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The role of frame control is never over


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Sometimes I see guys struggling to handle women and it becomes clear there’s an aspect of female nature they don’t quite understand. It’s something that effects every part of the seduction, but crucially it’s a component whenever she abruptly goes cold on you - whether it’s just ghosting suddenly, all the way to suddenly turning around and accusing you of taking advantage of her.

In simple terms, a woman is a submissive. Although guys intuitively understand that women are softer and more yielding than men, they often don’t seem to know what that actually means in her reality. A lot of times guys seem to think of women as weak dudes who have simply lost the dominance competition before it even started, and so she just puts up with going along with what the guy wants. That’s a very superficial understanding.

What being submissive means is that the woman is predisposed psychologically to agree (hence women being more ‘agreeable’ than men in general) to the intent of someone who is more dominant than her, and that she derives pleasure from that. In the same way that a guy simply feels good being dominant, a woman simply feels good being submissive. Importantly, her pleasure is not entirely a function of what the guy does with his dominance, it is also a function of submitting per se. She may not like a guy very much, she may feel anxious, she may have lots of doubt, and still submit to him, because it feels good.

What does this mean? As you might have guessed, this means that she can end up with a lot of internal conflict, where one part of her is saying “Go!” and the other part is saying “Stop!”. When things are getting physical, that’s when the “Go!” part is strongest. Before she’s warmed up, or after she’s left your presence, that’s when the “Stop!” part can get the upper hand in her mind. You can see this most clearly when she’s enthusiastic during an approach, but then ghosts immediately on text.

Obviously, we want there to be as little of the “Stop!” part as possible. Women will always have doubts about you, feel anxious about what will happen if she does XYZ with you, that’s normal. It’s not necessarily the goal of a seduction to make everything completely comfortable, because many women don’t get aroused or excited by that, almost all of them want a man – especially for a lover – who takes them a little out of their comfort zone.

But sometimes, a woman has strong doubts or reservations, or objections, not to you specifically but to something that you are (or she believes you are) doing or suggesting. In these cases, in is your job to find those objections, bring them out, reassure her and/or adjust course, and reframe things in a positive way that she is enthusiastic about – not just before she submits, but also during and afterward.

Because sometimes you can go ahead and just insist and use her natural submissiveness to get past the obstacle, but in those cases, it is much, much more likely that later on the “Stop!” part will emerge in her mind and you’ll have issues with her.

As a man, you have to think of a woman’s submissiveness toward you as an elastic band. It’s soft and easy to stretch, but when you release it, it can go back past the neutral position to the negative side. And that’s because she feels pleasure in submitting to you, but that can be entirely separate to her rational point of view of what she is doing. So after that pleasure fades away, she may be left with a negative frame about what she just did. You just didn’t see that negative frame while she was going along. And in trying to reconcile this conflict, women can sometimes come to the conclusion that the guy somehow made them do something they didn't want to, and that it's his fault.

What you want to do is stretch her gently, and then use frame control to reset the neutral position in a way that she’s happy about, in a way that she wants to say “yes!” to.

Here’s a simple example: let’s say you’ve brought her home and you’re kissing and touching her, but she’s giving you LMR. You’ve reassured her, you’re going nice and slow, but she’s just shy and nervous, and it takes you a while to get those panties off. Let’s say you’re fingering her, now regardless of whether it’s true or not, it’s a good idea to start reframing here: “Mm look how wet you are, you naughty girl, you’ve been wanting this all night!” etc. You highlight her desire for you and set a new frame about what’s been happening so far – that she’s been wanting it bad and you are simply uncovering her hidden desire. This will usually make her super excited, and if she wasn’t actually that wet before, she probably will be now.

A lot of times guys forget to do this, because they forget the elasticity of a woman’s submission. She’s going along? Great! Just plough ahead. And then she either ejects or doesn’t want to see him again, or worse, starts accusing him.

When you take a woman out of her comfort zone, you have to use frame control to re-establish where her comfort zone is, even in the moment where she’s submitting to you, or after the fact. Because you don’t just want her to go along, you want her to go along enthusiastically and energetically – not only now but in the future. That’s how you have the best sex and end up with her wanting to see you all the time.

This is, I believe, one of those hidden virtues that great ladies men have, that women can sense on them from almost first glance – his ability to sense the doubts of those around him, reframe them, and create a path along which they can proceed with a sense of security and pleasure. These men rarely end up with a woman trying to ruin them, because the woman simply feels safe with him even when he’s having his way with her.

Other men may walk around being dominant, but those around him do not feel seen or understood, they simply feel a distance, a sense of unknown quantity in this person, that makes them instinctively wary and on guard, and reluctant to accept his presence in their reality. And sometimes when he pushes too hard, someone turns around and stabs him in the back, to recover their sense of security.

The role of frame control in seduction is never over, from the moment you walk up to her to the moment she’s walking out your door trying to fix her hair. It is not something you do as a reaction to an obstacle, but something you do pre-emptively, all the time, to a greater or lesser extent, to guide her to a place where the only thing in her mind, even when you’re not there anymore, is how good it feels to have you inside her.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 18, 2015
Great insights and thinking here!
Could you provide a few example throughout the courtship process?
- Example when she wants to meet up with you 1-1 but there’s some hesitation? Reframing it as her wanting to meet/chase you
- when she wants to come home with you (this situation I feel it’s easier to set expectations throughout the date)
- reframing who you are to her - sexy, potential lover vs provide type value only


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Great insights and thinking here!
Could you provide a few example throughout the courtship process?

What I wanted to highlight here specifically is that when she submits to something while she has reservations, it's good to use frame control during and after her submission to you, to stabilize in her mind her perception of what is happening, so that she feels free and comfortable to proceed to the next step after that. Just because she complies doesn't mean you're necessarily building positive momentum, depending on how far you've stretched her compliance.

Frame control in general is a broad topic, but what it means to me basically is to understand the elements of someone else's perception of reality that are most pertinent to your goals with them, and build all the direct and indirect elements of your own message such that they have the least resistance to accepting that message. It means understanding biases, assumptions, desires, identity, goals, etc. It's not just a part of seduction, it's a part of any negotiation, and especially a part of good leadership. Relationship success basically depends on it.

When you can see a girl is struggling with doubts, the first and by far the most important question is: what does she perceive that she does not like? Everything comes after that.

- Example when she wants to meet up with you 1-1 but there’s some hesitation? Reframing it as her wanting to meet/chase you

In this case (especially if it's over text) I prefer not to try to reframe it directly as her wanting it more than me (as this can come off a bit overcooked). What I usually do is frame it as if she hasn't proved herself yet. I'll usually banter a bit, end with a bit of a tease where I 'doubt' something about her, and that she's going to have to prove it. Example:

You: <soft close>
Her: Sorry I can't! I have to study
You: Exams?
Her: No it's a big assignment
You: Mm have u been a good student or are u cramming :D
Her: Haha I've been good, it's just a lot
You: We'll have to see about that :D when is it due
Her: Next week
You: OK <soft close again for next weekend>

First of all over text I can't really find out too much, she hesitates about meeting me and doesn't offer to reschedule. I don't want to assume anything but I don't want to come off chasey. So in this case I just want to set up a fun frame of her proving to me that she's a good student - it helps maintain her sense that I'm leading things even as I'm adapting to her schedule.

If it's during the approach, the principle is the same.

You: "let's catch up for a coffee then, when are you free?"
Her <looks dubious>: "Hm I'm not sure"
You <puts your hands up>: "Hey it's only a coffee, I have to get to know you first, you might be crazy" <smile/wink>
Her: <laughs> ok

- when she wants to come home with you (this situation I feel it’s easier to set expectations throughout the date)

Yes, the whole date is your opportunity to build sexual frames, seed the pull, find out any objections she has, and handle them. That's why seeding as early as possible is best. I usually do it around halfway through, for example by talking about something I have at home and saying "I'll have to show you sometime" and seeing how she reacts.

By the time you pull there shouldn't be any unknown objections, and you should have already reframed at least once any objection she has (and be ready to continue reframing until she's comfortable).

If you sense something has come up and you're not sure what it is, the first thing here is to release the pressure - don't push, don't stop enjoying yourself and making the date enjoyable for her, and try to understand where it's coming from.

If you're really stumped, eventually you can just call it out with a smile.

"I can see you're feeling unsure, don't worry we're not going to do anything you're not comfortable with. We're just gonna XYZ".

- reframing who you are to her - sexy, potential lover vs provide type value only

In this scenario, what you say is going to be the least important thing.

Once someone has a perception about you, it's a lot harder to shift it than it is to prevent it happening to begin with. So obviously you should focus the most on preventing it (with your fundamentals, style, teasing, sexual innuendo and frames, etc).

But if it's already taken hold, you're going to have to change things up a fair bit. You'll have to exchange attainability for excitement fast, which is not easy to manage, and you have to be ready to take risks and lose her.

On a date, let's say I realize she thinks I'm too nice and straightlaced and isn't excited, the way I deal with it is to start off by:

- Leaning away from her and removing my attention intermittently from her
- Becoming a little more brusque and demanding with my tone of voice and the way I talk
- Tease her if there's an opportunity
- Make her start to feel a bit of tension and less of a sense of control

This tends to make her a lot more attentive and receptive to me as she tries to understand what shifted. And then after a while, I will shift toward being more sexual - build sexual frames, touch her more, look at her lips/neck every now and then, etc.

If there's really no chemistry it might not work, but if she does like me and is attracted to me it works well.

One of the key things to remember about frame control with girls is that if you have a correction to make, you don't have to ninja it or slide it under the radar, in the long run that makes it worse because she knows that even though you corrected, you were afraid of her seeing it. The same way a girl you're having sex with will start sucking whatever you put in her mouth, she'll do the same with your frame as long as you put it in confidently. I see some guys like "what do I do in ABC scenario, I can't just do XYZ it's too obvious" and the answer is "just do XYZ!".

That's why I put a lot of emphasis on enjoying yourself and satisfying yourself with your self expression all the time, during the approach and on dates, that way you are ready to take risks because even if you fail, you're being you and that feels good. And women love guys who enjoy being who they are.