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Videos  This is exactly what a guy should NOT do to get women


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 9, 2012
From early 80s movie "The Last American Virgin".


Classic "nice guy"/beta male here. If you've been reading Chase's site at all, you will easily spot SO MANY mistakes that this wimp is making, and it's definitely cringeworthy.........from chasing a single girl, constantly thinking about her, having no confidence, trying excessively to please her, and trying to be a hero/white knight, you name it.

Just watch this clip, it's about 10 minutes, but it teaches a good lesson for all young guys who are into women but probably struggle with the opposite sex. I watched the whole movie too, definitely worth seeing IMO.

And in case you're not familiar with this movie, if you've been paying any attention to Chase's material, you'll easily be able to figure out whether this wimpy nice guy finally gets that girl in the end, without any further watching needed.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers