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LR  The Unexpected Booty Call (1st New Lay of the Semester)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Met a girl at a house party last Friday

Last Friday
I wasn't having any luck at my frat mixer so me and one of the brothers decided to head to a house party that someone texted him about. I'm already pretty drunk by the time we head to the house party. I spot a brunette with long hair and a great ass talking with one of the girls I got with last semester. They must have came together. I say hi to "last semester girl" and introduce myself to her friend. My friend started talking to "last semester girl" so I used that time to really get a conversation going with my girl. I do not remember the exact things I said, but I recall using kino to the max and trying my damndest to bring her home. I failed to bring her home (she politely refused) but she gave me her number. I didn't really expect much from this girl since in my experiences, night time numbers (at parties) rarely transfer to a date for me. So I just sent her the text the night I met her saying:
Me:Cal, save my number!
Her: Lol are you in the library (Next day & I'm pleasantly surprised she actually texted me)
Me: Ah looking for me eh?
Her: Lol no... I saw someone who looks like you but I can't tell
Me: Haha nah it ain't me
Her: That's awkward... lol glad I didn't say hi to him
Me: Hey *nice ass* we should get together sometime next week... When are you free?
Her: I have to look at my planner. I'll let you know
Me: Ha planner lol aight let me know
Her: Lol yes a planner. I write down everything. Its how I stay organized
Her: Hey (this is around 8:17 pm but I'm on a ice cream date with the girl from my last FR)
Me: Watchu up 2 (around 10:15 pm after I struck out with the girl mentioned before; she never responded to that message)
Me: Hey *nice ass*, we should get together this week... When you free? (4 days after previous text)
Her: Later tonight or Fri evening will that work for you?
Me: Working on an essay now =(... should be back @ my dorm in a few tho... You should stop by and chill
Her: We will see what time I get finished. I'm working on an essay as well. I'll text you when I'm about to head home.
Her: Not tonight. I'm free after 5 on Friday though!
Me: Might not be free Fri cuz I have a frat event but I'll let you know
Her: Awhh okay. Good night!
Me: Night!
Me: Hey *nice ass* you should come chill with me in my dorm this evening
Her: Ok I have to observe my baby cousin for a psych paper. I'll text you when I'm back in town
Me: Haha Ok
Me: Yo come to my dorm lady (this is around 12:50 am)
Her: I =) will I hold on (she was drunk and did not end up coming over)
Her: My drunk ass did not come over... lol I'm sorry (next day)
Me: Smh you should stop by sometime today lol
Her: Lol I'll be drunk today too! But OK
Me: Lol yea me 2 =/... Why don't you stop by around 12 (pm not am)
Her: Lol because I just left my apartment to go to my girls
Me: Yo what time you leaving your girl Apt? (No response)

I decide to go to my frat mixer last night, and I had a great time. Still no luck with bringing any girls home but I did get a number. The party started to wind down around 1:45 so my female friend, one of my closest friends, and I started heading back to my dorm (only a block away from the frat house). We get to my dorm room and start watching some South Park. My female friend leaves around 2:30 and me and my bro pass out. I hear my phone ring. What the hell, who the fuck is calling me? I look at my phone and it is *Nice Ass* calling me at 3:36. I answer lethargically and she apologizes for waking me and asks what I'm up to. Well I'm not going to turn down pussy so I invite her over. She tells me she's just leaving a party and that she has to go to her apartment and change clothes first. I tell her Ok. I wake my bro up and fill him in on the situation. He drags his tired ass out of the room. By the time she gets to my place it is 4:25 in the morning. I bring her to my dorm take my tank top off and take her to my bed. To my surprise she's giving me a lot of Last Minute Resistance. I keep trying to remove her clothes but she won't let me. I even pull down her bra and suck on her nipples but she still won't let me remove her shirt. After about 15 minutes of resistance, I say let's go watch a movie and I move her to my futon (which also turns into a bed... its awesome and extremely comfortable). Luckily, my roommate is gone for the weekend so I have the whole night to overcome her resistance. I turn on Gladiator and she's facing the screen; I'm nestled behind her with my dick against her ass and my arm around her waist. She is not watching the movie and keeps turning around and kissing me. I keep trying to remove her clothes to which she laughs and keeps saying "you're not slick, my clothes are not coming off". I'm doing push pull where I'll try and go for taking her clothes off, she refuses, I relax for a bit and watch the movie, tease her for distracting me/not watching the movie, then go for sexual escalation. This game went on for at least 20 minutes before I can even get her bra off. But, she puts it back on, tells me I'm bad (with a laugh), and tells me "We're not having sex tonight". Ok, well last week that would've really shook me but after getting advice from Chase, reading Alek Rolstad's article on beating LMR, and the fact that she's in my dorm at 6 in the morning I think to myself, "yeah right, I just got to tough this one out"! I tried Alek's method of licking, kissing and sucking in this order:
1. Kiss her on the lips 2.) Suck/Kiss her neck and ear 3. Next around the bosom area 4. Next her stomach 5. Next her lower stomach 6. Then her hips 7.) try to remove her pants 8. If 7 fails then I'd watch the movie for a bit 9. Rinse and repeat.
Chase recommended that I try rubbing a girl's vagina with her pants on while remaining to watch the movie. I tried that during step 8. After what seemed forever, I finally got her pants and panties down to where I could finger her. That was a huge success. I went to town down there for about 10 mins. I was sucking her hips and inner thighs while fingering her and she liked that. I finally managed to get her pants and panties all the way off. YESSS! But shit, I left my condoms on the night stand by my bed. Fuck! So now I'm stalling by kissing her passionately and still fingering her. I finally stop and make a bold move to my condoms. I put them in my jogging pants pocket, get on top of her, and start kissing her and fingering her again since I lost a little momentum. She finally says "I think it's time you take those off too" referring to my sweat pants. Finally!!!! Next thing I know, its 9am and she's leaving my dorm with a smile on her face. 1st new lay of the semester and I am glad also!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Re: LR- The Unexpected Booty Call (1st New Lay of the Semester)


Solid job with overcoming LMR, brother! The interaction was pretty good, just a few things here and there - sending "what's up" texts are no-go's in texting, unless your referring specifically to something you talked about. Like, if you were discussing a party she was going to the other night, you could send: "How was the rest of your [day she went to party] night, *nice ass*? :)". But it didn't seem to make a difference in this LR ;)

Keep up the good work, blackbolt!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: LR- The Unexpected Booty Call (1st New Lay of the Semester)

Nice job man! I can sympathize with the LMR problems, and I'm glad you overcame them! I've literally had girls say the same exact thing to me in bed.

she laughs and keeps saying "you're not slick, my clothes are not coming off".


"We're not having sex tonight"

I've actually heard those lines more times than I can count. Great job on not being phased by them! I think they are a kind of shit test that weeds out easily discouraged men and protects her reputation.

Does anyone have any advice for keeping these lines from even coming up?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Re: LR- The Unexpected Booty Call (1st New Lay of the Semester)


Yeah I agree my text game with this girl was a bit sloppy, but that's only because I really felt like it was on with her. I was growing impatient and trying to hurry along the process Lol. I know not to use those kind of texts in the future though. Thanks for your input and for your push past beginner post, it was great stuff!


Bro, its actually really frustrating. I brought a girl home last week and when she gave me LMR I just caved under the pressure. Chase really helped me out a lot when he commented on that FR; Alek's LMR post on the main site was also amazing. I would also like to know how to virtually eliminate those annoying LMR lines.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: LR- The Unexpected Booty Call (1st New Lay of the Semester)

Tell me about it man. I'm pretty sure LMR comes from errors in your process and game. My game isn't perfect yet, and then when you throw in alcohol..things can go bad. But any other ways to avoid it will be really helpful.