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Openers  The Stop and Swivel (Day Game)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Mostly for day game.

One of the most horrible situations that occur when you're out is that a REALLY pretty girl catches your eye, but only JUST as she walks by you - e.g., you catch her looking at you, but only very briefly as she passes you by, and you don't really have time to react.

You can run after her, yes, but the hit rate on this is pretty low... though NOT necessarily because she wasn't interested.

Sometimes, it's just too jarring - even if she was curious in you, you spinning around after her that fast on a dime is just unusual / unnatural. Nobody does that. Sometimes you can overcome startling her, but sometimes it just ain't happening.

So, what can you do?

Here's something you can put into play that's great fun, and while it doesn't ALWAYS improve your success rate, sometimes it does, and it GREATLY improves your open rate... while before you might've let these girls slide by saying, "Well, it was too fast and I don't know how to open her," you'll quit doing it once you do this.

Here's all you do:

  • Girl walks quickly/suddenly by, catching your eye just as she passes you
  • You immediately and sexily swivel in place, turning around to watch her walk off (channel your best Jude Law impression)
  • IF SHE LOOKS, you smile and hurry up to meet her
  • IF SHE DOESN'T LOOK, you stroke your chin quizzically, smile to yourself, and then chase her down anyway

Either way, this gets you into action, and if she glances back at you, it's a far more natural progression of "surprise --> curiosity --> decision --> action" than the incongruent PUA-ish "surprise --> action" process you might otherwise follow (or, alternately, opt not to do anything at all because "surprise --> action" feels too unnatural and you just don't want to go there).

If she doesn't look back, you're still a lot more likely to open anyway, because you've already "started", and you're probably having fun by now, spinning around and smiling and stroking your chin like you're about to go solve some great mystery ("Who IS this girl, anyway?!").

This one isn't one you'll use a whole lot, but it's nice to have in your back pocket for those random situations you don't expect to run into so you don't end up beating yourself up after for missing out on a girl you probably would've really enjoyed getting to know.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2014
Interesting, I always figured this gave off more of a creepy vibe to go up to her if she doesn't look back. I'll have to try this.

On a different note, I've got a question, hell maybe you can even make an article or something out of the answer.

I live in an apartment with 3 other guys and 1 girl. Occasionally, the girl, Kim, brings back some of her friends who are very cute.

She's usually in and out quickly, but how can I pique her friend's interest in the small amount of time that I have?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

randy__bobandy said:
Interesting, I always figured this gave off more of a creepy vibe to go up to her if she doesn't look back. I'll have to try this.

Keep in mind, creepiness is all vibe and fundamentals. You can make anything creepy, or anything not creepy. All the stuff that a girl thinks is creepy if a creepy guy does it you can do in a cool, sexy, likable way if you've got your stuff down. Creepiness is about how you present yourself and whether it seems like you're being straightforward or playful, vs. concealing / sneaking / scurrying about.

randy__bobandy said:
On a different note, I've got a question, hell maybe you can even make an article or something out of the answer.

I live in an apartment with 3 other guys and 1 girl. Occasionally, the girl, Kim, brings back some of her friends who are very cute.

She's usually in and out quickly, but how can I pique her friend's interest in the small amount of time that I have?

I don't want to get into turning threads into crazy free-for-alls where guys see something by me and post up a question unrelated to the thread and then I answer, so I'd encourage you to post a separate thread about this on the proper board for it (maybe Beginners or General?). I suspect some of the other guys here can give you some pretty good ideas, but if I see it and I think there's something I can contribute I'll try to weigh in as well.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 9, 2014
Haha. It's like you dropped this one exclusively for me, Chase. Can't remember the countless number of cute bitties I've let go just because they zoomed passed me heading the way I had come. Can be a very galling experience indeed.
Anyways, I sure am gonna take a whack at this one for real. I envisage it to be a lot of fun, especially so when the gal turns back to look your way and you flash her that warm,sexy smile.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I used to think the swivel was afc until one day she did look back
I engaged and hit the number. Now I always swivel whether really interested or not--
You never know!

zqw 10k

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2013
Very interesting, easy pull-of and screens for the ones that aren't interested.
I will try this out with girls that I cross in the streets,I feel attracted to but do not feel like wanting to do much effort as I am in a hurry or just don't need more girls at that specific moment :)