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FR  Thinking in Numbers 8/4/13


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Yesterday I got the awesome idea to further beat back my A.A. by taking a trip to a nearby sister beach town a.k.a. Destin/Ft. Walton. My goal of the trip was to beat back my A.A. as much as I possibly could for the day and practice my skills as a conversationalist/get girls talking (and try to get lucky and score an instant date/lay). I was determined to approach a bunch of girls to further ingrain the mindset of thinking in numbers. Im proud to say I approached so many girls I can't remember every interaction so im going to try and remember what I can give a summary of the outing.

Started at Ft. Walton beach here I opened three girls talked to all three without getting immediately rejected.
-The first girl I talked to was somewhat taken aback and immediately started to shy away although after trading a little small talk/banter I got her excited by getting her to guess what blood I had in me (German/Irish). She then left to go get a drink for no reason and said she would be back. I decided to leave. Here I should have caught up to her and re-opened her, persistence.
-The next girl I opened was a set of 3. This was probably my worst set of the day and definitely my worst vibe as well, it went something like this
Me: "Hey there. Let me ask you a question real quick"
Her: "Uh.. yeah?"
Me: "How old are you?"
Her: "Uh 20 why do you ask?"
Me: "Oh awesome, as I was walking by I saw you sitting here and had to come over and tell you you look absolutely adorable and had to come see who you were."
Her: "Oh thanks! Why did you ask how old I was?"
Me: "I couldn't tell if you were over 18 or not, you know how it can be with girls a 16 year old looks 20 but she's really jailbait." probably could have answered that a little more smoothly. It got to the point where I had asked all the small talk questions and couldn't muster up any banter or deep diving that led anywhere so we sat in awkward silence for a couple seconds while I frantically searched for something to talk about and she commented on how awkward I was being. At this point I wasn't frustrated with the fact she called me out but simply wrote the interaction off as a lost cause with intentions of fixing my vibe.
To improve: I realized here I tend to do this a lot as is have few to several awkward pauses searching for something to progress the conversation with which displays poor leadership.
-The last girl at this beach I opened with indirect direct and she was interested by my opener which caught her completely off guard and we got on pretty good. She then told me about her boyfriend who was surfing at the moment, I asked her if I was about to have to fight her boyfriend in a minute and I teased her how it was her fault if I get into a tussle. I soon ejected from the convo since I figured picking up a girl with her bf about to drop in at any moment was probably a lost cause.

Part 2: Drove down to the next major beach in a town called Destin. The beaches were super packed with a majority of the sets being girls with other guys but there were a few girls with girlfriends in which I opened. I opened three girls and had conversations with all of them. I managed to adjust my vibe better from the last beach and things went smoother because of it.
-The first girl was 24 in a red bikini very sexy semi thick tan body with an average to cute face. I almost talked myself out of this one but embraced my A.A. and went in for the kill. This interaction was a vibe issue. I pre opened and opened her direct. She was cool but slightly closed off throughout the interaction and then I couldn't figure out why: I had stuff to talk about, I deep dived, and even shared a little bit of banter I just couldn't get her to hook. When I tried moving her she was apprehensive. Looking back I realize this was a vibe issue; I was ambivalent on the approach; tentative while conversing and when I attempted to move her.
-2nd girl was sunbathing on a towel and I leaned down to approach her directly. This girl was very open to conversing and we had a pretty warm interaction. I managed to do some deep diving about where she was from and how she got here and her thoughts on living here. She informed me soon that she had a boyfriend but thought I was cool and could hang out. I would have taken up her offer but she had two friends soon back (they weren't there when I first approached) and I figured I could find better prospects for going on an instant date.
-3rd girl was just coming out of the water and I went up and told her she had the sexiest body I'd seen on the beach so far
Me: pre open then "Hey I noticed you as I was walking by and have to say, you have the sexiest pair of legs I've seen on the beach so far today, im Rob."
Her: "Oh wow. Thank you ha."
Me: "So tell me local or from elsewhere?"
Her: "Well I live in Ft. Walton, im in the military but im originally from Virginia."
Me: "Oh wow stationed in Eglin Im guessing? And I my dad's actually from Virginia."
Her: "Yeah actually! and im from the city of blah blah"
Me: "So tell me something about yourself an intrigued acquaintance should know..."
Her: "Well im married *holds up hand with ring* if that counts for anything."
Me: I congratulated her and asked how long she had been married before bidding her farewell.

Part 3: Drove down to one of the nicest malls in Northwest Florida called Destin Commons. It's set up as two streets with a bunch of popular shops in them extending probably three blocks long with a high turn over rate of people. Best part about it is it's mostly street game, my personal favorite, and shopping pickup if you decide to go into the shops. I did all street game here approached 8 girls. Out of the 8 I got blown out/rejected pretty quickly by 3 of them, 1 of them thought I was fucking with her and asked if someone dared me to approach her. One girl in my beginning sets I had good banter with and decent deep diving, after walking with each other for a bit she politely exited the conversation after a fail to hook. The longest interaction I had was with a girl in her early 20's pushing her kid in a baby stroller, we traded a bit of banter and did some deep diving and walked together for a while but I failed to produce a sexy vibe which resulted in a very platonic feely vibe.
-My best approach was while I was at dinner I saw a beautiful mature blonde in her early 20's walk past my window and I left my food on the table to get cold and went to approach her; She was very stoked I gave her a compliment when she felt that she looked like shit (bullshit) and we talked and vibed for a minute although I got reactions from her I didn't get the results I was looking for. She started talking about her boyfriend and the conversation started to digress I then semi dramatically asked her if her man was taking care of her in the bedroom (trying what sasha daygame says when girls have boyfriends, although I never thought this was something that would produce a result I was curious to the reactions the comment would get), she looked at me with a "your a mess" type of look and nodded yes, smiled and walked away.

Part 4: At chick fil A. I usually always talk myself out of approaching girls in fast food lines but since I was thinking in numbers it didn't matter. This girl was standing close to a trash can so I got a straw, took the paper off and walked over to the trash can she was at to throw it away so I could be near her to open her. I opened indirect direct and quickly shifted into lame banter and okay deep diving. My vibe could have been better as I kind of hovered by the trash can second guessing myself for a second before opening her which im guessing instilled a bad first impression as I should have opened her immediately to have a more rooted/less hesitant frame.

What I did good:
-I better enforced and developed a "thinking in numbers" mindset
-I approached the most amount of girls in a single outing in my entire life (15-17 total)
-I forgave myself after bad approaches and focused on cultivating a better vibe with the next approach which I did successfully.

What I learned:
-I further realized how big of an impact your vibe has on interactions, this really is the cornerstone of everything social.
-Im capable of approaching mass amount of girls in one day

What I need to work on:
-building consistency in my vibe, and being able to put myself in the best emotional state possible before approaching - X-Factor
-Still need to work on my banter skills and finding ways to make conversation playful rather than serious, although this is very intertwined with vibe, see above.
-Not hesitating, and capitalizing on approach opportunities when they first present themselves.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Holy crap. 15-17? I'd call that a very productive day haha!

Haha, good job Mr. Rob! You said once that you were trying to beat your AA. The way I see it, if you keep this up, there's no way in hell approach anxiety will be a problem for long.

To beat my AA, I started approaching people in clothing stores once they asked me if I needed them to help find anything. It's a bit unfair to them, because they are pretty much obligated to talk to you, but until they ask you to leave and not come back, it's a great exercise. Right after they begin showing me stuff, I told them, "By the way, I think you look totally amazing, and I think it'd be a shame if I didn't talk to you while you showed me around."

All in all, the interactions are good because those girls are bored about 8 hours a day. People walk in frowning, say little, and walk out. If they aren't totally butt hurt about it, usually they'll be eager to have someone to talk to.

On the downside, once you hit on a girl from one store, I'd advise against using that same store as a hunting ground for approaches for obvious reasons.

Anyway, keep doing what you're doing, and good luck!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Very good attempts to vanquish AA, Rob. But I would say this: be genuinely curious. If a girl tells you that she's married or has a boyfriend, you're probably not going to have success as a lover, but ask questions. How did you meet your husband? What is it that attracted you to him? The answers that you get will expand your experience and broaden your understanding. Happy trails.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Just reading old FRs and I just noticed that you live a little to the west of where I live. I just think this is kinda cool that other girlschase forum members are all around me.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Seriously Wes? You must live in Panama City? Yeah I haven't heard of any other GC members living close by either though it would be cool know how many actually did.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Oh no not panama city...I live in north-east Florida. I kinda assumed you must've lived in tallahassee since I read your report of you visiting the pan handle.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
oh naw I live in Pensacola so traveling to Ft.Walton and whatnot is pretty close for me. Send me a PM if you ever come to pcola though.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake