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The Shaman


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
This was the most straightforward lay I've had. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot to talk about in the actual pull, but there are some interesting learnings at least.

So here it goes.

I was out doing approaches late at night on one of the main streets in the city. It was a foreign country, I didn’t speak the local language, and I saw this girl with big tits and a nice juicy butt—brown/tanned skin, long black hair, exactly my type. Well, one of my types at least. Oh, and did I mention she had a big juicy butt?

So anyway, I get in front of her, stop her, and basically just give her some compliments on her energy. She doesn’t speak any English, so I whip out the translator and just say that I like her energy. Then we get interrupted by some street vendors trying to sell us chocolate. She shoos them away and then rapidly messages on my phone through the translator app, saying, Hey, we can meet tomorrow morning for breakfast or something. She asks if I live in the area.

For some reason, I didn’t think to push for the pull then and instead gave her an option. I said, Yeah, we could either meet right now and get some drinks or we can meet tomorrow, and for some reason, she took the latter option.

The next morning, she messages me at 6 a.m. asking, Are you sure you still want to meet today? because she had some disagreement with her father and we had to find a new place to meet. I didn’t understand why, but whatever—I just picked another café in the area.

I meet her there, and she’s dressed in this sexy, skin-tight, basically see-through knitted dress. You could see everything. It was hot.

From the moment we meet, the sexual tension is through the roof. I greet her with a kiss on the cheeks, French-style. As we’re walking, I glance at her lips, letting my eyes linger before looking back up, and she mirrors it—it’s incredibly on.

At Starbucks, she first picks a spot where we’re sitting across from each other, but I tell her to get up and sit next to me. We start playing the questions game through the translator app, sitting really close, and every time I say anything mildly flirtatious, she just breaks into laughter. I put my hand down next to her, palm up, and she immediately takes my hand in hers.

We start doing some innuendo. She tells me she works out, and I’m like, Yeah, I know why you work out. She tells me she walks a lot, and I’m like, Yeah, I know what that means, basically implying she has a big butt. And she's playing along. She goes for a smoke, so we go outside, and there’s some more innuendo going on with her saying she's gonna teach me her language and I say, yea I’m going to teach you a couple things in return

She asks if I live alone. I give some half-ass response like, I have roommates, but we’ll have the place to ourselves, or something like that.

We walk back to my place hand in hand, sit on the couch. She throws out a mild shit test, Oh, I bet you bring 50 girls here. I don’t remember exactly how I handled it, but just gave some standard response.

Then @Devilicious walks in with his girl. They go to their room, and my girl just snuggles into me, resting on my shoulder. At that point, I lean in and kiss her, then take her hand and lead her to the bedroom. There was no LMR whatsoever.

I came pretty much immediately and she was worried that I had busted inside of her.

After, we were cuddling in bed for some time. I positioned the fan so we weren’t drenched in sweat, and then I tried fucking her again, but I was too soft. After a while, I got hard again and started pounding her doggy style—she was moaning very loudly (as @Devilicious can attest to for a minute). Then she stops me because it’s too hot and stuffy.

She spends the next 20 minutes trying to convince me to come back to her Airbnb with her, but I just didn’t feel like taking the chance. In hindsight, I should have—there was nothing wrong with her.

In fact, we did rent an Airbnb together for two days later, but that experience didn’t have the same spark as our initial date for several reasons beyond both our control. She was going through a bunch of shit


Since this was basically just a layup report, I feel like I owe some lessons and takeaways:

  1. Inner game realization – If I talk to enough girls, I can meet girls who are interested in me. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll translate into lays, but they’ll be interested. I had two back to back instant dates the day before, and then I met this girl. And I've been having several interested girls in the prior month too.
  2. @Kvothe suggested I think about the times when I had to make a decision and how it panned out in hindsight as a way to find lessons. So...
  3. Date logistics were pretty good despite being in a foreign country and having to wing it all. Shopping malls are a safe bet for doing a bunch of bounces
  4. Usually I would go to the bathroom to give the girl a chance to get comfy with the place but this time I just escalated. I feel like going to the bathroom would've killed the sexual tension and momentum here
  5. Overall this was just a simple exercise in leading and I did a good job of that throughout the date
  6. Just because you guys don't speak the same language doesn't mean you can't fuck. We used translate for the entire date


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
Excellent pull and thanks for sharing! I love how you saw her as a sex object from the get go. She not speaking English, kind of amplified this effect I guess.

I was out doing approaches late at night on one of the main streets in the city. It was a foreign country, I didn’t speak the local language, and I saw this girl with big tits and a nice juicy butt—brown/tanned skin, long black hair, exactly my type. Well, one of my types at least. Oh, and did I mention she had a big juicy butt?

So anyway, I get in front of her, stop her, and basically just give her some compliments on her energy.

Brown girl with big juicy butt happens to be my type too;) Late night street stop in a dominant fashion - somehow you don't need a lot of time to build connection. The time of night and style of approach is arousing enough for the girl to make a quick 'Yes' decision.

I assume you were in a state of flow by the time she appeared in front of you.

She doesn’t speak any English, so I whip out the translator and just say that I like her energy.

This is my favorite part of the interaction.

I meet her there, and she’s dressed in this sexy, skin-tight, basically see-through knitted dress. You could see everything. It was hot.

Indeed. When I visualize the interaction the previous night and her turning up in a tight see through dress next morning - it's hot. You know you have her. It's just about the anticipation building up for you and her during the date

From the moment we meet, the sexual tension is through the roof. I greet her with a kiss on the cheeks, French-style. As we’re walking, I glance at her lips, letting my eyes linger before looking back up, and she mirrors it—it’s incredibly on.

Well done

She asks if I live alone.

There's a time during the date the girl inevitably asks this. These days when I hear it my mental womanese translator converts it to 'Where are we gonna fuck..and how soon can we get there?'

It's one of the hottest thing a girl can ask during a date IMO, provided you've done everything right up to that point - which you have.

She throws out a mild shit test, Oh, I bet you bring 50 girls here. I don’t remember exactly how I handled it, but just gave some standard response.

Curious to see what response you gave. Please mention if you remember it.

  1. Just because you guys don't speak the same language doesn't mean you can't fuck. We used translate for the entire date

Agree with all points. I specifically like this one!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
well i am glad this lay happened, after so many years you focusing on verbals, as you can see this happened more for an element that you were actually really messing with is escalating, vibing, leading moving things forward(natural/phisical game)... though, this what teevester calls a freebie (but who cares)...

Also @James D here is proof in brazil you don't need blue eyes, blonde hair (skippy no hair land i think), to get laid in Brazil.. i think people took what pob said out of context, he was talking about easier, but that is everywhere...

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
Also @James D here is proof in brazil you don't need blue eyes, blonde hair (skippy no hair land i think), to get laid in Brazil.. i
But I already bleached my hair and sprayed white paint on my skin!

Lmao ofc man, I was just trolling. Would love to hit Brazil. I'm an ass man through and through. No explanation needed 😉


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Brown girl with big juicy butt happens to be my type too;) Late night street stop in a dominant fashion - somehow you don't need a lot of time to build connection. The time of night and style of approach is arousing enough for the girl to make a quick 'Yes' decision.

I assume you were in a state of flow by the time she appeared in front of you.
Indeed, it's a great way to open and spike her

Don't really remember my headspace. I think I was just running on autopilot by that point in the night and reminding myself to approach quickly

Curious to see what response you gave. Please mention if you remember it.
I think it was some kind of agree and amplify. Like "yeah we had to limit them to 5 min each because we have no time for you and me otherwise"
Excellent pull and thanks for sharing! I love how you saw her as a sex object from the get go. She not speaking English, kind of amplified this effect I guess.
Thanks! we did indeed talk about how the fact we don't speak the same language makes it feel more primal... Although I think in practice it just made the sex more clunky😂
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
well i am glad this lay happened, after so many years you focusing on verbals, as you can see this happened more for an element that you were actually really messing with is escalating, vibing, leading moving things forward(natural/phisical game)... though, this what teevester calls a freebie (but who cares)...
Yeah I dropped all that stuff. Now I just focus on intent, having fun, mild flirtation, and escalating.

skippy no hair land i think
I grew it back 🥲