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The "Sore Loser"


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I have had women i quarrel because i question things about what they said, which i didn't like, and they later blame it on my character problems, and said i need to work things out. Kind of like a "Sore Loser" effect, that women has, at times.

I know when this things happen, relationships of any kind, are over in terms of mutual respect, but is the root of the problem lack of open communication, and also too much investment from one party? and if so, i have communicated and the best is to walk away. I know i am not perfect, and this is not to sugarcoat that i did any or lot of good things but really, i hope to do things better and reward people things, you know.

Anyway recently, i question an elderly why she gave me a label, which i'm quite shocked and pissed off, and she responded that i am the one with problem. I don't like to disrespect the elderly, i dismiss myself and walk away, not without really getting pissed off though. Is there any better way to do this? Shoot that elderly maybe? lolx. I have a bad temper when people shoot me labels on me that is complete BS.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Is the person labeling you worth thinking about? You should only care about the opinions of people that matter to you, rest don't know you.
I don't care for people that label me because that tells me something about that person, which instantly lowers his/her value to me. Meaning he/she is probably shallow or not very smart, that has to label me something to understand me and I don't care if they don't like me as long as they're not getting on my way.

Or they could be just teasing depending on the situation, I wouldn't fret over it though,
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Teasing is not a good thing when used much with labels. I drop labelling a lot and smile hugely when i am teasing a person with a label. I know how labels can make ppl feel like shit.

And close ppl label you to get things for themselves. Everyone does that but you really need to be open and not manipulate ppl when they don't accept the label. And that's what the elderly did, and i care about the person but she trying to shove things down my throat.
