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Theory of Soulmates


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
I lean toward the idea of "soulmates" existing but in a different way from the grain of society.

Firstly, in its bare-bone state, "soul" can refer to anyone -infinity into the past or +infinity into the future. Assuming that all souls do exist now, then that still does not mean that your soulmate has to exist now in human form and on Earth. Your soulmate's body/vessel may have died 1,000 years ago or will be born 1,000 years in the future. This means that you will have to wait for the sweet release of death and that anyone you marry now on Earth may not be your true soulmate. If you do not believe in spiritual souls or an afterlife, this means that you may never meet your soulmate, except in a parallel universe or something more non-spiritual and scientific.

Secondly, do you believe that souls change or are stagnant forever? If you accept change as the answer, then will your soulmate change in unison/harmony or will your soulmate somehow magically already have the qualities required to adapt to your change and vice versa? I am of the opinion that we change. And overtime, we change dramatically. And in fact, if an event is significant enough, then we can change dramatically within a short period of time. Perhaps we'll have a true soulmate that is meant for 10 years, or 1 year, or just 1 hour. We seek to piece ourselves together with that 1 harmonious vibration for that 1 breath of time.

Thirdly, how can you fully determine that one is your soulmate? We must assume that you can measure this -- even stretching our minds outside of the box by measuring this "spiritually." Do we measure subconsciously/intuitively having already met every soul in existence? This seems more possible if we all were/are connected -- which would mean that we all are soulmates but searching for the soulmate closest to the position of the puzzle that we broke off from -- or if we were all generated from the same source. Can we even know if someone is a soulmate? If we cannot, then what is the point of all of this soulmate talk? Is it just a complete waste of time? Is your soulmate an almost exact copy or a complete opposite? Can a person be your soulmate but then you are not their soulmate -- is it always a two-way street?

In conclusion, these are just questions, ramblings, and theories. I think soulmates exist but only within time frames, so you have multiples but each may only last for a few months/years/eons. I don't know and don't have enough knowledge/information to determine if "one true soulmate" exists, so this is the conclusion I must draw. I'm not trying to force my views on anyone. And if you are not spiritual, then simply replace this word with subconscious or any other more scientific and non-metaphysical term. I'm merely wanting to see where this conversation leads :)

With respect,
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake