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The Unexpected Value of being Blank


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
While following some of the guidelines on this site:

  • Not boasting
    Letting her talk (deep diving)
    Neutral tone
    Air of "seen it all before"
    Abundance mentality
    Staying calm in stressful situations

I have hit upon an interesting beneficial side effect.

All of these things taken together can have the effect of making one come across as somewhat blank, which means that

a) women go a bit crazy trying to work out who you are
b) that means they have already invested in you a little
c) they project on to you the qualities they would like you to have

Coupled with strong fundamentals I reckon this could be a killer.

Although maybe its not pro-active enough? (I'm not a very pro-active guy truth be told).
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers