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This Touch Builds Rapport


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Squeeze a girl's upper arm gently to convey warmth, understanding and closeness.

I learned this from a female friend who is an exceptionally warm person. She's great at making the people around her feel cared about. Whenever she squeezes my arm, I instantly feel closer to her.

Here are some scenarios it could be used in:

Scenario 1

She's telling you her pet hamster just died.

What to do: Gaze at her sympathetically and squeeze her arm.
What it conveys: "I know you're hurt and I'm here for you."

Scenario 2

You're getting off the bus with her and she trips. Oh dear.

What to do: Give her a warm smile and squeeze her arm.
What it conveys: "There's no need to be embarrassed, it's happened to me before too and I'm not judging you."

Scenario 3

You meet up after not seeing each other for a while.

What to do: Look her straight in the eyes, smile and squeeze her arm.
What it conveys: "Hi! Things are still the same between us."
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