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They say, women didn't like being put on a pedestal. Why does doing exactly that lead to the most emotional responses?

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Aug 11, 2023
Some say:
you have to tell her that you like her, it shows dominance.
Some say:
you must not tell her that you like her, it shows neediness.

My experience

I followed
you have to tell her that you like her, it shows dominance.
When I said, she was attractive, she was like
yeah whatever
the typical being-put-on-a-pedestal behaviour. Yet when I looked at
, Adrian Gee did just that and he got a strongly positive emotional response.

I followed
you must not tell her that you like her, it shows neediness.
I open with a situational opener, I tease, we talk back and forth, she leaves with "it was nice meeting you".
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Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
I'd think of pedestalizing as making her your mission or being easily impressed with her(mostly with her looks) from the outset.

Also check this out

It's not that u gonna get every girl in ur seduction journey.Get over it.Can't win them all🤷🏿‍♂️

But with good fundamentals and a process u r guaranteed of lots of women😉

Chad Tyrone


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
You're operating without a sense of context. This and your other post sounds like you're approaching the pickup ARTS as if it were pickup SCIENCE.

I can insult a girl, playfully insult a girl, give eye contact, make a face, bump her hip, tap her shoulder, tell a joke, tell a story, tell a lie, tell an obvious lie, curse, dance , sing, etc and get an emotional response.

You're asking very technical questions, about content in a vacuum, without context.

The reason those "rules" exist is because most guys are coming to girls seeking their approval, and that's the type of "technique" they use.

So the rules safeguard against that type of behavior.

Imo, to truly understand pickup and game, you need to first understand what typical human interactions look like.


Aug 11, 2023
I'd think of pedestalizing as making her your mission or being easily impressed with her(mostly with her looks)
We have to talk about this.
It seems that I am the only one being bright enough to realize that this is perfectly fine.
It is perfectly fine to be impressed by her looks and having this as the only reason to approach.
Because this is the reason why we approach.

Everything else is fake. It's fake to care about her hobbies. It's fake to being interested in having coffee. It is fake doing "couples things".

It is all sucking up to female desires and neglecting yours.

All the time I read "well I did this, which I didn't care about but women want it, so I did it".

It is catering to their desires, their wishes and degrading you to a wish fulfiller who must not demand anything in return, not even sex.

Yes, not even sex. You do all this, the woman gets all she wants and you don't even get guaranteed sex.

Pickup was invented by feminists and rebranded, conditioning men under the disguise of getting sex this way to be advanced women pleasers.

Where are those people who realized this and don't parrot the same old retardation about "being direct is being a man" when being direct only helps her, degrades you and only respects what some random woman wants.

Yes, I am sick of reading contradiction about this all the time. I want agreement. I want people who are sane in their mind like me and who realized this aswell.

Being direct is a dream for women, women get attention for nothing, women get the ability to freely reject without consequences, being able to brag to girlfriends for the guy to have nothing in return. Nothing.

Guys talk themselves into wanting to have coffee and then brag about "being a hardcore man who had an instant date" after having sucked up to some random woman.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Pickup was invented by feminists and rebranded, conditioning men under the disguise of getting sex this way to be advanced women pleasers.


I wanted to respond to this thread - but then I read this and realized that any response I provide will be in vain.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Here’s a little story about your problem…

“Buddhist scholar Toku-san was full of opinions about philosophy and the dharma(way of life).

Toku-san traveled far and wide, meeting different Buddhist Masters teachers to share his ideas while hoping to pick up new ones. He once came to the monastery or Zen Master Ryutan and expressed a desire to learn from him.

Master Ryutan welcomed Toku-san and offered to serve him tea before getting into a conversation about Zen Philosophy. He placed a cup on the low table where Tokusan was seated and started pouring hot tea. Even as the cup became full, Master Ryutan did not stop pouring the hot tea. The piping hot tea began to spill over the brim, running over the table onto Toku-san’s robe. “Please stop,” a flustered Tokusan snapped, ” can’t you see, the teacup is full ?”

“Exactly,” Master Ryutan said calmly. “You are like this cup, full of your own ideas. You come and ask for teaching, but your cup is full; I can’t put anything in. So before I can teach you anything, you will have to empty your cup.”


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
By the way, the answer to your question:

the guy in the video has solid fundamentals, solid frame, and solid confidence. So he can get away with a compliment, actually it’s probably a nice way for him to be more attainable because he’s obviously attractive and girls might be a little insecure. He’s also pretty outcome independent because it’s for his video. You’re also not seeing the rejections he does get.

Without solid fundamentals, solid frame, and solid confidence adding up to a good attractive vibe, you’ll have to rely on other game strategies. So that’s why it’s not working for you.

you still have work to do.

you’ll learn if you stop assuming you already know everything.

im probably one of the only guys here that will give closed minded guys a chance and respond seriously.

but that runs out quick.

if you don’t change your ways, you’re going to be stuck and stay stuck.

Empty your cup and realize you still have things to learn


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
I think it all depends on the type of chick youre talkingg to. Spme guys say that it depends on whether shes pretty or ugly but in my exp that doesnt matter.

If youre talking to a bitchy kinda whorish girl, then you should ramp up the negs and lower the compliments bc shes used to guys thirsting over her. An exception could be something conventionally attractive or unique about her that you find cute (this would both bring her down her pedestal and also show her youre attentive)

If the girl is more calmed down and maybe even a bit shy you should probly not neg her at all and just compliment her (not a lot either).

A compliment should be used as a reward for allowing escalation or passing compliance tests.

Also try to make your compliments specific to her and her only so shell feel like ure paying attention to her and not just trying to use her a masturbatory device.

Anyways i think that you can show your interest in a girl just by continue talking to her and sometimes telling her shes pretty or beautiful or even making a lot of compliments is not even necessary.

Using kino, looking at her with intention and laughing are better ways to "compliment"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
We have to talk about this.
It seems that I am the only one being bright enough to realize that this is perfectly fine.
It is perfectly fine to be impressed by her looks and having this as the only reason to approach.
Because this is the reason why we approach.

Everything else is fake. It's fake to care about her hobbies. It's fake to being interested in having coffee. It is fake doing "couples things".

It is all sucking up to female desires and neglecting yours.

All the time I read "well I did this, which I didn't care about but women want it, so I did it".

It is catering to their desires, their wishes and degrading you to a wish fulfiller who must not demand anything in return, not even sex.

Yes, not even sex. You do all this, the woman gets all she wants and you don't even get guaranteed sex.

Pickup was invented by feminists and rebranded, conditioning men under the disguise of getting sex this way to be advanced women pleasers.

Where are those people who realized this and don't parrot the same old retardation about "being direct is being a man" when being direct only helps her, degrades you and only respects what some random woman wants.

Yes, I am sick of reading contradiction about this all the time. I want agreement. I want people who are sane in their mind like me and who realized this aswell.

Being direct is a dream for women, women get attention for nothing, women get the ability to freely reject without consequences, being able to brag to girlfriends for the guy to have nothing in return. Nothing.

Guys talk themselves into wanting to have coffee and then brag about "being a hardcore man who had an instant date" after having sucked up to some random woman.
Bro rule number one of getting whatever in life is that you gotta give something else in return. Youre not fucking Brad Pitt or the richest guy in the world or got the longest dong or even the brightest in this forum to be asking for stuff without giving anything in return

This is probly a troll account but for any newbies getting wrong ideas from this "bright" guy i recommend reading this



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Why resurrect this obvious troll thread?

I am not a mod, but I am going to abuse my admin power by closing this thread.

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