidence was enough but the problem was I ran out of conversation topics and techniques very fast. Fortunately for me, I learned that quickly so I decided to move to "techniques" mode again for our the first date
- I knew that since she's really anticipating our first sexual encounter, I had to give her an amazing experience.
In hindsight, this mindset was not really helpful: since I was a virgin, this put so much pressure on myself. I struggle to maintain an erection the few first time we had sex.
- I was lucky on this one. Sure, there was skills and hard work involved but there was also lots of luck. I don't really know if this girl was really into me or if I did everything right but the seduction was suspiciously smooth for a beginner. I do not want to be too happy about it.


- I managed to apply every theory I read
- I managed to keep my frame, show dominance, fake it a little bit, always move things forward even if I was unsure myself
- I learned that good vibe, clothes and confidence are not enough. You also need to have game. And most importantly, I learned that this shit works.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take