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The Power Of Disagreeing and Displaying Strong Opinions


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 8, 2013
The stuff on this site about deep diving, being a conversationalist, and being open minded and non judgmental have been very helpful to me. But often I would have a girl talking A LOT, very invested in the conversation, revealing a lot about her true self, and I'm thinking Im making such great progress. Things seem to be going so well, but when I try to move things forward during an interaction (trying to close on dates), things just fall flat.

Ive learned that having good social skills and moving fast socially with girls is needed if you want to move fast with girls in general. But deep diving really well with a girl does not necessarily relate to sexual progress with her. You can also throw in some sexual eye contact and playful innuendo and find that things still fall flat.

In the end the most important thing to focus is being attractive yourself. That means being noticeably strong willed, completely believing in yourself and what you are doing at all times without a shred of self doubt, Always know exactly what the fuck you are doing, saying, and where you are going (in life). Not supplicating and looking up to others, or be able to be easily fucked with, shaken, or influenced by them either.

The thing about this thats interesting is that these attributes are hidden and you can not always see whether or not people have them just by the way they live every day life and behave in social interactions. Ive met some guys who seem alpha and above the rest at first, but turn out to be immature, unintelligent and emotionally unstable. These attributes have to come out in needed situations. This is the whole reason why women give shit tests, its because they can't clearly see whether you have these things simply by observing or having a friendly conversation with you.

Because of this guys miss out on a lot of attraction they could be getting from girls when they are just getting to know a girl and “flirting” with them. So instead of waiting for women to test us, why not find whys we can display this more often before women even start to test us.

I deep dive a lot differently lately than I did before. I used to try to get her just revealing a lot about herself and agree with everything to set myself up as being non judgmental (I still adhere to the sexual portion of this). Now I make an effort to often disagree with her, have my own beliefs and opinions and strongly reinforce them (sometimes even if I actually agreed with her). When I do agree with her I share why with my own thoughts, opinions, experiences. I do a lot less saying “yea thats cool” or “yea me too” in response to her

Basically I challenge her beliefs and show her my strength of character, will, and opinion. Now you have to make sure that you don't take it over the top and turn into a difficult, negative, one upping, annoying prick. There is a balance here. But show her how you've got sack and are resilient.

This really helps structure the interaction in a powerful dominant male – submissive female structure. And let me tell you... When you have the interaction going like this in a proper way, it will boost the reaction you get from her and move things along much easier. It almost feels like biology kicks in hard sometimes and both of you really start feeling each other. I personally believe this is much more effective than trying to just “flirt” with girls and poke at them with your sexual intentions. The change from responses I have been getting during deep diving like this have been pretty awesome.

Its like to doing the same thing that high school douche game tries to accomplish, which is putting you on top and dominating a bit (and girls respond to this in social interaction like they do physical). But you are doing it in a much more mature, smooth, and manly way (if you ask me).

Try this out for yourselves next time you guys are deep diving or just interacting with a girl and let me know how it goes. It has been really working for me.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

I find this piece very thought-provoking.

While I do not supplicate, I do tend to empathize, but looking at matters in this light, I can see that there is a place for critical thinking. If this skill is displayed judiciously, I can imagine it will impress.

My normal manner with a girl, especially one 15-20 years younger, tends to take on an air of authority. That's well enough in itself, and allows me to qualify her by expressing support for her opinions, perhaps adding a little color of my own; but it seems that what is called for, on occasion, is a deep, penetrating gaze, accompanied by such phrases as:

  • "Have you considered..."
  • "I can imagine why you might think that, but..."
  • "What you're perhaps missing..."
  • "Allow me to illustrate..."
  • "That does rather gloss over the fact that..."
  • "Look at it this way for a moment if you will..."
  • "Of course, the flip-side of that is..."
  • "That's true as far as it goes, but..."
  • "What that analysis skips over, of course, is..."
It is my belief that by using similar expressions to those above, I'd communicate enough confidence in the strength of my own opinions that I do not need to stoop to pointless argument.

The effect, I'd wager, can be made all the more powerful by giving her a broad smile afterward with strong eye-contact, and a firm squeeze to her upper arm or thigh, as if to convey the thought: "It's all right, honey, you couldn't possibly be expected to have thought of that!"

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake