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Three step venue do-list - simple but complex!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Just wanted to share one quick mode activation do-list i sometimes used when entering or in a venue. Its an adjusted model from Ijjjjis post on the matter back on Sedfast, outlining his rite of transition, from intent to action.

In short, i go through the following either when entered or on my way in.
  1. Sense & Posture - better understood by reading Echard Tolle The power of now, by focussing on things in the real world (through senses) you are pulled into a presence that defies excess thinking and promotes interacting with the world(ijjji). Beyond the sensing I use posture or the feel of the posture to prompt better states eg strong walk or slow, confident sexualised walk.
  2. Vibe choice eg flirty - simply thinking about something you said to tease a hot girl once could be enough to put you in this vibe, that tends to place a slightly playfuld/mischievous grin on your face (ijjji). Here i altered it a little to vibe choice which is more advanced as i found i can select any vibe to enter (bad ass, cute guy, sexual haze, owner of the owner (razor), content, yummy). Pick your poison.
  3. Move into action - i enter into movement through my preferred movement style selected on the spot (mingle, slow attention generating stroll in, precise position in bar eg, tension positions, use the entrance, 3 second rule, open several sets fast etc).
The model is very much about avoiding thinking or getting premeditated when getting into action(credit Ijjjji). This simple approach gets me out of my head and present. It liberates me quite some, feelings take more space and it enables me to see much more subtle cues from the environment. Eg girls reactions to me on sight which i then move forward towards tactically dependent on the signal.

How to - Simplified model
It needs some training for one to embody it and realise what your senses and body can do for you (Huge!). Aka above is written for advanced players that can be flexible in especially 2 and 3.
Initially just pick one vibe and one engagement mode and apply and itll be very simple bam-bam. A simpler model could be with your choice of preselected preferred choices:
  1. Sensing and posture - connect with your senses/sensory presence and do your preferred strong, trained walk and posture.
  2. Flirty - simply thinking about something you said to tease a hot girl once could be enough to put you in this vibe, that tends to place a slightly playfuld/mischievous grin on your face (ijjjis original vibe choice in the post).
  3. Mingle - move and open girls in rapid succession to exit them fast for cindarella effects
  1. Sensing and posture - connect with your senses/sensory presence and do your preferred strong, trained walk and posture.
  2. Yummy but fierce - stretch lazily like a cat, close your body inwards for good feel, walk slowly, deliberately, tune into an inner deliciousness, imagine sensual eye contact where everything stops and harmonises. Add a little fierce attentiveness and have a "ready" posture with slight tension in muscles and posture on top of the yummy feel.
  3. Mingle - stroll forw, take spaceous presence to be seen and beam across the room, then follow opportunities eg force iois
Additional options
I like at times to combine it with shortned awareness radius and slow mingling where i only see shortly in front of me - seeing many little discoveries glance by glance as i stroll. I also do with more attention aka looking up but here i boost more potent vibes to stir reactions eg to confidently walk in with a certain punch, sexyness is loud and im on top of the crowd.

This is a quick mode process fyi. i also have much different models but this one i used to snap into things.

- Glow
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
A simplex do-list. . . I like this.

I'll share a few day game do-lists since it's where I've focused my energies lately. Visited some classic venues and a few new ones too. . . since expanding one's territory starts new paths to more strategic flexibility. Even spent some hot summer afternoons at a hotel. . . chatting up women with open windows.

As this post beautifully outlines, part of the deal with do-lists. . . is picking up signals from yourself. Another vital part stems from the ability to take cues from the environment. Both forms of radar draw you away from mental chatter and into the senses. Giving you useful information to assert yourself well.

Like bypassing social or emotional resistance to quickly suck her into your orbit. These days. . . I find my strategic approach to vibe choice is less attached to personas or social types. . . and more in tune with the forces of nature. I treat it as an inner game of balancing the essence of various elements in my body. . . and directing their alchemic transformations. Like an inner network. It has changed the way I materialize and meet smooth. . . from the inside out.

At malls I may notice a girl walking ahead at some distance. . . so I become more aware of my walk. How my feet meet the ground and rise again. Then I also breathe down. . . below my spine. . . past thighs and deep into my feet. Breathing this deeply. . . makes it easier to become aware of several muscles involved in walking or standing up. And deep breaths combined with a conscious surrender to the force of gravity. . . can lead to a heightened awareness of primal instincts and the absorption of grounded energy right from The Earth. . . with each step. Like what cats. . . and most predatory animals do. . .

The essence of earth energy is found in density, stability, a sense of well-being and physical confidence. It can be absorbed in the feet, digested at the base of the spine, sent around the body, and projected outwards in seconds, with practice. . . after which I usually walking faster to overtake her.

Now captivating moving girls takes a certain level of skill and some assertiveness. So I like to add another element into the mix. . . fire.

The essence of fire energy is activated by paying attention. As one focuses and concentrates more. . . it starts burning with more intensity. And since fire needs fuel to burn. . . alchemy often begins with earth. Part of the deal with earth energy is tapping into the primal, animal side to live from instinct. What's more is the primal nourishes a connection to intuition and dominant impulses. . . and following these impulses fires up even more energy. In other words. . . it feels good to let your curiosity lead you. . . and this burning sensation of pleasure is greatly enhanced by spontaneous decision-making.

Might be some controlled breathing into my solar plexus and belly at this point. Sometimes I also touch this area softly while sending breath there.

And I often move my hands around these areas during street stops when I open. Or let one hand rest here and only move the other. These hand gestures are not overly expressive. They are assertive and out-going. . . containing the heat of terrific intensity. . . that is hinted at with a range of animated faces and smoldering eyes. I usually reach out slightly. . . without fully extending the elbow. . . displaying a hand shaped almost like an upside down paw.

As I turn behind me to start a conversation with. . . "Has anyone ever told you [insert cold read]"

Paying attention also makes it easier to articulate fitting reads. All that is to say. . . I don't do a lot moving day game approaches. Because the girl needs a certain level beauty. . . for me to justify the investment. But this elemental do-list is a core part of that luxury because I usually hook.

I play around with more elements when things are static. Although sometimes I find the focused beam of volcanic heat referred to above is a well-suited expression of charisma for such situations. Other times I gather more information through another alchemic transformation. . . fire to air.

The essence of air is mobile and expansive. . . it's cooling effect is a source of clarity and may create space for empathy. I like touching my upper chest with fingers light as feathers. . . while filling my lungs with air. Then exhaling. Letting floating and buoyant sensations circulate in my being. Air can travel almost anywhere to help you sense moods, effects of the environment, group dynamics and. . . even each girl's position inside her group.

Conscious surrender to the living force of air can inspire brand new openers to pace these signals. It also unleashes a different type of charisma, the kind that radiates out every pore in a cool, dispersed way. Which can move through space in every direction. . . then bounce back to affect you. Back and forth from your center. . . to the boundaries of your personal space. . . and back again. Bringing you under the influence of your own energy. With practice one learns to accept it's unique influence. . . becoming so affected by your personal glow that you bring new women into your orbit effortlessly.

Another element that absorbs lots of information is water and it's essence is found in the emotions. This is the self which governs a man's capacity to feel. Ranging from basic emotional awareness. . . to suddenly giving your body permission. . . for fluid and sensual feelings to well up inside. . . to smoothly relating with women on any emotional level. Since water energy is adaptable it's vulnerability to outside energy lets you in on their feelings.

Breathing into the lower abdomen can connect you with water energy. . . and so does self-touch around this area. And while all the examples of elemental self-touch I've described also function as attention-grabs. . . this one can easily drift into the realm of spectacle because the emotions like to move a lot. From my experience with these elements so far. . . the expressive, theatrical side of water style materialization feels better suited for night game venues.

It's essence also receives direction from earth energy. . . and regulates fire energy. The life force of water comes from the death of air. But in nature death is not the end of things. . . just an opportunity for transformation and rebirth. So think of alchemy as a natural myth. . . where decay precedes growth.

There are other elements I that will sometimes call on to draw multi-dimensional vibes from. . . outside this quaternity of earth, fire, air and water. But these forces of nature are a foundation of my do-lists, together they form a simplex reality map for physical, emotional, conceptual and social integration.
Nice concise outline! I sense a substance and clarity in your writing which tells me its well grounded in you. Awesome!

Interesting with your earth-fire-water-air "structure" its the first time ive seen you give clear insights - the power of our attentions focus inside our body is such a potent area.

Ill just let it simmer a little, follow each of your descriptions in my system and see how it plays out. Dont have much to add at the moment as i feel youve create a very complete concise model that could be put into my 1-2-3 to do list or follow your outline which has more complexity.

the point of 1-2-3 is to simplify what to focus on while allowing a more complex process to unfold similar to how you progressively outline your use of the various resources and categories - eg first earth then fire where each has a momentum of things you do to ignite each energy while moving..

eg i can enter a venue at prime time doing the same. i use earth to ground myself, acclimatise to the venue and just sorta land in my lower body, - then i feel into and ignite potenty.. put sexual on LOUD, engage bad ass vibes gradually through laughs of how ridiculous people are in clubs, though boosting an inner fierceness while rolling forward attentive to the venue, letting the energies fill me and sizzle across my arms - boosted with "fire" which girls sense and ignites from - explosive exchanges made across the room on opportune micro-connects made!

As this post beautifully outlines, part of the deal with do-lists. . . is picking up signals from yourself. Another vital part stems from the ability to take cues from the environment. Both forms of radar draw you away from mental chatter and into the senses. Giving you useful information to assert yourself well.

Like bypassing social or emotional resistance to quickly suck her into your orbit. These days. . . I find my strategic approach to vibe choice is less attached to personas or social types. . . and more in tune with the forces of nature. I treat it as an inner game of balancing the essence of various elements in my body. . . and directing their alchemic transformations. Like an inner network. It has changed the way I materialize and meet smooth. . . from the inside out.

Yup. This is where a whole other level of potency lies. Well articulated. its what i refer to as feel which covers the whole side of internal energies, emotions, intuition and the layers in these. Its great to go systematic but i just wanna hint that a sensory explanation in itself will show you things outside the system you mention. And other systems can add to it eg from various asian cultural resources.

Interesting to you calling it forces of nature.. it its exactly this surrender to, connection to and sensory capacity building in nature in ourselves where potency that you also describe lies on a whole other level.

Good stuff B, missed talking about these dimensions.
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