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Observations  THEORY: Women Backlash On the Village The Next 100 Years


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

So apparently Marty noted me to go full fucktard on women retaliating on the village (society) due to so many needs unmet but so many advertising/religion/education (deviating and driving people into insanity).

Women have been fighting or to say it precisely, have been conflicted on the village since the sexual revolution. In fact, what makes it more interesting is that the wave of how things are going.

The recent one was that i was quite astound to find Anne Hathway video on some government platform on overburdening women and undervaluing men.

If Marty might ask what causes women to backlash on the village, and this is noted by Milo on stats of women leaving feminism on a high.

Let's look at this at a fundamental level. We need delusion/hope + reality/economics to survive and balance ourselves out. This is what most people operate like. If you tell people to pray or give them huge promises but they cannot live anymore due to you not giving them food stamps as to survive while they go out and search for work, then it is chaos.

That's the summarize version of women backlash on society :) I hope this triggers something or maybe i need to clarify

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake