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The Rock, Paper, Scissors Handshake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
This fun move was taken from JT Tran from abcsofattraction, but I tried it out, and girls seem to love it. It adds a nice sexual innuendo to the interaction.

All you do is ask them to give you rock, give you paper, and give you scissors. The fun thing is they're socially obligated to follow through even though they don't know exactly what's going on. When you ask them to give you rock, you give them a normal fist pump. When you ask for paper, you give them a high five.

When you give them scissors, you hold out your hand in the scissors position. You got them used to mirroring your movements from the rock and paper, so they'll naturally mirror this one too.. Only they won't know exactly what to do. You help them out by taking the gap between your two scissors fingers and rubbing them against the gap between her, like a girl on girl scissoring motion.

I love using this as a way to reward the girl for something you think is cool, or to end interactions if the situation doesn't allow for a hug.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers