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LR  Those Pretty Eyes


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello everyone, fresh new LR here :D

The Beginning:
Tonight for the partying on Friday my Fraternity had a brotherhood development competition called the Iron Man. Basically between 5 people in a group there is a 30 rack, one blunt and half a sheet of pizza. I decided to participate and apparently did pretty well, finished all my beers waaay before everyone else did.

Needless to say but by the end everyone was sufficiently stoned and drunk haha. All of the brothers stay and chill at the house for the while and hang out all fucked up and it was a pretty fun time.

Highlights of the night include just hilarity in general coupled with some of the coke heads getting waaaay tooo turnt up

Rising Action:

After hours of dicking around in the house we start heading towards this house party with live music. We meet some friends on the way as well and once we get there it is mad chill. Setup is a loud as fuck room with the music and as you go right it gets softer and less crowded and you can talk easily outside.

For a while I did not know how to approach. People were moving around fast , the music room was extremely packed and loud and people in the right room all know each other and I know a good deal of them as well.

I eventually strike up a convo with some girl by complimenting someone on her person...

We chat for a bit, I try and deep dive, learn some decent stuff but it turns out she is a senior too. I manage to chat for a good couple of minutes before she excuses herself and my momentum is started with this talk.

Eventually I decide to get fresh air and I walk outside and I see this girl just facing the backyard leaning on the railing.

I casually walk over next to her and mimic her body posture. I then touch her on the elbow(preopen) and open her just like that.

I cannot remember the specifics of the conversation because my memory is foggy but her name is Nicole. I learned shes from westchester and shes an enviromental major.

I deep dive her on a lot of things, how she likes nature and preserving it, shes a freshman..... not too much but a decent amount. One big part that happened was when I complimented her and told her she had gorgeous eyes. We really bonded over this because then I joked how her somewhat green eye complimented my one green eye(I have 2 different colored eyes) and we would just stare at each other for seconds at a time.

I then comment how she must be cold since she was not wearing a jacket. Shes says it is inside and I then say that we should get it. So we head inside and try and fight our way to the crowd, I am putting my hand on the small of her back for a good deal of the time. I even accidently start dancing with her(no grinding) by pointing to a gap in the mob and goes over to it and just starts dancing. We do that for a bit before Im like "is you jacket this way?" and she says"No over there" in the opposite direction and we get it.

Then we head back outside. We chat a little more before I pull. Its funny, before we went to party my friend was talking about how he got laid with vaping, he would talk it up to the girls and they would go.

So I get onto the topic of smoking and yada yada deep dive smoking and then I mention how I have some weed from my good friend Dave. Now this weed from Dave is from his brother who has been a major drug dealer for a good long time.

I then ask if she wants to smoke and she agrees.

Minor Turbulence:
Her first protest is that she should go inside and tell her friends. I quickly interject and say that texting should work just fine and that solves that problem. She then says she does not want to leave them and I begin talking about how I know many people at this party and that it is not that kind of part which solves the problem as well.

We walk for a long time since the bars and the bus stop are far away from the house but we flirt and talk the entire way. I am using Kino and I start into her eyes and kiss her here and there. I use the line "damn those eyes" when we lock eye contact for periods at a time.

The Bus:
We finally make it to the bus stop and it comes soon after so now we are sitting together her in the window seat. We keep talking, our hands are interlocked at this point. I continue to just hold great eye contact and kiss her for couple seconds at a time here and there. I wanted to go further but I felt it may have not been a good choice and abstained.(Was this a good choice?)

We make it back to campus, walk back to my dorm and go into my single in my suite. I seal off the doors with towels for the smell and we get to smokinn

We continue to talk about some other stuff while we are in the middle of it. Deep diving, joking, staring into her beautiful eyes.......

Eventually all the weed is smoked and now it is just our convo. Does not last long since I just start making out with her soon after staring into her eyes.

Minor LMR:

As things start getting heavier, she protests lightly that she is unsure. I say " I completlyyyy understand " in some sly james bond face and continue to kiss her neck. I get on top of her and just begin nibbling at her neck and earlobes and all that shit. Eventually she is clawing at my belt to get it off and we proceed to SEX!

AntiClimax: So we get to doing all those naughty things but then when it comes time to actually bang MY GOD DAMN PENIS WON't WORK.....

Tried everything I could think of , I remember reading about how Chase talked about that a woman will wait for you to get hard, she wants it bad and is willing to wait. So I keep playing with her body, I eat her out and she gets pleasure from that.

I do make her moan pretty damn loudly at times with the eating/fingering as well as with my semi hard noodle as well........ All the while from time to time we would just stare into each others eyes as well.
Falling Action:
I am able to somewhat fuck at times when I manage to get hard enough but it is never a full erection and I do give her pleasure but god if only I had been completely hard!

We try everything in the book and after like an hour of fucking/trying to fuck she excuses herself. She apologizes for calling the night short but I understand. I asked her if she had a good time and she did and we kiss a bunch of times before she leaves....

---Overall this was a great night, I had a lot of fun but god damn if only I could of performed. I learned a lot and able jump some hurdles but I am sure her inexperience as freshman gave me some leeway.

I got her number she left and sent her at txt message with my full name then too. I guess I should send her like a nice meeting you text or something? I really want to make it up to this girl.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
"AntiClimax: So we get to doing all those naughty things but then when it comes time to actually bang MY GOD DAMN PENIS WON't WORK....."

i REALLY recommend cialis 20mg especially if you are drunk and 1st time - take whole to be sure but half is better because you can come easier (and they NEED you to come into them psycholoically, unfortunately i learnt this the hard way). i always keep a leaf in my wallet because the pressure from girls is so high im not taking chances.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Thanks man,

I may actually do that just in case. From now on though I am no longer drinking heavily, even a couple drinks I will abstain from.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Keep us updated CS. I hope things continue to go well. Have you texted her and scheduled another date?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Yo, get Yohimbe from GNC like the big ones..... Dude i took it for working out and had a girl come over its almost as powerful as viagara.... lol at one point i couldnt sleep until i banged the girl like seriously 4 hours of an erection you either jack off or sleep with the girls or you aint sleeping lol.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Verisimilitude said:
Keep us updated CS. I hope things continue to go well. Have you texted her and scheduled another date?

I did a day or two afterwards but then the day before we were supposed to meet she sent me a text saying she had caught her roommates cold. Pretty much bs if you ask me and there has been no communication since.